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Detox. With Dr. Logan. Let me guide you through a 7-day science-based detox program followed by the Clean 14 program. Why Detox?. We ingest over 30-50 tons of food in a lifetime.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Detox With Dr. Logan Let me guide you through a 7-day science-based detox program followed by the Clean 14 program.

  2. Why Detox? We ingest over 30-50 tons of food in a lifetime. • The bioaccumulation of toxins from food, water and air, continues to increase and overwhelm the body’s ability to eliminate. • Many vague symptoms develop in patients which may not always reflect the underlying effects from buildup of toxic materials.

  3. Where Do Toxins Come From? • Environmental Toxins • Polluted air from factories • Solvents (paint, cleaning products) • Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides • Heavy metals • Radiation • Water • Auto exhaust

  4. Signs that your detoxification capacity might be impaired

  5. Allergies • Fatigue • PMS • Asthma • Insomnia • Muscle Joint Pain • Skin Disorders • Chemical Sensitivities • Digestion/Elimination Problems • Elevated Cholesterol • Overweight/Underweight • Anger, Depression, Irritability • Blood Sugar and Hormonal Imbalances • Frequent Flus, Colds or Sinus Infections

  6. Why Detox? • Improved Energy • Weight Loss • Mental Clarity • Better Digestion •Healthy Skin

  7. Why Detox? • The number of overweight people in the world now exceeds the number of underweight people. • Diabetes is expected to strike 1 in 3 U.S. kids born in the year 2000. • Diabesity emerging as a worldwide epidemic. • The youth of today are expected to have shorter life span’s than their parents.

  8. Why Detox? • We are leaders in soda consumption with almost 600 cans per man, woman and child per year. • We are the world leaders in calorie consumption with nearly 3700 calories per person per day. • And would you be surprised that we spend the most on health care at $5,000 per person per year.

  9. Why Detox? 5%of the world’s population lives in the United States. 50%of the world’s prescription drugs are consumed in the United States.

  10. Why Detox? • Agribusiness is about quantity, not quality. • Volume of corn production has increased five fold in the last 30 years on the same acre of land. • Antioxidant and mineral levels are 50% lower than 50 years ago.

  11. Obesity Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1985 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14%

  12. Obesity Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 1990 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14%

  13. Obesity Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2000 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% ≥20%

  14. Obesity Among U.S. AdultsBRFSS, 2010 (*BMI ≥30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5’ 4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% 25%–29% ≥30%

  15. We Truly Are What We Eat

  16. The Dirty Dozen 1.Strawberries 7. Celery 2. Bell Peppers 8. Apples 3. Spinach 9. Apricots 4. Cherries (US) 10. Green Beans 5. Peaches 11. Grapes (Chile) 6. Cantaloupe (Mex) 12. Cucumbers Environmental Working Group’s 12 Most Contaminated Fruits & Vegetables

  17. Roles of the Liver • Filters blood • Stores glucose for energy • Breaks down steroid hormones • Produces/secretes bile • Primary organ of detoxification in the body

  18. Liver Detox Pathways The liver eliminates toxins through a 2-step enzymatic process: Phase I • Cytochrome P450 (a series of enzymes) chemically changes fat-soluble toxins into a more toxic substance called an“intermediary metabolite”. • This “intermediate metabolite”is often more toxic than the original fat-soluble toxin, hence the need for Phase II.

  19. Liver Detox Pathways Phase II • Conjugation (attachment) of specific molecules onto the“intermediary metabolite”make it non-toxic and water-soluble so it can be excreted through the urine or stool.

  20. Liver Detox Pathways

  21. Detoxification Depletes Nutrients Studies by Dr. John Laseter of AccuChem Laboratories show that when we inhale a particular chemical, 10% could go to bone, 15% could go to the liver, 20% could go to the brain, etc. For the next person the percentages could be totally different. • Individual detoxification capability determines how much of each chemical is eliminated and how much is stored and where. • If we use up too many detox nutrients, without replenishing, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the next environmental chemical that comes along.

