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Virtual Worlds for Children: Parental Guidance Report

Discover what virtual worlds are, why children access them, and how parents can support and ensure their safety online. This white paper provides essential recommendations for parents to enhance their awareness and involvement in their children's online activities. Find out more at the link provided.

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Virtual Worlds for Children: Parental Guidance Report

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Children on virtual worlds: What parents should know What are virtual worlds? A virtual world is a computer-based simulated environment intended for users to inhabit and interact via avatars. These avatars are usually depicted as textual, two-dimensional, or three-dimensional graphical representations, although other forms are possible (auditory and touch sensations for example). In order to find Why do children access virtual words? and How can parents and guardians support children? read the report to find the answers.

  2. You want to read more ? Summarize: This white paper aims at providing a set of recommendations for raising awareness of parents to enhance the safety of children using virtual world sites. ENISA believes that awareness of what children can do online and parental involvement are crucial now-a-days. Parents should be educated, empowered and engaged to ensure a truly positive and valuable experience for their children, while reinforcing safety online habits in the process. For more details please visit: https://www.enisa.europa.eu/act/ar/deliverables/2008/children-on-virtualworlds

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