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APPLICATION FORM - INSTRUCTIONS. The compatibility of your company will be evaluated based on the application form (4 pages – current status, market need and solution, team, financial status).
APPLICATION FORM - INSTRUCTIONS The compatibility of your company will be evaluated based on the application form (4 pages – current status, market need and solution, team, financial status). Please fill in the sentences in red. Please use short descriptions and rounded-up figures, we need to get an overall understanding of the status of your company. Filled-in example is in the end of this application form. Cut-off dates can be found at www.trailmaker.com. Please submit your application to: ventureexpress@trailmaker.com Should you have any questions, please contact Venture Express –coordinator Anne Kontula, tel. +358 400 284 876.
APPLICATION FORM Company Oy Founding year of the company: vvvv Contact person: X, tel. X, email X Business Incubator/accelerator or similar development organization: X, Contact person X Application date: dd.mm.yyyy
Current status BUSINESS: What does your company offer and to whom? SCOPE OF OPERATIONS: Current clients are X sector/segment companies / consumers in X and Y (countries) TARGETED STRATEGIC CHANGE: Significant growth, target turnover in 2019 XM € OFFERING: Ready: Product or service X Under development: Product or service X, development input from present X labour months. SALES AND CUSTOMERS: Turnover 2013 X €. Cumulative sales from the beginning of 2014 until present X €. Customers: company X, company Y, company Z Potential customers (ongoing negotiations): company X, company Y, company Z SALES CHANNELS:Sales channels: company X, company Y, company Z Potential sales channels (ongoing negotiations): company X, company Y, company Z MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS: Main marketing measures completed or planned: xxxxxxxx AVAILABILITY: Production of the product or service: own production OR subcontractor X OR production not yet started OR software, no production Current capacity: sufficient up to X € turnover OR to be increased immediately. Sales margin: X % ORGANIZATION AND Size and expertise/experience of the team, described in p. 5 ”Team” LEADERSHIP: Decision maker(s) of the company: Mr/Ms X, Mr/Ms Y FINANCING & ADMINISTRATION:Described in p. 5 ”Financial status” 3
Market Need and Solution • BACKGROUND & MARKET SIZE: • What is the general need or problem this product/solution solves? How broad influence it has? • Global market size XMrd € • Note 1: Market size here means a theoretical value if all clients in the world would buy the product/service. • Note 2: If estimating the global market size is challenging, you can estimate market size in Finland, for example. • MARKET NEED: • Paying customers are X. • What is the need or problem of the customer? How significant it is? What is the financial impact of the problem to the customer? How urgent the need is? • Are there currently any competing solutions? • RATKAISU: • What kind of solution does your company offer to customers’ need or problem? • What is the concrete benefit for the customer? (For example cost savings, sales increase etc.) 4
Team • Team member X / Title • X % work input for the company (e.g. 2 days/week = 40 %) • X % ownership of the company • Position in company: xxxx • Core expertise & experience: xxxx • Previous positions: xxxx • Team member X / Title • X % work input for the company • X % ownership of the company • Position in company: xxxx • Core expertise & experience: xxxx • Previous positions: xxxx • Team member X / Title • X % work input for the company • X % ownership of the company • Position in company: xxxx • Core expertise & experience: xxxx • Previous positions: xxxx • Team member X / Title • X % work input for the company • X % ownership of the company • Position in company: xxxx • Core expertise & experience: xxxx • Previous positions: xxxx • Team member X / Title • X % work input for the company • X % ownership of the company • Position in company: xxxx • Core expertise & experience: xxxx • Previous positions: xxxx • Team member X / Title • X % work input for the company • X % ownership of the company • Position in company: xxxx • Core expertise & experience: xxxx • Previous positions: xxxx 5
Financial status • FINANCIAL STATUS SO FAR: • Entrepreneurs (own investments) xxxxx € • Private investors xxxxx € • Investment companies xxxxx € • Tekes-subsidies* xxxxx € * If the company has received financing or loan from Tekes, contact person: X • Tekes-loans *xxxxx € • Other public financing (e.g. ELY) xxxxx € • Loans xxxxx € • AVAILABLE FUNDS (MINIMUM 35.000 €): • Cash xxxxx € dd.mm.yyyy • Loans (unclaimed) xxxxx € A positive decision from a bank etc yes / no • Investments (unclaimed) xxxxx € Agreement with investor/syes / no • Other incoming monies xxxxx € Note. Incoming customer payments etc. within next 6 months • E.g. Payments from clients xxxxx € Customer X mm.yyyy (payment to be received) • E.g. Payment from ELY-project xxxxx € mm.yyyy (payment to be received)) • UNPAID TAXES AND TAX-LIKE PAYMENTS: • Does the company have unpaid taxes overdue? no / yes 6
