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Let’s work smarter not harder! . TABE Locator: . Score of 7 Recommend an E Score of 10 Recommend a D. Reminders: NO Level A test given at levels under NRS 5 NO Level E (max 6.9 GE) in NRS 4 (6 – 8.9) or above NO Level M (max 9.9) in NRS 5 (9 – 10.9) or above
TABE Locator: • Score of 7 • Recommend an E • Score of 10 • Recommend a D
Reminders: • NO Level A test given at levels under NRS 5 • NO Level E (max 6.9 GE) in NRS 4 (6 – 8.9) or above • NO Level M (max 9.9) in NRS 5 (9 – 10.9) or above • NO Level L after NRS Level 2 • Levels A and L are optionalin New York State TABE Level restrictions
TABE diagnostic process Reading Math Design lessons around the student’s needs Or hand score and complete the diagnostic tool on the score sheet
Diagnostic Tool: • Count the number of incorrect answers, subtract from the total number of questions = NC (number correct) • Will translate to: • Scale Score • Grade Equivalent • NRS Level
TABE Form 9, Level M Reading NC = 37 Scale Score = 511 Grade Equivalent = 5.7 NRS Level = 3 What does this student already know? What does this student need to learn? Scoring example
Serves as the teacher’s diagnostic tool • Hand scored • Scantron • Regardless, deficient skill sets are revealed TABE Score Sheet
Diagnostic Tool For each incorrect answer, circle/slash the corresponding number at the bottom of the page
Identifies the areas in which the student needs skill development Will serve as a road map to the teacher’s Educational Plan for each student Road map to instruction
Score the practice sheet Check the Form…9 or 10 first Circle/Slash each incorrect answer at the bottom of the score sheet Develop a Learning Plan for this student Choose APPROPRIATEmaterials for this student Scoring activity
What areas did your student show proficiency? • What areas are deficient? • Prioritize this student’s learning plan: • Lower in math or reading? • Skills needing instruction/practice • Materials appropriate to this student’s needs Customized Learning Plan
Reminders: • Analyze ASISTS report: Students Not Moving to Higher Level • Indicates not only those with no post test but also those with no gain TABE Training
Has the teacher: Assessed the students needs (diagnostic tool) Selected appropriate learning materials Taught new skills (underdeveloped skills) Provided guided practice Review material learned THEN Post Test Before post testing
Investigate root cause • Reason why student has not learned? • Let’s suggest: • 1. Undiagnosed learning disability • 2. Sporadic attendance • 3. Inappropriate materials • 4. Needs more practice Excess hours and no gain
Compare to the Educational Functioning Level descriptors What should your student be able to do in the next EFL? Seek materials relative to those skills Teach those skills first Provide targeted practice Post Test! Customized educational plan:
Use NRS Table 4 Data Check Report to target students with heavy hours and no gain • Dig deep to hunt out students that are at the cusp of showing gain • At high end of Educational Functioning Level • This applies to both ESL and ABE students • Use the Turnaround Documents to hunt out the students with most probable gain Strategically post testing
NRS Strategy is CRITICAL! Teachers and test assessors should make certain they look at each student’s scores to see where on the progress chart the student enters and how far they need to move to achieve the next NRS Level Student #1 Student #2
NRS Strategy is CRITICAL! Teachers and test assessors should make certain they look at each student’s scores to see where on the progress chart the student enters and how far they need to move to achieve the next NRS Level Student #1 Student #2
Compare to the Educational Functioning Level descriptors What should your student be able to do in the next EFL? Practice those skills first Provide targeted practice Post Test! Customized educational plan:
ESL Educational Functioning Levels