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Fahrenheit 451 and Censorship. Introduction. The futuristic world of Fahrenheit 451 is one where all media is censored and books are burned. It might seem like science fiction, but censorship is very real. Not only is history riddled with examples of censorship, but it continues to this day.
Introduction • The futuristic world of Fahrenheit 451 is one where all media is censored and books are burned. It might seem like science fiction, but censorship is very real. Not only is history riddled with examples of censorship, but it continues to this day.
Task • Your group is to research censorship in your assigned time period and area. • While going through the assigned readings, you are to consider the following questions: • What is censorship? • What are the different types of censorship? • Who is responsible for this censorship and who/what benefits from it? Who suffers? • Why is censorship used in this situation? What purpose does it serve? • How do those being censored respond?
Task • You will summarize the information from your research and present the answers to these questions in class using visuals like PowerPoint, posters, film, and more. Be creative!
Saudi Arabia • Your group will research current Saudi Arabian censorship issues. You will use the following resources for your presentation: • http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=10766 -- Reporters Without Borders report on internet censorship in Saudi Arabia • http://www.cpj.org/Briefings/2006/saudI_06/saudi_06.html -- Committee to Protect Journalists report on press censorship • http://www.cpj.org/attacks04/mideast04/saudi.html -- Report on censorship • http://www.al-bab.com/media/docs/saudi.htm -- List of censorship rules for Internet use in Saudi Arabia • http://anhri.net/en/reports/net2004/saudi.shtml -- Commentary on Saudi internet banning and blocking • http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=251&country=7265&year=2007 -- Saudi Arabia country report from Freedom House
Goals • Ultimately, at the end of the assignment, you will be able to identify censorship, understand why it happens, why it is used, and why it would be a problem in a free society.
Requirements • 1. Defining the problem • Includes a visual of the affected area. • Clear explanation of the problem is given. • Specific examples used to clarify the problem. • Definition of censorship provided that specifically relates to area being addressed • Discussion of who is responsible for this censorship. • Presents theory explaining the reasons why this type of censorship occurred/is occurring (i.e., who benefits?). • Discussion of who is impacted and the response of impacted group(s). • Explains whether the situation was resolved. If so, how?
Requirements • 2. Connections • Discussion of how this example of censorship is related to our current world and/or the world described in Fahrenheit. • 3. Overall quality of presentation • Students are prepared and demonstrate appropriate level of seriousness. • Handouts are neat and well planned. • Relatively few grammatical errors in handouts and/or powerpoint presentation. • Obvious effort put into project. • Required little (if any) teacher input to ensure comprehensiveness of presentation as a learning tool for other students.