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I recently saw a program on PBS about a scientist that had a theory about a parallel universe and how every time we make a decision, another self experiences another version or our action in another universe. Is this true and can you explain? All consciousness dreams, flowers and trees dream as do the animals, and no matter how sophisticated your sciences become, you will never be able to eliminate the necessity to dream. In other words, you will always need to sleep and you cannot dispense with it although you may be able to limit it somewhat.<br><br><br><br>http://wedidreviewforyou.com/herpes-blitz-protocol-review/<br><br>http://wedidreviewforyou.com/phen375-review/<br><br>http://wedidreviewforyou.com/profit-genesis-2-0-review/
Exercise For Senior Health by Stephanie Rice Although time and space have no true reality and are simply an illusion in your system, you must abide by them and failure to do so can result in dire consequences. So within the confines of time and space, you will find it almost impossible to understand that other worlds and universes can and do exist simultaneously and coincidentally with your own, just as valid and just as solid. By that I mean that other universes exist within the same space that your does and they do not collide or interfere in any way. A world is an idea projected into a matter format, constructed by the co-operative nature of atoms to accumulate and fill in mental patterns created by all souls/entities interested in that particular system. A world is a platform for diverse and unique experience, each with it's own unique rules and laws, through which the soul can experience that which it could not otherwise experience. Your enigmatic flying saucers are not invading your space as it may seem, to them, they are simply flying through their own space which sometimes causes an anomaly, a bleed through into other coincidental space and in these cases, they observe nothing of your world, which to them does not exist. It is quite unusual that you can even see them at all since they are not of your plane. Much of this decision making happens in the inner reality unbeknown to the conscious ego; sometimes in the dream state where you experiment with different outcomes to the various choices of future events available to you. This is why you sometimes have dreams of very real and detailed life situations that frighten you, but that never materialize. That means that you have decided against this particular dream option and have chosen something else. Dream time is often utilized by the subconscious personality to experiment with various outcomes to potential future events in your life and is quite necessary in the decision making process of life itself. http://wedidreviewforyou.com/herpes-blitz-protocol-review/ http://wedidreviewforyou.com/phen375-review/ http://wedidreviewforyou.com/profit-genesis-2-0-review/