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What is Zonta?

What is Zonta?. Zonta’s Mission. Zonta International is an international service organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women through service and advocacy. The Meaning of “Zonta”. Not an acronym

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What is Zonta?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is Zonta?

  2. Zonta’s Mission Zonta International is an international service organization of executives in business and the professions working together to advance the status of women through service and advocacy

  3. The Meaning of “Zonta” • Not an acronym • Lakota Sioux Indian Word • Means Honest and Trustworthy • Logo represents radiance, banding together, and shelter or support

  4. March 1919 Zonta Founded in Buffalo, NY November 1919 Confederation of nine clubs, including Detroit 1929 Ottawa Club established 1930 Became Zonta International with Vienna, Austria History

  5. Guiding Principles • Women’s rights are human rights • Advancing the status of women improves society as a whole • The key to change is the combination of service and advocacy • International friendship encourages understanding and peace in the world

  6. Long History of Service • 1923 Financial contributions to support 115,000 orphans in Turkey • 1928 Equal education for girls • 1938 Amelia Earhart Fellowships • 1944 Opposed gender discrimination in employment • 1946 Consultative status with UN

  7. Today • 68 countries • 31 Districts, 2 Regions • 1,250 clubs • 33,000 members • HQ in Chicago

  8. Why Zonta in 2009? • 70 % of world’s 1.3 billion poor are women • 2/3 of world’s illiterate adults are women • 60 million women “missing” due to violence of gender discrimination • Trafficking in women is a lucrative global industry

  9. Who Are Zontians? • People committed to our mission • Non-partisan and non-sectarian • Decision makers in business and professions • Primarily women • Classified for diversity • From late 20’s to 100+ • High school students in Z clubs • College students in Golden Z clubs

  10. Service Project THE ZONTIAN , January, 1935 continued: Proposal by Ann Arbor Club: Standards by which all Zonta Service work [should] be measured, i.e.: • a project should have the element of permanence • it should be in the nature of rehabilitation • it should have possibilites for growth • it should attain measurable results • should fill a definite community need

  11. International Service • Anti-tetanus and Health Education for Women in rural Afghanistan—AIL/UNICEF • Anti-Trafficking in Bosnia-Herzegovina—STAR Network • Micro Credit project for HIV/Aids affected women in Niger—CARE International • ZISVAW-Preventing Violence Against Women--UNIFEM

  12. International Service • Amelia Earhart Fellowships • Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarships • Young Women in Public Affairs Awards

  13. Local Service Zonta Club of Ottawa • Human Trafficking – PACT-Ottawa – December 2 • New focus on immigrants and credentials. • Scholarships: Higher Education Scholarship / Arts Awards / Youth Awards

  14. Structure • Biennial Convention – San Antonio, Texas • International Board • Foundation • HQ - Chicago • Districts – [District 2] • Areas – [ Area 4] • Clubs

  15. 2009/2011 Program Financial support • Fundraising • Jams and Jellies • Bequests • Investments New Program • Professional Women and Immigrants • Red Tape and Worries…

  16. Zonta Working together to make a better world

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