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Examining Discrimination and Cultural Diversity

Examining Discrimination and Cultural Diversity. Discrimination and Cultural Diversity at Garfield Elementary School. Ashley Arvanites Melissa Chen Jasmine Song Period 3 Ms. Khella South Pasadena High School. Summary. Examine problems that face schools Cultural diversity and acceptance.

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Examining Discrimination and Cultural Diversity

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Examining Discrimination and Cultural Diversity

  2. Discrimination and Cultural Diversity at Garfield Elementary School Ashley Arvanites Melissa Chen Jasmine Song Period 3 Ms. Khella South Pasadena High School

  3. Summary • Examine problems that face schools • Cultural diversity and acceptance

  4. Introduction • Problems concerning discrimination • Understand diversity of school • Cultural awareness day

  5. Discussion • Field trip to Garfield Elementary School • Survey • Interviews • Tour of school

  6. Discussion

  7. Discussion

  8. Discussion

  9. Discussion • Our goal: promoting a vision of harmony, respect, and success for all • Cultural awareness day • Food • Activities • Parents/students/faculty involvement

  10. Conclusions • School lacks diversity • Students do not face much discrimination • 50.63% Latino/Hispanic • 25.32% Asian • Importance of individuality and diversity

  11. Recommendations • Diversity enriches educational experience • Promotes personal growth & a healthy society • Challenges stereotyped preconceptions • Encourages critical thinking & effective communication

  12. Recommendations • Plan is to promote more racially/ethnically open-minded school campus • Cultural Fair involves food, games, other activities • More aware of other customs & traditions around them • Project: students chat with parents/grandparents • Share information with other students

  13. References Allport, G. The Nature of Prejudice. New York: Doubleday Anchor, 1954. “Annual School Accountability Report Card.” Garfield Elementary School. 2005. Alhambra Unified School District. 15 Mar. 2006 <http://orb.sfusd.k12.ca.us/sarcs2/sarc-562.pdf >. Cassel, Russell N., et al. “Extracurricular Involvement in High School Produces Honesty and Fair Play Needed to Prevent Deliquency and Crime.” Education. 2nd ed. Vol. 121. Chula Vista: The Student-Centered High School Consultant Team, 2001. 247-251. Cheryan, S., and G.V. Bodenhausen. “When positive stereotypes threaten intellectual performance: The psychological hazards of ‘model minority’ status.” Psychological Science 11 (2000): 3-5. Crosby, F. “The denial of personal discrimination.” American Behavioral Scientist 27 (1984): 71-86. Dalbert, C. The Justice Motive as a Personal Resource. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. Data Center. “Power to Our People: Participatory Research Kit: Creating Surveys.” Data Center. 2005. 13 Feb. 2006 <http://www.datacenter.org>. Ellemers, N., R. Spears, and B. Doosje. “Self and social identity.” Annual Review of Psychology 53 (2002): 161-186.

  14. References Garfield Elementary School Students. Personal interview. 25 Apr. 2006. Greene, Melissa L, and Niobe Way. Self-Esteem Trajectories among Ethnic Minority Adolescents: A Growth Curve Analysis of the Patterns and Predictors of Change. 2nd ed. Vol. 15. N.p.: Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2005. Major, Brenda, and Laurie T. O’Brien. System Justification and Well-Being. Santa Barbara: Department of Psychology, University of California at Santa Barbara, 2004. Merrow, John, et al. “The Case of an Excellent School.” School Sleuth (The Merrow Report). PBS. KCET. Nov. 2000. Michalski, Britney A. “Effective Interviewing.” Effective Questioning Techniques. Encyclopedia or Educational Technology. 15 May 2006 < http://coe.sdsu.edu/eet/articles/interviewing/index.htm>. O’Brien, L.T., and B. Major. System-Justifying Beliefs and Psychological Well-Being: The Roles of Group Status and Identity. N.p.: Pers Soc Psychol Bull, 2005. Pasadena Unified School District. Woodrow Wilson International Baccalaureate Middle School Years: 2004-2005 School Accountability Report Card. Pasadena: Pasadena Unified School District, 2004.

  15. References Rollins, V.B., and J.N. Valdez. Perceived Racism and Career Self-Efficacy in Adolescents. N.p.: Journal of Psychology, 2006. 176-198. Rosenbloom, Susan Rakosi. “Experiences of Discrimination among African American, Asian American, and Latino Adolescents in an Urban High School .” Youth and Society. Vers. 4. 2004. SAGE Publications. 21 May 2006 <http://yas.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/35/4/420>. Survey Share. “Good Online Survey Software.” Survey Share Tool. 25 Oct. 2004. 2 Feb. 2006 <http://www.surveyshare.com/templates/surveyquestions.htm>. Tyre, Peg. “The Trouble With Boys.” Newsweek 30 Jan. 2006: 44-52.

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