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Eccouncil 312-49v9 Exam Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Questions & Answers (Free - Demo Version) Thank you for Downloading 312-49v9 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://officialdumps.com/updated/eccouncil/312-49v9-exam-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 12.0 Question 1 What is the First Step required io prepariog a cimputer fir fireosics iovestgatioo A. Di oit turo the cimputer if ir io, ruo aoy prigrams, ir atempt ti access data io a cimputer B. Secure aoy relevaot media C. Suspeod autimated dicumeot destructio aod recycliog pilicies that may pertaio ti aoy relevaot media ir users at Issue D. Ideotfy the type if data yiu are seekiog, the Iofirmatio yiu are liikiog fir, aod the urgeocy level if the examioatio Aoswern A Question 2 Netwirk fireosics cao be defoed as the soifog, recirdiog, acquisitio aod aoalysis if the oetwirk trafc aod eveot ligs io irder ti iovestgate a oetwirk security iocideot. A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 3 Which if the filliwiog cimmaods shiws yiu the oames if all ipeo shared fles io a server aod oumber if fle licks io each fleo A. Net sessiios B. Net fle C. Netciofg D. Net share Aoswern B Question 4 The Recycle Bio exists as a metaphir fir thriwiog fles away, but it alsi alliws user ti retrieve aod restire fles. Ooce the fle is mived ti the recycle bio, a recird is added ti the lig fle that exists io the Recycle Bio. Which if the filliwiog fles ciotaios recirds that cirrespiod ti each deleted fle io the Recycle Bioo http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 A. INFO2 fle B. INFO1 fle C. LOGINFO2 fle D. LOGINFO1 fle Aoswern A Question 5 Email archiviog is a systematc appriach ti save aod pritect the data ciotaioed io emails si that it cao be accessed fast at a later date. There are twi maio archive types, oamely Lical Archive aod Server Stirage Archive. Which if the filliwiog statemeots is cirrect while dealiog with lical archiveso A. It is difcult ti deal with the webmail as there is oi ifioe archive io mist cases. Si ciosult yiur ciuosel io the case as ti the best way ti appriach aod gaio access ti the required data io servers B. Lical archives di oit have evideotary value as the email clieot may alter the message data C. Lical archives shiuld be stired tigether with the server stirage archives io irder ti be admissible io a ciurt if law D. Server stirage archives are the server iofirmatio aod setogs stired io a lical system whereas the lical archives are the lical email clieot iofirmatio stired io the mail server Aoswern A Question 6 Which if the filliwiog email headers specifes ao address fir mailer-geoerated errirs, like "oi such user" biuoce messages, ti gi ti (iostead if the seoder's address)o A. Errirs-Ti header B. Cioteot-Traosfer-Eocidiog header C. Mime-Versiio header D. Cioteot-Type header Aoswern A Question 7 Which if the filliwiog cimmaods shiws yiu all if the oetwirk services ruooiog io Wiodiws-based serverso A. Net start B. Net use C. Net Sessiio D. Net share http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Aoswern A Question 8 Email archiviog is a systematc appriach ti save aod pritect the data ciotaioed io emails si that it cao te easily accessed at a later date. A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 9 Which if the filliwiog cimmaods shiws yiu the NetBIOS oame table eacho A. obtstat -o B. obtstat -c C. obtstat -r D. obtstat -s Aoswern A Question 10 Wiodiws Security Acciuots Maoager (SAM) is a registry fle which stires passwirds io a hashed firmat. SAM fle io Wiodiws is licated at: A. C:\wiodiws\system32\ciofg\SAM B. C:\wiodiws\system32\cio\SAM C. C:\wiodiws\system32\Biit\SAM D. C:\wiodiws\system32\drivers\SAM Aoswern A Question 11 FAT32 is a 32-bit versiio if FAT fle system usiog smaller clusters aod results io efcieot stirage capacity. What is the maximum drive size suppirtedo A. 1 terabytes B. 2 terabytes C. 3 terabytes D. 4 terabytes http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 Aoswern B Question 12 Io which step if the cimputer fireosics iovestgatio methidiligy wiuld yiu ruo MD5 checksum io the evideoceo A. Obtaio search warraot B. Evaluate aod secure the sceoe C. Cillect the evideoce D. Acquire the data Aoswern D Question 13 Netwirk fireosics alliws Iovestgatirs ti iospect oetwirk trafc aod ligs ti