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AstroGrid-D WP 5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs

AstroGrid-D WP 5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs. Report by: Rainer Spurzem (ZAH-ARI) spurzem@ari.uni-heidelberg.de and T. Brüsemeister, J. Steinacker. GAC-Grid / Astro-GRID-D WP 5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs. ↓ May 06. ↓ Feb 07. x x x x x x x x. → → → → →.

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AstroGrid-D WP 5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs

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  1. AstroGrid-DWP 5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs Report by: Rainer Spurzem (ZAH-ARI) spurzem@ari.uni-heidelberg.de and T. Brüsemeister, J. Steinacker

  2. GAC-Grid / Astro-GRID-DWP 5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs ↓May 06 ↓Feb 07 x x x x x x x x → → → →→ 5.1 = D5.1 5.2 = D5.2 5.4a = D5.4 5.2 = D5.6 5.4b = D5.7 5.3a = D5.3 5.3b = D5.5 5.3c = D5.8 ↑Are we here?

  3. WP5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs Tasks • Task V-1: Specification of Requirements and Architecture AIP (8), ARI-ZAH (6), ZIB (6), AEI (2), MPE (2), MPA (1) Start Sep. 05,Deliverable D5.1 Oct. 2006 COMPLETED • Task V-2: Development of Grid-Job Management (Feb. 07) ZIB (24), ARI-ZAH (12), MPA (5) Start June 06, Deliverable D5.2 Feb. 2007, D5.6 June 2008 FIRST DRAFT D5.2 • Task V-4 Adaptation of User- and Programmer Interfaces (May 07) AIP (18), ARI-ZAH (12), AEI (5), MPE (4), MPA (1) Start Dec. 06Deliverable D5.4 May 2007, D5.7 Sep. 2008 BEGIN 5.4 • Task V-3 Development Link to Robotic Telescopes, Requests (Feb 07) AIP (17), ZIB (6) , Start Sep. 06Deliverable D5.3 Feb. 2007, D5.5 Oct. 2007, D5.8 Sep. 2008 IN PROGRESS (Person-Months) according to initial application

  4. WG5: Current status • WG5 proposes to use JSDL as the primary job description language. • JSDL 1.0 specification by the Open Grid Forum OGF (GGF) • Extensible (e.g. Workflow language from C3 Grid) • Direct support in future Globus Toolkit releases • Simple translation from JSDL to RSL (jsdlproc) • Task Force Scheduler Broker (TFSB) • Assessment of 9 Scheduler/Broker systems • Decided to use GridWay as our Scheduler/Broker • Test Installations on several AstroGrid-D Resources

  5. wird vom open grid forum (OGF) unterstützt WG5: Current status,Job Management Entscheidung für die Job Submission Data Language (JSDL) wird vom open grid forum (OGF) unterstützt jsdlproc JSDL RSL/XML GUI (GT4.2 wird gerade entwickelt und wird JSDL direkt unterstützen) GT4.0

  6. WG5: Current status,Job Scheduler/Broker GridWay • Ascalon • Selbstgeschriebene Anwendung • GRMS • WMS • Moab.Maui • Entscheidung zwischen • Condor-G • CSF • GridWay • GridBus/GSB • Nimrod/G Scheduler/Broker GridWay • Open source Komponenten • Guter Unterstützung durch die Entwickler • Zentrale Server-Architektur • Erweiterbar Entscheidung fiel für GridWay das nun bereits auf mehreren AstroGrid-D Maschinen installiert wurde • Unterstützt job migration und adaption execution • Unterstützt den GGF DRMA-Standard API für job submission und amanagement

  7. WG5: Current status, Scheduler/Broker • Open Source • Leightweight Metascheduler on top of GT2.4/GT4 • Central Server Architecture • Support of GGF DRMAA standard API for job submission and management • Simple round robin/flooding scheduling algorithm, but extensible

  8. WG5: Current status,Scheduler/Broker Information System Matchmaking GT4 Resources hydra.ari.uni-heidelberg.de Gridway Scheduler / Broker Job Status: “gwps”

  9. WG5: Current status, Robotic Telescopes STELLA-I First Steps accomplished toward the integration into AstroGrid • Adopted the REMOTE TELESCOPE MARKUP LANGUAGE (RTML) and developed a first description of STELLA-I • This description can contain dynamic information e.g. about weather • Developed a generic transformation from RTML to RDF which we can upload to the AstroGrid information service (Therefore we modified the program OwlMap from the FRESCO project) • The user can use SPARQL queries to find appropriate telescopes. • Also SPARQL queries can be implemented in tools like the Grid-Resource Map. Robotic Telescopes STELLA-I & II in Tenerife (Canary Islands)

  10. WG5: Next Steps, Robotic Telescopes Next steps • RTML description of STELLA-II, RoboTel and other robotic telescopes • Develop a system that adds dynamic weather information • Develop transformation from RTML to telescope specific language for AIP operated telescopes to be able to send observation requests in RTML • Provide access through the AstroGrid by applying • Grid security mechanisms • VO management • Development of a scheduler for a network of robotic telescopes • A lot of testing • The AIP has a simulator for STELLA and RoboTel

  11. WG5: Next Steps, Job Submission, Scheduler/Broker • Atomic Jobs using GridWay • Translation of JSDL into GridWay job templates or implementing support for JSDL • Interaction with distributed file management provided by WG-3. • Medium to long-term goals: • Use of Information Service (WG-2) for GridWay host discovery and monitoring. (Information Driver) • Support for Workflows (as an extension to JSDL) • Improve scheduling/brokering capabilities (special hardware, robotic telescopes)

  12. What to do next in WG5? (cont‘d) • Task Force Scheduler / Broker Continue Testing and Implementation of Scheduler/Broker Sóftwares for more Use Cases (D5.2) • Robotic Telescopes (D 5.3) see slide before • Task Force Use Cases Assist Use Cases to prepare JSDL atomic job (D5.4, Review) • Other Grids Take care to be compatible as possible! DEISA! EGEE! Element of sustainability! Export knowhow where innovative, use what is there if available… Ukrgrid, Intl. GRAPE-Grid, FP7

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