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Introduction To Sales

Introduction To Sales. Grace Rizza Identity Dental Marketing. Identity Dental Marketing. Spend time and effort to get the phone to ring Noticed that most of the teams we work with are nice people, but almost all teams lack sales training. Tip for you.

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Introduction To Sales

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction To Sales Grace Rizza Identity Dental Marketing

  2. Identity Dental Marketing • Spend time and effort to get the phone to ring • Noticed that most of the teams we work with are nice people, but almost all teams lack sales training

  3. Tip for you • Phone recording helps because you can hear how your team is improving and how new patient calls are handled and what new patients are calling and asking. • Hear how hard it is up front

  4. Introduction • Name • Position • What you want to get from today

  5. The Value of a New Patient • $5,000-$10,000 • Job Security • Helping people

  6. Some Basics • Tracking • New Patients Scheduled • New Patient Seen • New Patient Leads • Production • Collection

  7. What does tracking tell us? • Where new patients come from • How many new patient calls we received vs. scheduled • This gives us a closing rate

  8. What else to track • Pending treatment vs. Accepted treatment • Allows for follow up • Shows us how we’re doing in case presentation

  9. Tracking means finding how patients heard of you • When is the best time to ask a patient how they’ve heard about you?

  10. Why we’re here today • What does it mean to be a sales person? • Who in the dental team is a salesperson?

  11. How is dental sales different than most sales jobs?

  12. Team Sales Means • Follow up systems in place • Carry baton • Communication about patient insight, treatment & more

  13. What sales is NOT • Lying • Misleading • Overpromising

  14. What’s the most important factor in being successful at sales?

  15. How to not believe what you’re selling in the dental office? • Think the dentist is recommending unnecessary dentistry • Don’t know anything about dentistry • Other ways?

  16. Sales Tip Assumptive Tone • Talk to the patient as if assuming they will want to schedule an appointment with you.

  17. Reasons why we talk fast • 1. We’re in Chicago • 2. We’re busy, busy, busy at the front desk. • 3. We’re nervous about not messing up

  18. Sales is a transfer of emotion • Be confident on the phone about your services in order for others to believe what you are saying. • If you are unsure, they will be unsure. • If you are nervous.. You guessed it!

  19. This is where scripting and role play can help • If you find you get stumped with certain questions from patients, practice OUT LOUD with someone you work with a short script on how to answer difficult questions.

  20. If you feel like you’re being “sold”… • If you feel like you’re being sold, the person “selling” isn’t that great at his job. • Conversation should flow naturally. • You should lead the conversation instead of chasing it.

  21. Greeting • Your greeting matters. • It is your first chance to be liked • Consider tone, pitch & words used

  22. Example of excellent greeting • Thank you for calling Amazing Dental Center, this is Grace speaking, how may I help you? • (note that I ask a question to lead the conversation)

  23. Example of chasing a call • How do you answer a caller who asks, “What do you charge for a cleaning?” • Need a volunteer to be the patient

  24. If there’s only one thing you learn today, this is most important. With this skill alone, you can increase sales. • ASK QUESTIONS. • Example & Exercise • Need a volunteer

  25. Flow of your conversation • Listen • Answer /Acknowledge • ASK

  26. What should you say when someone calls and asks, • What do you charge for a cleaning?

  27. Example of how to do this • Thank you for calling Amazing Dental, this is Grace, how may I help you? • What do you charge for a cleaning?

  28. continued • Can I ask who’s calling please? • This is James. • Hi James, I understand you are looking to come in for a cleaning? Have you been here before?

  29. continued • No. I just want to know what a cleaning costs. • James, our prices are very competitive and our doctors are excellent. Do you have insurance that you’d be utilizing for your visit?

  30. continued • No, that’s why I’m trying to find out how much a cleaning is. • Well James, since you are a new patient, I can offer you our new patient special, which covers an exam and X-Rays for only $69. At that time, we’d be able to determine which kind of cleaning you’d need. If you only needed a simple cleaning, we could include your cleaning that day as well.

  31. New Patient Special • Give your team a weapon to stop shoppers and get them in your office. • Many times, these patients will need more dentistry than a cleaning.

  32. Loss Leader • Ink Cartridge/Printer • It’s only a loss if it isn’t a leader • Success depends on the whole team’s ability to sell and convert patient to a loyal regular patient

  33. But these patients don’t have money • This brings me to my second major tip. • DO NOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS

  34. Why people price shop? • They are nervous • They don’t know dentists are different from one another • They don’t know what else to ask • Looking for an excuse not to go • FEAR

  35. More Difficult Questions • Do you accept my insurance? • Yes and we will help to maximize your benefits.

  36. Where are you located? • How do you answer this question?

  37. A little tip • This does not mean we are answering a question with a question. • 1. Listen • 2. Answer/Acknowledge • 3. ASK

  38. Always be selling • Always be selling. • Dress appropriately • Consider your attitude • Always be nice and likeable • Ask others how you sound • Record yourself on the phone • Be confident, yet concerned

  39. Always be selling - Referral • Learn when and how to ask for referrals • Best time • after a compliment is given • After you’ve built rapport

  40. How to ask • Memorize a script for this • “Thank you Kathy, I’m so glad you enjoy coming here. We are always looking for more patients like you, so if you know of anyone, please feel free to pass along our card.”

  41. Why people hate salespeople • 1. They aren’t good and feel as if they are being pushy • 2. Sales people aren’t connecting and seem phony • 3. Sales people sometimes sell bad products/services

  42. Why we LOVE salespeople • They sell us something that changes our lives for the better • They educate us and are trustworthy • We like them

  43. Not selling a thing, you are selling yourself • Tone of voice • Ability to listen and acknowledge • Let the person talk • Transfer positive emotion

  44. Unique Challenges for Dental team • Team Sales : Multiple people need to carry the torch • One person may drop it and ruin it for everyone • Systems, like follow up book are important • Notes in patient accounts are very important

  45. Follow-Up Book • Keep a binder that tracks patients that leave the office without an appointment • Also track who cancels and says they will call to reschedule • If too much time passes, they become inactive and don’t return


  47. Treatment Planning & Case Presentation • If you got this far, your team has now passed you the baton. • The team has got the sales process rolling • Don’t drop it

  48. What not to do • DON’T present a treatment plan to a patient while he is in the dental chair. • The chair puts patients in a vulnerable state. • Best: sit next to the patient, this initiates collaboration

  49. What not to do • DON’T bring up financial options unless the patient expresses a concern about the price/cost

  50. What not to do • DON’T talk more than you listen.

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