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Proposal for an HFGW Frequency Time Standard for Telecommunication Network Optimization Executive Summary Rev. B1, 10/18/06 G.V. Stephenson, C. Harper, & R.M.L. Baker Jr. PhD. HFGW FTS Proposal Executive Summary. Concept: HFGW FTS to enable a dramatic improvement
Proposal for an HFGW Frequency Time Standardfor Telecommunication Network OptimizationExecutive Summary Rev. B1, 10/18/06G.V. Stephenson, C. Harper, & R.M.L. Baker Jr. PhD
HFGW FTS Proposal Executive Summary Concept: HFGW FTS to enable a dramatic improvement in telecommunication bandwidth usage efficiencies
(60,120) (60,-150) Large HFGW Transmitter Ground Stations (-30,30) (-30,-60) What do we plan to do? Part 1: build 4 HFGW ground stations Part 2: develop MEMS HFGW Receivers for cell phones
What are the benefits? • Part 1: Search Space Improvement • Part 2: Phase Noise Reduction • Part 3: Frequency Reference Improvement
What is the value?Net Present Value Estimation • Cash Flow Positive on Year 4 - four years from mature, lab proven technology • Net Present Value estimate based on 10 years of operation: $ 51.5 Billion
Stainless Steel & Titanium Vacuum / Cryogenic Containment Vessel and Faraday Cage (7.5(10)^-7 Torr, <480mK) 9T, 61mm gap Superconductor magnet 4.9 GHz, 10W microwave transmitter focused at fractal membrane 2 meters US Pats. 6417597 and 6784591, P.R. China Pat. 100558822 and Patents Pending What will make it happen?Phase 1: HFGW Detection Experiment
What will make it happen?Phase 1: Scale of HFGW Detection Equipment
GW Detector Emitted GW Radiation Pattern Electro-Mechanical FBAR induced acceleration change Dfy FBAR FBAR FBAR FBAR GW Radiators Accel. Change (“Jerk”) Vector FBAR FBAR FBAR FBAR Dfy Phase Coherent Drive mM mM mM mM Bi-modal Magnetron Arrays mM mM mM mM 3 km What will make it happen?Phase 2: HFGW Generation Experiment Micro Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) Configuration uses existing technology applied in a new way to reduce cost and risk. US Pats. 6417597 and 6784591, P.R. China Pat. 100558822 and Patents Pending
What will it cost?What is the payback? How much will it cost? • To fund detection and generation experiments (Phase 1 & 2) for proof of concept: Plans and Specifications 4 Million Fabrication 6 Million Test 5 Million Cushion 5 Million Proof of Concept Phase 20 Million (for both experiments) • HFGW FTS Infrastructure Development, Phase 3: Development of HFGW FTS receivers for cell phone use 25 Million Manufacture of cell phone HFGW FTS receivers 25 Million Four stations @ 25 Million each 100 Million • Total Developmental Cost (Phases 1,2,& 3) 170 Million How much and how will it pay back? Licensing and Technical Support: 5% of 50 Billion in 10 years or 2.5 Billion
~ Backup Slides ~HFGW Frequency Time Standardfor Telecommunication Network OptimizationExecutive Summary Rev. B1, 10/18/06
What is the value?Improvement Value Estimation • For search space improvements we choose 25%. • For higher density phase encoding due to phase noise improvement, we choose 200%. • For frequency-based improvements, we choose 25% for an overall raw capacity improvement floor of 250%. • For better beam-forming due to precision positioning, we choose not to include this technology in the low side estimate since it is somewhat speculative. For the high side estimate 50% is used. • For cell-handoff and precision Quality of Service (QoS) improvements due to precision timing, we choose an overall value improvement of 200%. Here, we apply the term QoS to network usage prioritization and predictability with respect to performance parameters including delay, error rate, and throughput. • Even as a floor, we significantly reduce these expected low-side improvements prior to further use in our dollar valuation model to reinforce its conservative nature.
What is the value?Subscriber Value Estimation • Applying these multipliers to a conventional High Bit Rate Wireless Market Offer (conservatively—for this model—priced at $100/month/2Mbps), we obtain a reference MRC/subscriber low-side value added due to the HFGW FTS of $275 (Table 2). • Note that MRC = Monthly Recurring Charge. This includes a 25% $/mbps discount from conventional costs due to supply increase and demand elasticity. • Further, in all significant cash flows (post year 2), we utilize a still more conservative estimate ranging from ~75-15% of this reference value.
What will make it happen?Suggested Next Steps • First Step – Design, develop, fund, and perform HFGW detection experiments to detect background (relic) GW radiation to prove detection technology. • One example approach: Li, Baker, & Chen, 2007 • Second Step – Design, develop, fund, and perform HFGW generation experiments to generate GW radiation in a laboratory environment. • One example approach: Woods & Baker, 2005 • Use previously proven detection approach • Near Term Development – Develop and miniaturize HFGW technology for use in the FTS application. • Long Term Follow-on – Develop HFGW technology for use as a communication medium.
Early Technology Adoptersfor HFGW Frequency Time StandardsG.V. Stephenson, 28 Oct 2006
Some Options for the Early Adoption of Frequency Time Standard HFGW Technology • Supplemental FTS to Improve Navigational Systems • A central reference HFGW transmitter could be built • HFGW Receivers could be placed on each GPS satellite • The result would be a reduction in FTS errors of GPS • Supplemental FTS for High Speed Network Improvement • Very high speed networks require GPS conditioned FTS to maximize transmission rates • The use of higher accuracy HFGW FTS would allow even higher bandwidth data rates by allowing more accurate frame sync • The Ultimate in Survivable Strategic Communication • Strategic com does not require high bandwidths • Low bandwidth communications could be achieved by buried first generation HFGW devices • Buried transmitters and receivers would be impossible to destroy