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Potential Collaboration between ITU and Academia on Cyber Security

Explore potential collaboration between ITU and AUB on cyber security research and education. Lab setup, networking basics, threats, prevention, detection, and response covered.

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Potential Collaboration between ITU and Academia on Cyber Security

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Imad H. Elhajj American University of Beirut Electrical and Computer Engineering ie05@aub.edu.lb ITU Academia Seminar September 28, 2011 Potential Collaboration between ITU and Academia on Cyber Security

  2. Macro

  3. Macro

  4. Micro

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  7. Play Office

  8. AUB (Founded in 1866)

  9. Electrical and Computer Engineering AUB • 7,500 students • 73-acre Campus ECE • 620 Undergraduate students • 50 Graduate students • 26 Full-time faculty members • Opportunities for graduate students and collaboration

  10. Areas of Research Synchronization Multimedia VoIP Networking Security Security Intrusion & Spoofing Detection Localization Synchronization Clustering Robot Integration Sensor Networks Control & Instrumentation Hardware Medical & Environmental Devices Algorithms

  11. Security Group At AUB • Dr. Ayman Kayssi • Dr. Ali Chehab • Dr. Imad Elhajj • 3 PhD Students • 8 MS Students

  12. Graduate Courses Offered • Cryptography and Computer Security • Internet Security • Wireless Security • Information Security Management • Network and Computer Security Laboratory

  13. Laboratory Description This laboratory addresses advanced network and computer security topics. Experiments include the execution of attacks, the setup of intrusion detection and prevention, securing computers and wired and wireless networks, and digital forensics.

  14. Topics Covered • Section 1 — Networking Basics - How do networks work? • Lab 1: Security Lab Setup and Networking Basics • Section 2 — Vulnerabilities and Threats - How can networks be compromised? • Lab 2: Scanning and Enumerating the Network for Targets and Address Spoofing • Lab 3: Denial of Service Attacks and Network Applications Exploits • Lab 4: Malware Analysis and Botnets • Lab 5: Escalating Privilege – Sniffing, Keylogging, Password Cracking and Man in the Middle Attacks • Lab 6: Security in Wireless Systems • Section 3 — Prevention - How do we prevent harm to the networks? • Lab 7: Firewalls • Lab 8: Hardening the Host Computer and Securing Network Communications • Section 4 — Detection and Response – How do we detect and respond to attacks? • Lab 9: Preparing for and Detecting Attacks • Lab 10: Identify and Mitigate Network Attacks • Lab 11: Digital Forensics

  15. Lab Objectives The objectives of this lab are to give students: • An applied understanding of the principles of network and computer security. • A hands-on experience in attack execution, and the use of tools in such attacks. • A hands-on experience in the use of intrusion detection and prevention systems and techniques. • The practical knowledge required to secure computers and networks including the setup of policies and security assessment. • The practical knowledge to conduct digital forensics and attack tracing

  16. Lab Overall Diagram

  17. Lab Group Diagram

  18. Cabinets Juniper IPS

  19. Photos

  20. Photos

  21. Potential Uses • Customized training for industry • Testing and benchmarking of equipment • Vendor demonstrations • Lab could potentially be virtualized to duplicate at low cost

  22. ITU Resolutions Relevant to AUB Collaboration • ITU Plenipotentiary Resolution 130: Strengthening the role of ITU in building confidence and security in the use of information and communication technologies (Guadalajara, 2010) • ITU WTDC Resolution 45: Mechanisms for enhancing cooperation on cybersecurity, including combating spam (Hyderabad, 2010) • ITU WTDC Resolution 69: Creation of national computer incident response teams, particularly for developing countries, and cooperation between them (Hyderabad, 2010) • ITU WTSA Resolution 58: Encourage the creation of national computer incident response teams, particularly for developing countries (Johannesburg, 2008) • UN Resolutions 57/239 (2002) and 58/199 (2004): Creation of a global culture of cybersecurity and the protection of critical information infrastructures

  23. Research Relevance to ITU-T SG17 Questions

  24. Potential Collaboration between ITU and AUB • Test lab for ITU-T standards conformance • Contributions to standards (ITU-T SG17). Several of the questions for Study Group 17 are areas of research at AUB • Organizing events (workshops, seminars) • Capacity building and Awareness • Help establish CERT (AUB Member of the PAN Arab Cyber Security Observatory)

  25. Thank you ie05@aub.edu.lb

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