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How to add a tracer in ECHAM6?. mo_transport.f90. MODULE mo_transport USE mo_kind , ONLY: dp USE mo_time_conversion ONLY: time_days IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE
mo_transport.f90 MODULE mo_transport USE mo_kind, ONLY: dp USE mo_time_conversion ONLY: time_days IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: init_transport, bcond_transport CHARACTER (LEN=9), PARAMETER :: c_mod_name=’transport’ INTEGER :: dt_start_emission(6)=(/1991,6,15,0,0,0/) REAL(dp) :: emission_flux=1.0_dp ! emission msaafluz in kg/s REAL(dp) :: emission_lon=12._dp, emission_lat=40._dp, emission_plec=500._dp INTEGER :: idx_lev_emission TYPE(time_days), SAVE :: start_emission REAL(dp), pointer :: emission_mask(:,:) INTEGER :: idx_xtrans ! tracer index CHARACTER(LEN=24) :: trname ! tracer base name CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: trmodule !< module name
SUBROUTINE init_transport SUBROUTINE init_transport USE mo_exception, ONLY: finish, message USE mo_mpi, ONLY: p_parallel_io, p_parallel, p_io, p_bcast USE mo_namelist, ONLY: position_nml, open_nml, & POSITIONED, MISSING, & LENGTH_ERROR, READ_ERROR USE mo_tracer, ONLY: new_tracer, get_tracer USE mo_tracdef, ONLY: ON, OFF, GAS, RESTART, CONSTANT USE mo_time_conversion, ONLY: TC_set, TC_convert, time_native USE mo_memory_base, ONLY: new_stream, add_stream_element, t_stream USE mo_gaussgrid, ONLY: philon, philat, gridarea USE mo_transpose, ONLY: scatter_gp USE mo_decomposition, ONLY: dc => local_decomposition,global_decomposition USE mo_control, ONLY: nlev, nvclev, vct ! for hyai, hybi coefficients USE mo_util_string, ONLY: int2string ……
SUBROUTINE init_transport …… ! define new tracer xtrans if it does not exist already trname = 'xtrans' CALL get_tracer (trname, idx = idx_xtrans, modulename=trmodule, ierr = ierr) !, pxt = co2, pxtm1 = co2m1) IF (ierr==1) THEN CALL new_tracer( & trname, &! tracer name 'transport', &! module name idx=idx_xtrans, &! tracer index (out) units = 'kg kg-1', & ninit = RESTART+CONSTANT, & vini = 0.0_dp, & ierr = ierr) ELSE CALL finish ('mo_transport ( init_transport )','Tracer '''//trname//''' already exists '//& 'defined by module '//TRIM(trmodule)) END IF ……
ninit • Initialization of tracer mixing ratios in one integer • constant: set tracer mixing ratio to a globally constant value at start of run • restart: at restart, read mmr from restart file • Initial: set tracer mmr to same distribution read from file(at beginning of experiment) • Hierarchy in ECHAM: restart→ initial(values from file)→ constant
Submodel mo_tracer.f90 SUBROUTINE new_tracer (name, modulename, spid, subname,longname, & ! names... units, trtype, nphase, mode, & ninit, nrerun, vini, & ! initialisation nwrite, nint, code, table, bits, & ! output burdenid, nbudget, & ! diagnostics ntran, nfixtyp, nvdiff, nconv, & ! processes ndrydep, nwetdep, nsedi, nemis, nsoluble, & moleweight, tdecay, & ! species properties !!mgs!! moleweight, henry, dryreac, tdecay, & ! species properties idx, myflag, ierr) ! return info
Submodel mo_tracer.f90 • CHARACTER(len=*) ,INTENT(in) :: name ! name of tracer • CHARACTER(len=*) ,INTENT(in) :: modulename! name of routine/module • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: spid ! species index • CHARACTER(len=*) ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: subname ! optional for 'colored' • CHARACTER(len=*) ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: longname ! long name • CHARACTER(len=*) ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: units ! units • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: trtype ! tracer type • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nphase ! phase indicator • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: mode ! mode indicator or bin number • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: ninit ! initialisation flag • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nrerun ! restart flag • REAL(dp) ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: vini ! initialisation value • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nwrite ! flag to print tracer • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nint ! integration flag
INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: code ! grib code • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: table ! grib table • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: bits ! grib encoding bits • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: burdenid ! burden diagnostics number • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nbudget ! budget diagnostics • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: ntran ! transport switch • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nfixtyp ! type of mass fixer • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nvdiff ! vertical diffusion fl. • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nconv ! convection flag • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: ndrydep ! dry deposition flag • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nwetdep ! wet deposition flag • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nsedi ! sedimentation flag • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nemis ! surface emission flag • INTEGER ,INTENT(in) ,OPTIONAL :: nsoluble ! soluble flag