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Instructional Consultation Teams and Universal Design for Learning. By PresenterMedia.com. Let's Begin. ∆ Contracting ▪ Inform ▪ Purpose ▪ Focus ∆ ▪ Collaborative Nature ▪ Problem Solving Process ▪ Time/Date ▪ Gain Agreement ∆ Problem Identification & Analysis
Instructional Consultation Teamsand Universal Design for Learning ByPresenterMedia.com
∆ Contracting ▪ Inform ▪ Purpose ▪ Focus ∆ ▪ Collaborative Nature ▪ Problem Solving Process ▪ Time/Date ▪ Gain Agreement ∆ Problem Identification & Analysis ▪ Specific and Observable Terms ▪ Instructional Assessment to establish MATCH ▪ Prioritize ▪ Baseline ▪ Goals (3-6 weeks) ∆Strategy/Intervention Design ▪ What? ▪ When? ▪ How Often? ▪ Conditions? ▪ Who? ∆ Strategy/Intervention Implementation ▪ Have we done what we planned? ∆ Strategy/Intervention Evaluation ▪ Weekly Data Collection ▪ Relate to Baseline & Goals ▪ Connect outcomes to classroom expectation ▪ Conduct IA ∆ Follow-Up/Redesign ▪ Revisit ▪ Revise ▪ Refine ▪ Re-try ∆ Closure ▪ Goals Met ▪ Teacher’s Comfort ▪Strategies Embedded/Faded Problem Solving Stages
∆ Contracting▪ Inform ▪ Purpose ▪ Focus ∆ ▪ Collaborative Nature ▪ Problem Solving Process ▪ Time/Date ▪ Gain Agreement • UDL Guidelines Integrated • (for teacher’s learning) • 1.3 Offer alternatives for visual information • Using the instructional match triangle • 2.1 Clarify vocabulary and symbols • Using ICT and UDL “vocabulary” • Modeled during IAs, built into Strategy/Design • 6.3 Facilitate managing information and resources • Using SDF, built into Strategy/Design • 7.3 Minimize threats and distractions • Non-evaluative nature, building rapport with student • 8.3 Foster collaboration and communication • Working shoulder-to-shoulder • 9.1 Promote expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation • Use of reflective communication skills
∆ Problem Identification & Analysis • ▪ Specific and Observable Terms ▪ Instructional Assessment to establish MATCH ▪ Prioritize ▪ Baseline ▪ Goals (3-6 weeks) UDL Guidelines Integrated 1 Provide options for perception 2 Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols 3 Provide options for comprehension 4 Provide options for physical action 5 Provide options for expression and communication 6 Provide options for executive functions 7 Provide options for recruiting interest 8 Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence 9 Provide options for self-regulation • Assess during PID through reflective communication skills, model during IA, build into Strategy/Design
Strategy/Intervention Design▪ What? ▪ When? ▪ How Often? ▪ Conditions? ▪ Who? UDL Guidelines Integrated 1 Provide options for perception 2 Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols 3 Provide options for comprehension 4 Provide options for physical action 5 Provide options for expression and communication 6 Provide options for executive functions 7 Provide options for recruiting interest 8 Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence 9 Provide options for self-regulation • Assess during PID through reflective communication skills, model during IA, build into Strategy/Design
Strategy/Intervention Implementation UDL Guidelines Integrated (for teacher’s learning) 6.2 Support planning and strategy development 6.3 Facilitate managing info and resources 6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress Using Student Documentation Form provides teacher with a guide to break up long term goals into reachable short term objectives and manages the data. 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection Reflection piece for teachers to focus on fixing the “broken match” not the child.
∆ Strategy/Intervention Evaluation • ▪ Weekly Data Collection ▪ Relate to Baseline & Goals▪ Connect outcomes to classroom expectation ▪ Conduct IA UDL Guidelines Integrated (for teacher’s learning) 6.2 Support planning and strategy development 6.3 Facilitate managing info and resources 6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress Using Student Documentation Form provides teacher with a guide to break up long term goals into reachable short term objectives and manages the data. 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection Reflection piece for teachers to focus on fixing the “broken match” not the child.
∆ Follow-Up/Redesign▪ Revisit ▪ Revise ▪ Refine ▪ Re-try UDL Guidelines Integrated (for teacher’s learning) 6.2 Support planning and strategy development 6.3 Facilitate managing info and resources 6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress Using Student Documentation Form provides teacher with a guide to break up long term goals into reachable short term objectives and manages the data. 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection Reflection piece for teachers to focus on fixing the “broken match” not the child.
Closure▪ Goals Met ▪ Teacher’s Comfort ▪Strategies Embedded/Faded UDL Guidelines Integrated (for teacher’s learning) 6.2 Support planning and strategy development 6.3 Facilitate managing info and resources 6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress Using Student Documentation Form provides teacher with a guide to break up long term goals into reachable short term objectives and manages the data. 9.3 Develop self-assessment and reflection Reflection piece for teachers to focus on fixing the “broken match” not the child.
The Student Who Has Everyone Occupational Therapist S/L Pathologist Classroom Teachers Friends Group Coordinator Classroom Teaching Assistant Autism Coordinator Family Reading Interventionist Special Education Teacher Special Ed Teaching Asst.
What if the Classroom Teacher Controlled the Resources? • Speech Therapy • Occupational Therapy • Autism Support • Teaching Assistants • Special Education Support • Reading Interventions • Team Teachers
Classroom Teacher Special Ed. Assistant Speech Therapy UDL Principles UDL Principles Interventionist Occupational Therapy UDL Principles UDL Principles Special Education Teaching Assistants Family Friends Group Autism Coordinator
My Classroom What Game Does Your Classroom Sometimes Remind You Of?
How is it different from an individual case? • What will the instructional assessment look like? • 5 Day Plans • Collecting Data Group average or chart individuals Random sampling Decision criterion Group or Class Wide Case
Long raidians were forming when Matthew arrived. He tried to phindate the amount of time it would take to get to the conrvorster. Vort it would be too long, plast he would miss the game. He varaxated for a moment until the radians became even longer. He decided that he would ordrul in the radian opet see vort it would start moving more expeditiously. No sooner had he started fleedjuul, when it began mostulag quite hard. Matthew became disgusted, zipped up his ornaforger, and walked back opet his car. He drove home in the mostul. By the time he put the car in the garage, the mostul was droim and the faedos was out. Matthew was doubly disgusted now. Suddenly, he went inside to watch the game. He turned on the television set but nothing happened. Matthew said to himself, “What a lousy frol.” Long Raidans