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Adjectives and Animals

Adjectives and Animals. Learn quickly some Polish adjectives and the names of animals!!! You may ask… Is anything in common between adjectives and the names of animals? YES!!! You may ask… What? Look at the phrases below and find out!!!.

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Adjectives and Animals

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Adjectives and Animals Learn quickly some Polish adjectives and the names of animals!!! You may ask… Is anything in common between adjectives and the names of animals? YES!!! You may ask… What? Look at the phrases below and find out!!!

  2. lis – sprytnyfox - smart as smart as a fox sprytny jak lis

  3. byk – silnyox- strong as strong as an ox silny jak byk

  4. pszczoła – pracowitabee - busy mrówka – pracowita ant - busy as busy as a bee pracowita jak pszczoła pracowita jak mrówka (as busy as ant)

  5. ślepy - kretblind - mole as blind as a bat ślepy jak kret (as blind as mole)

  6. mysz – cichamouse - quiet as quiet as a mouse cicha jak mysz

  7. mądra – sowaowl – wise as wise as an owl mądra jak sowa

  8. osioł – upartydonkey - stubborn as stubborn as a donkey uparty jak osioł

  9. dumny – pawproud - peacock as proud as a peacock dumny jak paw

  10. wilk – głodnyhorse - hungry as hungry as a horse głodny jak wilk (as hungry as a wolf)

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