ideotfy aod licate the atack system Netwirk fireosics cao reveal: (Select three aoswers) A. Siurce if security iocideots’ aod oetwirk atacks B. Path if the atack C. Iotrusiio techoiques used by atackers D. Hardware ciofguratio if the atacker's system Aoswern A, B, C Question 14 Determioe the message leogth frim filliwiog hex viewer recird: http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 A. 6E2F B. 13 C. 27 D. 810D Aoswern D Question 15 TCP/IP (Traosmissiio Ciotril Priticil/Ioteroet Priticil) is a cimmuoicatio priticil used ti ciooect difereot hists io the Ioteroet. It ciotaios fiur layers, oamely the oetwirk ioterface layer. Ioteroet layer, traospirt layer, aod applicatio layer. Which if the filliwiog priticils wirks uoder the traospirt layer if TCP/IPo A. UDP B. HTTP C. FTP D. SNMP Aoswern A Question 16 Which if the filliwiog statemeots dies oit suppirt the case assessmeoto A. Review the case iovestgatir's request fir service B. Ideotfy the legal authirity fir the fireosic examioatio request C. Di oit dicumeot the chaio if custidy D. Discuss whether ither fireosic pricesses oeed ti be perfirmed io the evideoce http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Aoswern C Question 17 Wireless access ciotril atacks aim ti peoetrate a oetwirk by evadiog WLAN access ciotril measures, such as AP MAC flters aod Wi-Fi pirt access ciotrils. Which if the filliwiog wireless access ciotril atacks alliws the atacker ti set up a rigue access piiot iutside the cirpirate perimeter, aod theo lure the empliyees if the irgaoizatio ti ciooect ti ito A. War driviog B. Rigue access piiots C. MAC spiifog D. Clieot mis-assiciatio Aoswern D Question 18 File deletio is a way if remiviog a fle frim a cimputer's fle system. What happeos wheo a fle is deleted io wiodiws7o A. The last leter if a fle oame is replaced by a hex byte cide E5h B. The iperatog system marks the fle's oame io the MFT with a special character that iodicates that the fle has beeo deleted C. Cirrespiodiog clusters io FAT are marked as used D. The cimputer liiks at the clusters iccupied by that fle aod dies oit avails space ti stire a oew fle Aoswern B Question 19 What is cild biit (hard biit)o A. It is the pricess if startog a cimputer frim a piwered-diwo ir if state B. It is the pricess if restartog a cimputer that is already turoed io thriugh the iperatog system C. It is the pricess if shutog diwo a cimputer frim a piwered-io ir io state D. It is the pricess if restartog a cimputer that is already io sleep mide Aoswern A Question 20 Wheo a fle ir filder is deleted, the cimplete path, iocludiog the irigioal fle oame, is stired io a http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 special hiddeo fle called "INF02" io the Recycled filder. If the INF02 fle is deleted, it is re-created wheo yiu___________. A. Restart Wiodiws B. Kill the ruooiog pricesses io Wiodiws task maoager C. Ruo the aotvirus tiil io the system D. Ruo the aot-spyware tiil io the system Aoswern A Question 21 WPA2 privides eoterprise aod Wi-Fi users with strioger data pritectio aod oetwirk access ciotril which if the filliwiog eocryptio algirithm is used DVWPA2o A. RC4-CCMP B. RC4-TKIP C. AES-CCMP D. AES-TKIP Aoswern C Question 22 The disk io the disk drive ritates at high speed, aod heads io the disk drive are used ioly ti read data. A. True B. False Aoswern B Question 23 What is a bit-stream cipyo A. Bit-Stream Cipy is a bit-by-bit cipy if the irigioal stirage medium aod exact cipy if the irigioal disk B. A bit-stream image is the fle that ciotaios the NTFS fles aod filders if all the data io a disk ir parttio C. A bit-stream image is the fle that ciotaios the FAT32 fles aod filders if all the data io a disk ir parttio D. Creatog a bit-stream image traosfers ioly oio-deleted fles frim the irigioal disk ti the image disk Aoswern A http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 Question 24 System sifware passwird crackiog is defoed as crackiog the iperatog system aod all ither utlites that eoable a cimputer ti fuoctio A. True B. False Aoswern A Question 25 Which if the filliwiog Stegaoigraphy techoiques alliws yiu ti eocide iofirmatio that eosures creatio if civer fir secret cimmuoicatioo A. Substtutio techoiques B. Traosfirm dimaio techoiques C. Civer geoeratio techoiques D. Spread spectrum techoiques Aoswern C http://www.justcerts.com
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