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Today’s Subject

Today’s Subject. Continue on some basics on single-wall CNT----chiral length, angle and band gap; Other properties of CNT; Device applications; Growth of CNT; Si nanowires; Other nanowires; Growth Challenges. “Roll” Carbon Nanotube from Graphene. 2.

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Today’s Subject

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Today’s Subject • Continue on some basics on single-wall CNT----chiral length, angle and band gap; • Other properties of CNT; • Device applications; • Growth of CNT; • Si nanowires; • Other nanowires; • Growth Challenges.

  2. “Roll” Carbon Nanotube from Graphene 2 Ch = n a1 + m a2(n, m); (n, m are integers; 0  m  n). cos = Ch a1 / |Ch||a1|.

  3. Nanotube Chirality

  4. Examples of Band Structures 4 One-dimensional energy dispersion relations for (a) armchair (5, 5), (b) zigzag (9, 0), and (c) zigzag (10, 0) carbon nanotubes.

  5. Bandgap of Semiconducting Tube 5

  6. ATM or STM Used to Determine Chirality (11,7)

  7. Multi Wall Tubes Multi-wall CNT TEM Image

  8. Material Properties of CNT-continued

  9. Comparison of Other Materials to CNT Space Elevator CNT cable Super strong, light weight

  10. Material Properties of CNT-continued

  11. Electronic Applications CNT transistor

  12. Demonstration of CNT Memory Design http://www.nantero.com/index.html • Applied charge make CNT ribbons bend down to touch the substrate or bend up back to its original state. • Ribbon-up gives 'zero' and ribbon-down is 'one'.

  13. Structure • Fabricated on a silicon wafer, CNT ribbons are suspended 100 nanometers above a carbon substrate layer.

  14. Off-State

  15. On-State

  16. Read-Out

  17. Structural and Mechanical Applications

  18. CNT interconnect Lines

  19. Bottom-up Approach for CNT interconnects

  20. Sensors, NEMS Applications

  21. CNT-based Bio Sensors

  22. Carbon Nanotube Growth

  23. Three Basic CNT Growth Methods C A B A: Laser ablation; B: Arc discharge; C: Catalytic chemical vapor deposition (CCVD). All currently known methods consist of some variant of one of these approaches.

  24. Bottom-up Growth of CNTs

  25. CNT Nanoelectrode Array

  26. Si Nanowires Ultrahigh piezoresistance of Si nanowire: sensor application, actuator, microscope cantilever, etc. A Si nanowire MOSFET

  27. Si Nanowire Growth Vapor-Liquid-Solid mechanism Si nanowire growth. Difference between Si nanowire and CNT: CNT is hollow, but Si nanowire is solid with crystalline core.

  28. Si Nano Wire Transistors

  29. Nanowire-based Vertical Gate Transistor

  30. ZnO Nanowires

  31. Challenges of Nanowire Growth

  32. Challenges of Nanowire Growth

  33. Nanoelectronics – Now or Never?" IEDM Evening Panel Discussion, December 14, Session 26: 8:00 p.m. Continental Ballroom 6-9 Moderator: Mark Lundstrom, Purdue University "Nanoelectronics – Now or Never?" Traditional 'top-down' microelectronics has become nanoelectronics with device dimensions comparable to those being explored in the new field of ëbottom-up' nano- and molecular electronics. We use the terms, top-down and bottom-up, in a very general sense. Top-down refers to a way of thinking and building that begins at the macro (continuum) scale and pushes to the nanoscale. Bottom-up refers to a way of thinking and building that begins at the atomistic level and builds up to the nanoscale. The top-down approach has already delivered silicon MOSFETs with channel lengths of ~ 5nm, but scaling down device dimensions with commensurate increase in device and system performance is increasingly challenging. Bottom-up technology has demonstrated molecular switches, nanotube and nanowire FET's, NDR and single electron devices, and ultra-dense memory prototypes. Is bottom-up nanotechnology ready to address the industry's challenges, or is it still long-term research with essentially unpredictable outcomes? This panel will debate the question of what the intersection of top-down and bottom-up electronics will mean to semiconductor technology of the future.

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