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This talk

This talk. What is a ‘typical pathway into complex needs. What do we mean by complex needs. What are the needs Psychosis illnesses Subst misuse ( SM) Neuro-cognitive impairment Personality difficulties Physical ill health Social exclusion Forensic profile.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. This talk

  2. What is a ‘typical pathway into complex needs

  3. What do we mean by complex needs What are the needs • Psychosis illnesses • Subst misuse ( SM) • Neuro-cognitive impairment • Personality difficulties • Physical ill health • Social exclusion • Forensic profile

  4. Community Psychiatric Nurses Engaging patients Substance misuse experts Physical health experts Nurse prescribers Negotiators Psychiatrists Holistic assessment Physical health Medication Choice & information Risk management & risk sharing Audit & evaluation Social workers Family & carer work Children liaison Commuity resource negotiation Legislation Psychologists CBT psychosis Hearing voices group Family inclusive practice Family therapy Psychological formulation Knowledge of assessment tools Mindfulness Personality formulation Occupational therapist, MIND Social inclusion & SRT support Music therapists Group work Crisis response Housing team Benefits advisers Police, Probation, ASBO units Carers Self management experts Experts by experience User consultants Pharmacists MIND Parenting skills sessions Art therapists Employment specialists Sports activity co-ordinators Children and families Core team Sessional inputs from local partners

  5. What complex substance misuse in MH clients • IN-PATIENT Alcohol misuse (36%), cannabis (34%), cocaine –powder (14%), amphetamines (11%), crack –cocaine (7%) • CHMT – Alcohol misuse (25%), cannabis (23%), cocaine –powder (6%), amphetamines (5%), crack –cocaine (4%) • PRIMARY CARE Alcohol misuse (19%), cannabis (11%), cocaine –powder (3%), crack –cocaine (3%), amphetamines & heroin (2%) • Alcohol -Alcohol misuse (100%), cannabis (37%), cocaine –powder (20%), amphetamines (5%), crack –cocaine (7%). • Drugs – Alcohol misuse (66%, Crack-cocaine, heroin & Cannabis (all 78%), Methadone (69%), cocaine powder (53%)

  6. Real Stories & what has worked over 8 Years.........

  7. P’s story of recovery

  8. B’s story of recovery e

  9. C’s story of recovery

  10. Personalised care packages towards recovery

  11. Personalised care packages towards recovery

  12. Positive recovery interventions

  13. Public and person Protection

  14. Outcomes in Mental health

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