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Join Mrs. Tricia Clawson, Mrs. Lori Denhard, Mrs. Melissa Oliver, and Miss Marlena Rizzo, Title I Reading Specialists, for an informative parent meeting. Learn about the Title I program, how students qualify for services, and strategies for helping your child at home.
Title I ReadingFall Parent Meeting2015-16First Grade Mrs. Tricia Clawson, Mrs. Lori Denhard, Mrs. Melissa Oliver, and Miss Marlena Rizzo Title I Reading Specialists
Purpose of Today’s Meeting… • 1. Answer, “What is Title 1?” • 2. Explain how students qualify for Title I services. • 3. Explain components of Title I. • 4. Explain ideas for helping at home.
Title I Policy & Compact Please see handouts and sign form if not already completed.
Fall Testing DRA 2(Developmental Reading Assessment: 2nd Edition) Levels 3-18 1. Oral Reading Fluency Phrasing (Does child read word by word or in longer phrases?) Monitoring/ Self-Corrections (Does child self-correct miscues?) Problem-Solving Unknown Words (Does child use beginning sounds, picture clues, word chunks, etc. or does child wait for teacher to tell them the word?) Accuracy (94%) 2. Comprehension Previewing (Can child tell a storybased on pictures only?) Retelling (Can child retell story in sequence, using character names, with details, using language from the text, and without prompting?) Reflection (Can child tell the part they liked best in the story and why they liked that part?) Making Connections (Can the child tell what the story made them think of?) Goal: Instructional Level 6, Fall of 1st Grade
Fall Testing DIBELS NEXT (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) 1. Letter Naming Fluency Only assessed in the Fall, 110 upper and lower case letters in random order on a page. No longer given a Benchmark Goal, former goal was 38 correct letters in 1 minute. 2. Phoneme Segmentation Fluency Only assessed in the Fall, students are given a word and asked to say all the sounds in the word, /m/ /a/ /p/ and earn 1 point for each correct sound. Goal is 40 correct sounds in 1 minute. 3. Nonsense Word Fluency Assessed in the Fall, Winter, and Spring, students look at a page with 50 nonsense words, all containing short vowel sounds, in order to determine if the child can successfully blend letter sounds together to read a word. Students earn 2 different scores on the same task. The first is Correct Letter Sounds. Students earn 1 point for each CLS. Our Goal in the Fall is 27. This goal increases to 43 in the Winter and 58 in the Spring. Students are also scored on Whole Words Read, earning 1 point for each whole word read, demonstrating their ability to blend all the letter sounds together. 4.DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Beginning in the Winter, 1st grade students will read a grade level passage for one minute then retell what they read. Students are given 2 different scores, 1 for Oral Reading Fluency Accuracy and 1 for Retell Fluency.
Fall Testing LEAD 21 Placement Test Letter Recognition (5 Questions- Goal: 5) Students are asked to circle the letter the teacher says. 5 questions, 2 have 4 upper-case letters to choose from and 3 have 4 lower-case letters to choose from. Phonological and Phonemic Awareness (5 Questions- Goal: 5) Students are asked to circle the picture that begins with the same sound as a given word (2), ends with the same sound (3). Phonics/High-Frequency Words (10- Goal: 9) Phonics: 5 questions- Students are asked to circle the word that begins with the same sound as the picture (2), ends with the same sound as the picture (1), or has the same vowel sound as the picture (2). High-Frequency Words: 5 questions- Students are asked to circle the word the teacher says. (Listening) Comprehension (10- Goal: 9) Teacher reads aloud 2 stories. Students are asked to circle the picture that answers the question the teacher asks, 5 questions for each story.
Schedules Pull-Out Monday-Thursday 30 minutes based on areas of need (LLI Program).
Take Home Books • Students will bring home one leveled book that they read in class. They should be able to read with little to no help. • Adults are to listen to your child read, and ask questions before, during, and after reading. * Parents should be reinforcing child to: • point to words, if needed. • use pictures, beginning sounds, word families, etc. to helpfigure out unknown words, always encouraging child to attempt to figure out the word on his/her own! Use the GREEN BOOKMARK in LLI Folder! • Ask questions before, during, and after reading. Use the YELLOW BOOKMARK in LLI Folder! • Student and Adults sign sheet that child read that night. • Return everything the following day.
Quarterly Assessments • DIBELS – beginning, mid-year, and end of year. • DRA2 – October/January/May • LLI Running Records *You will receive a Progress Report each Quarter containing the results of each Title I Assessment
Communication • Call Richland Elementary School – 266-5757 • Write us a note. • Send an e-mail: tclawson@richlandsd.com ldenhard@richlandsd.com moliver@richlandsd.com mrizzo@richlandsd.com
Folders • Tips for Motivation • Sight Word Activities • Spelling Activities • Reading Comprehension • Tips for Homework Help • Educational Websites • Title 1 Parent Resource Center • Title 1 Contact Information
Thank you for attending today! Thank you for your support and cooperation. We are looking forward to working with your child this year. You are welcome to stay and ask questions. We are happy to answer them. Please be sure that one of the Reading Specialists collects your child’s assessments before you leave. Everything else in the folder is yours to keep!