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Regional Laboratories. Dr. Heidelore Fiedler UNEP Chemicals Branch, DTIE 11-13, chemin des Anémones CH-1219 Châtelaine (GE), Switzerland E-mail: hfiedler@chemicals.unep.ch. Stockholm Convention entered into force on 17 May 2004; Today it has 153 Parties and 152 signatories.
Regional Laboratories Dr. Heidelore FiedlerUNEP Chemicals Branch, DTIE11-13, chemin des AnémonesCH-1219 Châtelaine (GE), SwitzerlandE-mail: hfiedler@chemicals.unep.ch
Stockholm Convention entered into force on 17 May 2004;Today it has 153 Parties and 152 signatories
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Chemical Parent POPs Transformation products Aldrin aldrin Chlordane cis- and trans-chlordane cis- and trans-nonachlor, oxychlordane DDT 4,4’-DDT, 2,4’-DDT 4,4’-DDE, 2,4’-DDE, 4,4’-DDD, 2,4’-DDD Dieldrin dieldrin Endrin endrin HCB HCB Heptachlor heptachlor -heptachlorepoxide Mirex mirex PCB ΣPCB7 (7 congeners: 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153, and 180) PCB with TEFs* (12 congeners): 77, 81, 105, 114, 118, 123, 126, 156, 157, 167, 169, 189 PCDD/PCDF 2,3,7,8-substituted PCDD/PCDF (17 congeners) Toxaphene congeners P26, P50, P62
Candidate POPs – Present Status After risk management evaluations adopted and recommendation to include: Chlordecone Annex A without specific exemptions Hexabromobiphenyl Annex A without specific exemptions -HCH, lindane Annex A c-pentaBDE Annex A withBDE-47 and BDE-99 as markers for enforcement purposes PFOS/PFOSF salts Annex A or B specifying the related control measures -HCH Adopts risk profile and invites risk management evaluation -HCH Adopts risk profile and invites risk management evaluation c-octaBDE Adopts risk profile and invites risk management evaluation and invites for further information on nona-BDE to complement risk profile (includes debromination) Pentachlorobenzene Adopts risk profile and invites risk management evaluation SCCP Information currently available insufficient to support risk profile; invites for additional toxicity and ecotoxicity data Newly proposed Endosulfane Considerations suspended until POPRC-4 (Oct 2008)
Global Monitoring of POPs (GMP) • Guidelines developed and approved; • 3 Core matrices: ambient air, human breast milk, human blood; • Regional Organization Groups report for COP-4 (May 2009); • GEF projects under development; • SAICM QSP projects.
Regional Groups (Global Team) • Africa:Congo (Rep of), Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Morocco, Tanzania; • Asia:China, Fiji, India, Japan, Qatar, Syria; • Central and Eastern Europe:Armenia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Moldova, Slovak Republic; • Group of Latin America and Caribbean:Antigua and Barbuda, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador,Mexico (Ana Patricia Martínez Bolívar);Western European and Other Groups:Australia, Canada(Tom Harner), Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden
Convention-driven Country Needs • Effectiveness evaluation = Monitoring of all 12 POPs mothers’ milk, human blood, and air Tier for: GMP basic POPs Tier for: GMP dioxin-like POPs • Performance levels of PCDD/PCDF in stack emissions associated with BAT: 0.1 / 0.2 / 0.5 ng TEQ/Nm³ Tier for: BAT/BEP – PCDD/PCDF • Limit values for ”low POP content” in waste:50 mg/kg for 10 intentional POPs15 g TEQ/kg for PCDD/PCDF Tier for: Low POP content – basic POPs Tier for: Low POP content – PCB Tier for: Low POP content – PCDD/PCDF
