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Unit 3

Unit 3. Geosphere and hydrosphere. Minerals. Quiz! Check your learning!.  Say the mineral: It is yellow: sulphur It is smooth and shiny: pyrite It has no visible crystals: malachite. It is very hard: topaz. Quiz! Check your learning!. We use it to make cars: aluminium .

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Unit 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Unit 3 Geosphere and hydrosphere

  2. Minerals

  3. Quiz! Check your learning!  Say the mineral: • It is yellow: • sulphur • It is smooth and shiny: • pyrite • It has no visible crystals: • malachite. • It is very hard: • topaz.

  4. Quiz! Check your learning! • We use it to make cars: • aluminium. • We use it to make the lead in pencils: • graphite. • We use it to make plaster for walls: • gypsum. • We use it to make electric cables: • copper.

  5. Bilingualdictionary • Rockscombination of minerals Rocas • Mineralsnon living thingsfound in nature Minerales RealizadoporCrisRozas. Colegio Lourdes FUHEM

  6. Rocks

  7. Activity 6 bis. Page 10 What is..? • Sandstone = areniscaSlate = pizarra • Clay = arcilla Marble = mármol • Granite = granito Petroleum = petróleo • Basalt = basaltoCoal = carbón

  8. Types of rocks Activity 7. Page 10

  9. Bilingualdictionary • Sedimentationtheprocessbymaterials are deposited to the bottom from water, ice, or wind  • Sedimentaryrocks are formedbysedimentation. Sedimentación • Igneousresultingfromtheaction of fire • Igneousrocks are theresult of theheatinsidetheEarth. Ígneo RealizadoporCrisRozas. Colegio Lourdes FUHEM

  10. Hydrosphere Water on Earth

  11. Watercycle – El ciclo del agua • El agua existe en la Tierra en tres estados: sólido, líquido y gas. Océanos, ríos, nubes y lluvia están en constante cambio. El agua de la superficie se evapora. A medida que sube, el aire se enfría y el vapor se transforma en agua: es la condensación. Las gotas se juntan y forman una nube. Cuando las nubes tienen mucha cantidad de agua, ésta cae a la superficie produciendo la precipitación. Si en la atmósfera hace mucho frío, el agua cae como nieve o granizo. Si es más cálida, caerán gotas de lluvia. • Este ciclo que recorre el agua se llama ciclo del agua porque la cantidad total de agua en el planeta no cambiasino que se transforma y mueve.

  12. CONDENSATION When temperature goes down, water vapour condenses into a liquid and then, precipitation takes place. EVAPORATION Heat from the Sun transforms liquid water into water vapour. This steam forms the clouds. PRECIPITATION It can be in the forms of rain (liquid) or snow, sleet and hail if temperature is very low. 2 3 1 Liquid water goes down the surface of mountains and creates rivers, lakes, ponds and streams. Some water goes through the soil and rocks making GROUND WATER 5 4

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