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GOLD report Christoph Ilgner. GOLD activities at conferences : Stephen Gourlay (NA-PAC13): interested Chris Marshall (ICALEPCS): No event planned , but interested – presumably a complimentary room is available . Sponsors for refreshments need to be found (IEEE/ external sponsor ?)
GOLD reportChristoph Ilgner GOLD activitiesatconferences: Stephen Gourlay(NA-PAC13): interested Chris Marshall (ICALEPCS): Noeventplanned, but interested – presumably a complimentaryroomisavailable. Sponsors forrefreshmentsneedtobefound (IEEE/externalsponsor?) Richard Sharp (2013 RADECS): receptivetotheidea, dedicatedtablesatthegaladinnerpossible Jeffrey Black (NSREC):GOLD breakfast fortwoyearsnow, wellestablished, organizedby Jonny Pellishof NASA-GSFC, thisyearsomerecentmembersofconferencecommittees, radiationeffectssteeringgroupsandAdCom will beinvitedtotheevent Hee-Joung Kim (NSS-MIC): GOLD receptionasitisestablishednow, Jane Lehr hasvolunteered Breakfast formatmaybebettersuitedforsmallerconferences Christoph Ilgner, March 02, 2013, Savannah
GOLD report Whataboutco-sponsored/technicallyco-sponsoredconferences such as ANIMMA and SCINT? Tryingtogetinto (only) technicallyco-sponsoredconferencesmaybeinappropriate. GOLD chaircanhelpwithidentifying GOLD membersfromtheirtechincalinterestprofileorcross check withconferenceparticipantsdatabase (donealreadyfor Real Time 1012) Unfortunately, many GOLD membershaven‘tgiveninformation on theirtechnicalinterestprofileat all. Recruitingstaffneedstoknowthatthisis essential tohaverecruitsfill in theirtechnicalinterestprofile in theirowninterest Couldweeventuallyhelptofund such an event? Estimate: not morethan 10$/person GOLD statistics: Wecurrently (bytoday, March 2, 2013 – so withoutthosethathave not renewed) have 764 NPSS memberswiththe GOLD flagset (wehad 707 GOLD membersby June 14, 2012). Christoph Ilgner, March 02, 2013, Savannah