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Outline. Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing. . Heterogeneity in PLS-PMPATHMOX ApproachSimulation StudiesConclusions. Heterogeneity. Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1. A simulation study of Pathmox with non-normal data Gastn Snchez, Toms Aluja-Banet
2. Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
3. Heterogeneity Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
4. Heterogeneity Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
5. Assignable sources of heterogeneity Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
6. Heterogeneity in PATHMOX Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
7. Heterogeneity in PATHMOX Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
8. The PATHMOX Approach Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
9. Split criterion Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
10. Hypothesis test Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
11. Stopping criterion Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
12. Simulation studies Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
13. Experimental conditions Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
14. Path coefficients Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
15. Data distributions Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
16. Symmetric distribution b (6,6) Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
17. Moderate skew distribution b (9,4) Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
18. High skew distribution b (9,1) Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
19. Global results Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
20. Influence of b distance by distribution Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
21. Influence of sample size by distribution Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
22. Influence of noise of LVs Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
23. Influence of noise of MVs Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
24. Unbalanced Segments (normal data) Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
25. Unbalanced Segments b (9,4) Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
26. Influence of different variances Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
27. Influence of different variances Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
28. Conclusions Non normality of distributions doesnt affect the results of the test statistic
Splits with unbalanced children nodes delivers less sensitive p-values of the statistic. F-statistic favors balanced splits.
Unequal variances of endogenous latent variables render less reliable the test statistic and hence the tree.
The F test is used to discover unexpected segments by ordering the splits for a given node, as a data mining tool. Toms Aluja. A simulation study of PATHMOX with non-normal data. PLS'09. Beijing
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