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Flame without Focus is a Wildfire

Thomas Marcetti, Sr., PSD State Director of MI Programs, Warden & Guards. Responsible for council property supervision, meeting setup, and protocol enforcement. Guidelines for handling protocol issues in council meetings.

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Flame without Focus is a Wildfire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Flame without Focus is a Wildfire

  2. Warden - GuardsTraining2015-2016 Thomas Marcetti, Sr., PSD State Director of MI Programs

  3. Warden & Guards • Responsible for supervising and maintaining all council property • Sets up council chambers for meetings and degree exemplifications • Attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance • Charter Constitution Laws • Warden sec.143 – Guards sec. 144 • ….and perform such duties as his council* may direct

  4. K of C Dignitaries V ? ? ? Over ? Overflow ? ? ? ?

  5. Warden & Guards • Communication with GK and each other • Tact with members • Pride in your contribution to the well being of the council

  6. Before the meeting • Arrange chamber • Distribute ode cards, handouts etc. • Check for current membership cards • Distribute jewels of office

  7. The beginning of the meeting When the Grand Knight asks: “Worthy Warden, do you vouch that all present are in possession of a current membership card?” Warden’s response: “I do so vouch.” Or “All present are in possession of a current membership card.”

  8. During the meeting • Enforce protocol when members enter meetings late or leave meetings early • Maintain order and decorum in the council chamber. • Distribute materials during the meeting

  9. Duties at the Conclusion of a Council Meeting • Offer to assist and escort dignitaries as they leave the council. • Expectations for “cleaning” the council chamber. • Care for council properties.

  10. Protocol Handbook • Acquire and review a copy of the current Protocol Handbook (1612 3/14). • www.kofc.org/un/en/resources/service/council/protocol.pdf

  11. Council Protocol • Discuss issues with the Grand Knight • He will make the final decision…. • You will never go wrong by employing common courtesy

  12. The End of this Session With wishes for the Beginning of a Great Fraternal Year Flame without Focus is a Wildfire

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