UNEP/GEF Project on POPs Analysis Annex in SC GMP Guidance
Regional Distribution of POPs Labs Region Number of POPs Laboratories Africa 38 Asia-Pacific 38 Central and Eastern Europe 55 Group of Latin America and Caribbean 46 Western European and Other Groups 21 Total in Databank 198
Overview on POPs Analyzed in 198 Labs Frequently Less Frequently POP No of Labs POP No of Labs DDT 151 PCDD/PCDF 55 HCB 145 (GRULAC 4) Heptachlor 144 dl-PCB 72 PCB 143 (GRULAC 6) -drins 121 Mirex 75 Chlordane 116 Toxaphene 90
Grouping • Basic POPs:Aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, HCB, mirex, toxaphene, PCB • Dioxin-like POPs:PCDD/PCDF, dioxin-like PCB • GMP matrices:Ambient air, mother’s milk, human blood • Matrices for ”low POP content”:Soil, sediment, residue, product
General Tier Assignment In GMP document named “laboratory instrumentation level”: Tier Instrumentation Analytes (1) HRGC/HRMS PCDD/PCDF, all PCB(= golden standard) All OCPs (2) HRGC/LRMS or PCB, HRGC with MS/MS PCDD/PCDF, dl-PCB (at higher concentrations) Toxaphene if NCI (3) HRGC/ECD Indicator PCB, OCPs Except for toxaphene (9) HPLC or packed columns Not adequate with ECD, LRMS; or for POPs analysis HRGC/FID
Scoring System • General Tier assigned according to instrumentation • Tier scores composed of:- 20% if accreditation according to ISO 17025- 30% if >50 samples analyzed annually (relevant group of sample matrices)- 50% if successful participation in relevant intercalibration study during last 3 years (preferably annual participation) Note: There are no intercalibration studies for PCB in transformer oils and no for stack emissions Maximum score = 50 %.
Tier Requirements per Matrix POP Matrix Tier POPs pesticides: Abiotic Labs at Tiers 1, 2, 3 Biota Labs at Tiers 1, 2, 3 Toxaphene: Biota Labs at Tiers 1, 2(low contamination) PCB Abiotic Labs at Tiers 1, 2, 3 Biota Labs at Tiers 1, 2, 3 Biota Labs a Tiers 1,2 (low contamination, e.g., blood) dl-PCB Abiotic Labs at Tiers 1, 2 Biota Labs at Tier 1, 2 PCDD/PCDF Abiotic Labs at Tiers 1, 2(except ambient air) Biota Labs at Tier 1 (2) Stack emissions Labs at Tier 1
GMP Tiers Ambient air: POPs pesticides Tiers 1, 2, 3 (not toxaphene) PCDD/PCDF + dl-PCB Tier 1 Int. intercalibration NILU Human exposure – Mothers’ milk: POPs pesticides Tiers 1, 2, 3 (not toxaphene) PCDD/PCDF + dl-PCB Tier 1 Int. intercalibration CEAEQ, QUASIMEME, FAPAS, FIOH Human exposure – Human blood: POPs pesticides Tiers 1, 2 PCDD/PCDF + dl-PCB Tier 1 Int. intercalibration WHO mothers’ milk study Food/feed, e.g., FIOH, FAPAS
Scoring System • General Tier assigned according to instrumentationTier 1 = HRGC/HRMS,Tier 2 = HRGC/LRMS or HRGC/MS-MS Tier 3 = HRGC/ECDTier 9 = no adequate instrumentation • Tier scores composed of:- 20% if accreditation according to ISO 17025- 30% if >50 samples analyzed annually (relevant group of sample matrices)- 50% if successful participation in relevant intercalibration study during last 3 years (preferably annual participation)
Overview on Tier Assignment (198 Labs) Tier Classification All GRULAC Tier 1-2-3-9 GMP-basic POPs 105 12 1-3-7-1 GMP-dl-POPs 55 3 1-1-1- BAT/BEP 43 3 1-2- - Low POP-basic POPs 120 13 1-3-8-1 Low POP-PCDD/PCDF 46 3 1-2- - Low POP-PCB 66 7 1-0-6
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