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Scene1: Paula moving in the house. CITS: Paula, Owner of house. Location: Morton Road

Scene1: Paula moving in the house. CITS: Paula, Owner of house. Location: Morton Road Speech: O- Thank you and welcome to your new house! *paula smiles and shakes her hand* Wardrobe: P – casual clothing O – smart clothes

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Scene1: Paula moving in the house. CITS: Paula, Owner of house. Location: Morton Road

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Scene1: Paula moving in the house. CITS: Paula, Owner of house. Location: Morton Road Speech: O- Thank you and welcome to your new house! *paula smiles and shakes her hand* Wardrobe: P – casual clothing O – smart clothes Camera: behind the shoulder of paula as the Owner speaks then CU when they shake hands Scene2: Paula looks at family picture frames specially at the child. CITS: Paula Location: Morton Road Speech: --- *runs her fingers through the frames and stops at the childs face* Wardrobe: same as scene 1. Camera: POV. Then XCU on child. Scene3: Paula looks around the house and sees blood stains at some parts of the house (stairs to the attic, bed). Child follows her. CITS: Paula, Child. Location: Morton Road Speech: --- *facial expression of being disgusted and confused as she looks up the stairs and climbs* Wardrobe: same as scene 1. Camera: Worms eye view when she looks around. CU on blood stains and P’s hand on it. MCU on P’s facial expression Scene4: Paula goes to sleep. Child stares at her face whilst sleeping and the child controls her. Paula gets up from bed and sleep walked. CITS: Paula, Child. Location: Morton Road, Anikz bedroom. Speech: --- *child looks ar her deviously and gestures for Paula to get up* Wardrobe: P – night wear C – red/ white dress/ clothing Camera: Pans as P goes to her bed. POV of the child. CU of child showing a little bit of her face Scene5: Scenes of what she does in her sleep. Goes up the attic, goes to the kitchen and cuts herself, goes out the house. CITS: Paula. Location: Morton Road Speech: --- *child grins a little bit* Wardrobe: same as scene 4. Camera: Scene6: Paula crying. CITS: Paula. Location: Morton Road Speech: --- *looks at herself in the mirror, child stares at her behind the curtains, paula turns and shes not there* Wardrobe: P – casual clothing C – same as 4. Camera: LS. CU. POV of pau as she looks at child’s reflection. LS of curtains Scene7: Paula talks to her friend crying and terrified. CITS: Paula, friend. Location: Morton Road Speech: “I’m going crazy, I don’t know what’s going on!” *paula cries and panics. Friend comforts her* Wardrobe: P – casual clothing F – casual clothing Camera: MS of P and F. Scene8: CITS: Paula Location: Morton Road Speech: ** Wardrobe: Scene9: CITS: Paula, Child. Location: Morton Road Speech: ** Wardrobe:

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