  22. Core Support Powder • Nutrients enhances phase II liver detox pathways • NAC • Glycine • Taurine • ALA • Green tea extract • Rosemary • Ellagic acid • Vita Veggie blend • Schizandra berry extract • Fiber helps to bind to toxins and eliminate them through the stool

  23. Core Support Powder • 15g Protein • 5g Fiber and Betonite • Support for each Phase II Pathway • Up Regulate Phase II Enzymes • VitaVeggie,Green Tea,Rosemary,etc • Increase Cellular Energy • NAC, L-Carnitine, Lipoic Acid

  24. Alpha Base Capsules • Vitamin and mineral cofactors that help enhance phase I & II liver detox pathways • High dose of B vitamins – cofactors used in phase I & II detox • High dose of antioxidants (Vitamins C, E, zinc) are free radical scavengers that protect cells while toxins come out.

  25. PhytoCore Capsules • Nutrients & herbs that enhance phase I & II liver detox pathways • Lipotropics • Methionine,Choline,Inositol • Choleretics/Cholegogue • Dandelion,Yellow Dock, Beet leaf, etc • Silymarin

  26. Benefits of Core Restore • Feel better • Unmask health and GI issues • Weight loss • Stored toxins in fat will be released • Benefit for the entire body

  27. Program Goals

  28. Patient Protocol • Days 1-2 (Fasting days) in AM & PM: • 2 scoops of Core Support powder mixed with 8 oz. of water, or almond, coconut or rice milk. • Optional: 1 Tbsp. flaxseed or coconut oil • 2 Alpha Base capsules • Days 3-7 (Meals allowed) in AM & PM: • 2 scoops of Core Support powder mixed with 8 oz. of water, or almond, coconut or rice milk. • 2 Alpha Base capsules • 2 PhytoCore capsules

  29. Foods that Increase Detoxification Fruits and Vegetables • Berries • Bananas • Apples • Any fresh or frozen fruit • Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower • Brussels sprouts • Watercress, arugula, kale • Bok Choy, dandelion greens • Radish, turnip • Beans and lentils • Garlic • Onion

  30. Foods that Increase Detoxification Grains, Nuts and Seeds • Rice-whole grain • Buckwheat • Millet • Amaranth • Quinoa • Almonds • Cashews • Walnuts • Sunflower seeds • Sesame seeds

  31. Foods that Increase Detoxification Dairy • Fats • Extra virgin olive oil • Flaxseed oil • Coconut oil • Nut oils other than peanut • None • Use a milk substitute like Almond, Coconut or Rice Milk

  32. Foods that Increase Detoxification Drinks • Spices • Purified water • 100% vegetable juices • Vegetable broth • Organic herbal tea • Organic green tea • Rosemary • Parsley • Cilantro • Thyme

  33. Foods to Avoid Fruits and Vegetables • Canned fruit packed in syrup • High sugar or artificial berry juices • Oranges • Corn • Canned vegetables in sauces • Soybean and soy based foods

  34. Foods to Avoid Grains, Nuts and Seeds • Refined flour • Gluten-containing grains • Wheat Rye • Spelt Oats* • Kamut Barley • Peanuts • Soy Nuts *Oats do not contain gluten, however most commercially available oats are often contaminated with gluten. It is best to avoid oats.

  35. Foods to Avoid • Fats Dairy • Milk • Cheese • Ice cream • Yogurt • All dairy based products • Margarine • Butter • Hydrogenated oils • Cooking sprays • Mayonnaise

  36. Foods to Avoid • Sauces Drinks • Coffee • Sweetened beverages • Alcohol • High sugar or artificially flavored juices • Black tea • BBQ sauce • Soy sauce • Ketchup • Other • Eggs • Fish/shellfish • Non-organic meats • Fried foods • Artificial flavors, colors, preservatives (MSG)

  37. Detox With Dr. Logan Next week: Join us as we continue our detox program with the Clean 14 Program.

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