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End-to-End Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation for Grid Applications. C. Palansuriya, EPCC, The University of Edinb u rgh M. Büchli, DANTE K. Kavoussanakis, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh A. Patil , DANTE C. Tziouvaras , GRNet A. Trew, EPCC, The University of Edinb u rgh
End-to-End Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation for Grid Applications C. Palansuriya, EPCC, The University ofEdinburgh M. Büchli, DANTE K. Kavoussanakis, EPCC, The University of Edinburgh A. Patil , DANTE C. Tziouvaras , GRNet A. Trew, EPCC, The University ofEdinburgh A. Simpson, EPCC, The University ofEdinburgh R. Baxter, EPCC, The University ofEdinburgh GridNets 2006, 1st Oct 2006, San Jose, CA, USA
Outline • Why BAR • Use Cases • Architecture • Service Interfaces • Future Work and Conclusions C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Why BAR • The Grid community expects the network to be available, providing a desired level of service at any time. • Viable production Grid platforms require quantitative and qualitative performance guarantees from the network. • Can use advanced reservation and allocation of network services to provide such guarantees. • EGEE Bandwidth Allocation and Reservation (BAR) provides a framework for end-to-end, advance reservation and allocation of network services. C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
EGEE BAR • Defines a programmatic interface for an Advance Reservation and Allocation of network services. • Web services based advance reservation system. • first programmatic interface between EGEE and GÉANT2 • Intended for use by gLite middleware components, though suitable to be generally useful. • Interaction with network in “application terms” rather than “network terms”. C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Use Cases • Robust and reliable transfer of data to multiple geographically distributed sites C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Use Cases • Bulk file/data replication • Deliver before a certain deadline • Visualisation and interactive software • Real time guarantees • Mission critical control traffic • Small volume of data • Long duration C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Two-Stage Network Service Provisioning • Networks imposes minimum reservation period • Presently network configuration is manual • Minimizes frequency of configuration required in backbone • A reservation could be significantly longer than what an application requires • Sub-divide such a reservation to be used by other users • Certain users can only specify exact flow parameters just before a job starts • BAR Service Reservation and Activation is designed to address the above C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Input from EGEE users and GÉANT2 Suitable to adopt and adapt • Local point of contact for HLM • Insulates user from network terminology • Authentication and Authorisation • GÉANT2 only knows one user, EGEE Defined with GÉANT2 Used by GÉANT2 BAR End-to-End Architecture • Two-stage process: Service Reservation • Two-stage process: Service Activation C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Service Interfaces • Higher Level Middleware to BAR C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Service Interface • BAR to NSAP C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Service Interface • BAR to L-NSAP C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Validation • Developed BAR and pilot L-NSAP components and simple Web based client. • Successfully integrated BAR with the GÉANT2 implementation of NSAP, Advance Multi-Domain Provisioning System (AMPS) C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Validation • Deployed and sucessfully tested on a pan-European test bed C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Future Work • GÉANT2 continues to develop its implementation of NSAP • ESLEA (Exploitation of Switched Light Paths for e-Science Applications) project is using the BAR architecture • Adopting BAR software • Using BAR-NSAP and BAR-L-NSAP interfaces C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Conclusions • BAR developed a layered end-to-end architecture that is necessary to support existing and emerging network services • The architecture is validated via the deployment and testing of the software components developed in EGEE and GÉANT2 projects. • the first programmatic interface between EGEE and GÉANT2 • EGEE is an early adopter for GÉANT2 AMPS interface • World first software based, multi-domain bandwidth reservation based on Premium IP (PIP) network service. • At least one other project is using the architecture and software components. C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid
Acknowledgements • EGEE is partly funded by the European Commission; contract no: INFSO-RI-508833 • EPCC is jointly funded by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC). • The following organisations participated in EGEE BAR: • EPCC, The University of Edinburgh • DANTE • GARR • GRNet • Thanks for listening! http://www.cern.ch/egee-jra4/ C. Palansuriya, EGEE BAR for the Grid