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Exploring Ray-finned and Lobe-finned Fish: A Comparative Study

Dive into the fascinating world of bony fish with distinct ray-finned and lobe-finned varieties. Discover their unique body plans, swim bladders, and breathing capabilities. Explore the diversity of shapes and adaptations across species.

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Exploring Ray-finned and Lobe-finned Fish: A Comparative Study

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  1. KEY CONCEPT Bony fish include ray-finned and lobe-finned fish.

  2. Ray-finned fish have a fan of bones in their fins. • Ray-finned fish have fins supported by a fan-shaped array of bones. • embedded in a thin layer of skin and connective tissue • light, collapsible, and easy to move

  3. Ray-finned fish have a variety of body plans. • long torpedo-shaped bodies (barracuda)

  4. Ray-finned fish have a variety of body plans. • flattened bodies (plaice)

  5. Ray-finned fish have a variety of body plans. • elaborate camouflage (sea dragon)

  6. swim bladder • A swim bladder helps a fish float higher or lower in the water.

  7. Some ray-finned fish have both lungs and gills. • can breathe air and survive out of water for several hours at a time • example: bichir found in West Africa

  8. lobe fin Lobe-finned fish have paired rounded fins supported by a single bone. • Lobe-fins are paired pectoral and pelvic fins that are round in shape. • not as maneuverable as ray-fins • able to support weight

  9. Only seven species of lobe-finned fish exist today. • coelacanths • lungfish

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