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Young London Working New Delivery Model 2013/14

Young London Working New Delivery Model 2013/14. Young London Working. Kim Chaplain Andre Burwood Pablo Perez. The Project Past and Present . Young London Working and the Mayor’s Fund for London - Aims & Objectives - A Brief History What are we here to do today? Build on lessons learned

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Young London Working New Delivery Model 2013/14

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Young London WorkingNew Delivery Model 2013/14 Young London Working Kim Chaplain Andre Burwood Pablo Perez

  2. The Project Past and Present • Young London Working and the Mayor’s Fund for London - Aims & Objectives - A Brief History • What are we here to do today? • Build on lessons learned • Set criteria • Re-establish a provider network • A Refreshed Approach -Three phases Young London Working

  3. Approach to Delivery • In-house team: - Project Manager - 4x Account Managers - Project Co-ordinator - In-work Support Manager • Project will target: - Job vacancies - Apprenticeships - Work Placements - Work Trials • Initial focus on candidates from Hackney, Islington, Newham and Tower Hamlets • Delivery will be based over three phases Young London Working

  4. Phase 1: Demand • Recruitment of YLW Team • Development of web-based CRM system • Intensive employer engagement activity • SLAs with established Provider Network brokerage organisations • Developing a pipeline of job ready Young People • Official launch of project Young London Working

  5. Account Managers • Expertise across sectors / commercial focus • Interface between employers and providers - Canvassing businesses and their supply chains - Collection and distribution of vacancies - Co-ordination of interviews - Managing feedback - In-work support • Embedded Account Managers Young London Working

  6. Vacancy process Young London Working

  7. Phase 2: Supply • Capacity building wider provider groups • Provider incentives (Incentive reward levels tbc) Young London Working

  8. Phase 3: Retain • Things to be considered - Organisational model - Feedback from stakeholders - Performance Young London Working

  9. Next Steps • Complete and return questionnaire and SLA • YLW to allocate Phase 1 and Phase 2 providers • CRM Demonstrations • Provider workshops Young London Working

  10. Contact Andre Burwood Project Manager 07427 404588 aburwood@mayorsfundforlondon.org.uk Young London Working

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