Demo-company APPLICATION FORM Waterfront Oy Foundingyear of the company: 2009 Contact person: Ville Virtanen, tel. 040 123 4567, email: ville.virtanen@waterfront.com Business Incubator/acceleratororsimilardevelopmentorganization: PK-seudun Yrityskeskus Oy, contact person: Maija Mattila Applicationdate: 27.08.2014
Current status BUSINESS: Nano-particle based water purification systems for industry and water processing facilities. SCOPE OF OPERATIONS: Customers are chemical industry companies in Finland TARGETED STRATEGIC CHANGE: Significant growth, target turnover in 2019 80 M € OFFERING: Ready: Purification system suitable for industrial use. Under development: Purification system for drinking water, development input from present 12 labour months SALES AND CUSTOMERS: Turnover 2013 200.000 €. Cumulative sales from the beginning of 2014 until present 180.000 €. Customers: Kemira, BASF Potential customers (ongoing negotiations): Orion SALES CHANNELS:Sales channels: Currently only direct sales Potential sales channels (ongoing negotiations): ABB MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS:Main marketing measures completed or planned: ”Sustainable Trade Exhibition”-fair in Amsterdam AVAILABILITY: Production of the product or service: Subcontractors MetallipajaVehviläinenOy and NanoXOy Current capacity: Sufficient up to 2.000.000 € turnover. Sales margin: 60 % ORGANIZATION AND Size and expertise/experience of the team, described in p. 5 ”Team” LEADERSHIP: Decision maker(s) of the company: Ville Virtanen, Kalle Koskinen FINANCING & ADMINISTRATION: Described in p. 6 ”Financial status” Demo-company 8
Market Need and Solution Demo-company • BACKGROUND & MARKET SIZE: • The lack of clean water is increasing continuously. The demand of both drinking water and industry is vast. • Global market size 10 Mrd € • . • MARKET NEED: • Paying customers are industry (chemical, medical and mining industries) and water purification plants. • Competing solutions are traditional mechanical water purification systems (for exampke ABB¨s XYZ-system) • Competing solutions are not able to provide solutions for sufficiently large water volumes, and the costs are high. • RATKAISU: • Waterfront Oy has developed a high volume, low-cost and high impact nanotechnology for water purification. • Benefits for the customer: • Volumes meeting the needs of both drinking and industrial segment. • Cost-savings of 10 % for the client. • Maintenance free system. 9
Team • Ville Virtanen / Managing Director • 100 % % work input for the company (E.g. 2 days/week = 40 %) • 40 % ownership of the company • Position in company: sales, administration • Core expertise & experience: 15 years of experience in international sales in chemical industry • Previous positions: Sales Manager EMEA KemiraOyj • Lasse Lehtinen / CTO • 100 % work input for the company • 30 % ownership of the company • Position in company: product development, delivery chain management • Core expertise & experience: 20 years of experience in research & development of water purification technologies • Previous positions: Senior researcher Uni. Helsinki, research engineer VTT Demo-company • Kalle Koskinen / Chairman of the Board • 10 % work input for the company • 10 % ownership of the company • Position in company: strategy planning with managing director, contact to medical industry • Core expertise & experience: 10 years in senior management positions in industry • Previous positions: Managing Director at Orion Oyj, Business Manager Kone Oyj • MattiMikkonen / Advisor • 10 % work input for the company • 0 % ownership of the company • Position in company: controller, financial management • Core expertise & experience: 10 years in managemant positions in finance industry • Previous positions: Board MemeberHagströmsOy, Business Area Controller KoskisenOy 10
Financial status Demo-company • FINANCIAL STATUS SO FAR: • Entrepreneurs 20.000 € • Private Investors 100.000 € • Investment companies 0 € • Tekes-subsidies * 0 € * If financing or loan from Tekes, contact person: MattiMöttönen • Tekes-lainat * 100.000 € • Other public financing (e.g. ELY) 0 € • Loans 100.000 € • AVAILABLE FUNDS (MINIMUM 35.000 €): • Cash 20.000 € 27.8.2014 • Loans (unclaimed) 20.000 € A positive decision from a bank etcno • Investments (unclaimed) 0 € Agreement with investor/s • Other incoming monies 20.000 € Note. Incoming customer payments etc. within next 6 months • E.g. Payments from clients 20.000 € Kemira 10.2014 • E.g. Payments from clients 5.000 € BASF 9.2014 • E.g. Payment from ELY-project 0 € • UNPAID TAXES AND TAX-LIKE PAYMENTS: • Does the company have unpaid taxes overdue no 11