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SHWG Update

SHWG Update. Last Meeting of the Seat Harmonisation Working Group was held at Britax / Wales in Feb. 2002. Task 1 - Dynamic Test Article Selection Criteria The primary topic of discussion was Retention of Items of Mass. The team spent most of the meeting on this topic.

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SHWG Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SHWG Update • Last Meeting of the Seat Harmonisation Working Group was held at Britax / Wales in Feb. 2002. Task 1 - Dynamic Test Article Selection Criteria • The primary topic of discussion was Retention of Items of Mass. The team spent most of the meeting on this topic. • The discussion was started by reviewing the comments received from each team member. • The team than proceeded to find common ground between the different perspectives. This involved give-and-take from each of the members. The process involved separating the items that could be attached to a seat into different categories, then determining how that category needs to be substantiated. 16.06.2002

  2. SHWG Update • This represented a reasonable compromise between the original team member perspectives. • The only other item reviewed in detail was the criteria for determining a "glancing blow" head strike for row-to-row HIC. An action item was generated (at the end of the retention of items of mass file) for Jeff Gardlin and the seat suppliers to find data on this topic. • Jeff Gardlin plans to incorporate the Retention of Items of Mass concept into the next revision of AC 25.562-1 along with the previously reviewed incorporation of our Task 1 Concept Paper. It should go out for public comment in the next 30 days (or so...). Task 2 - Seat Belts for All Seats • There was no substantial discussion of this topic 16.06.2002

  3. SHWG Update • Task 3 - Occupant Protection • There was no detail discussion of this topic. There was a general agreement that the content of this Concept Paper should be incorporated into its own Advisory Circular (AC) instead of being wrapped into AC 25-17. • Jeff Gardlin will work toward a new AC 25.785 to capture this topic. The ARAC SHWG team will attempt to review the draft of this document electronically HR1000 Seat Certification Streamlining: • On April 30, 2002, the Head Injury Criteria (HIC) Range of Occupant policy review package was presented to the FAA via under Part 1 of the HR1000 Seat Certification Streamlining activity • The issue focused on current FAA’s policy that required applicants to demonstrate HIC compliance for a range of 5th to 95th percentile occupants. 16.06.2002

  4. SHWG Update Main arguments of the provided Industry position: • Industry stated that the first time the 5/95th range of occupant requirement was documented was in FAA Policy Letter, dated November 25, 1994. • “No pass-fail guidance for HIC for range of occupants 5th to 95th.” • With respect to interpretation of “a person” in 25.785, the FAA has historically accepted that this mean a 170 lb male occupant, and that interpretation is consistent throughout the regulations, advisory materials, as well as in publications such as NAS809 and SAE AS8049. 16.06.2002

  5. SHWG Update Actions and follow ups: • The FAA contacted GAMA on May 2, 2002 and it was agreed that the draft AC would not be released for public comment for at least six to eight weeks hence, and that the FAA would contact the ARAC Seat WG and request that it reconvene, face-to-face, or in telecon, to appropriately disposition the reference to range of occupant size referred to in the draft document. • Within the SHWG a request was made by the FAA (Jeff Gardlin) via the Secretary to comment of the proposal made by GAMA to adopt the actual recommendation within the actual draft of AC 25.562-1B. Comments from the WG Member are envisaged up to the June 21st. 16.06.2002

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