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Reception 2019- 2020

Reception 2019- 2020. Welcome to St Ursula’s Catholic Federation. Safeguarding:

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Reception 2019- 2020

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reception2019- 2020

  2. Welcome to St Ursula’s Catholic Federation Safeguarding: At St Ursula’s Catholic Federation we are committed to safeguarding children and young people and we expect everyone who works in our school to share this commitment. Adults in our school take all welfare concerns seriously and encourage children and young people to talk to us about anything that worries them. Attendance & procedures for reporting absences: * Please notify the School Office by 8.30am if a child will be absent from school on that day. * If a child has had sickness / diarrhoea, they are required to stay off from school for 48 hours. * Notify the School Office of any medical appointments for the child. Where possible, appointments should be made after school. If this is not possible, the appointment card / letter should be shown to the staff in the School Office. A note of the appointment will be made on the child’s records. Emergency contact numbers: * Parents will be asked to provide 4 contact numbers. * Ensure that the School Office is informed if any emergency contact numbers change. Pupil Premium : *Forms to register for Pupil Premium have been included in pack for those who think they may be eligible. *Contact Mrs Bell (Home School Support Worker) if there are any questions in this regard.

  3. On completing Primary education we aim for a child who is….. … it all begins with the firm foundation we aim to establish in the Early Years setting.

  4. A typical day *At St Ursula’s we aim to create an environment where children will be happy, independent learners – an environment in which they will be able to develop their potential. *As a Catholic school. We aim to deepen the children’s knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith. This is done through regular RE lessons, Assemblies and attending Mass. *Within the early Years, our day consists of a combination of short carpet sessions (during which direct teaching takes place) and child-initiated learning sessions. *During carpet sessions, teaching will focus on RE, Maths and Topic work. These sessions last about 10 – 15 minutes. *The children also participate in daily Phonics sessions. *Child-initiated sessions consist of a variety of activities – both indoors and outdoors. We aim to develop an understanding of the child’s interests and try to use these to enhance, develop and support their learning. *Children will be offered opportunities to stimulate their thinking, but will also be encouraged to explore the learning environment themselves. As practitioners, we will: ~create a well resourced environment and plan activities to embed learning; ~extend and support children’s spontaneous play; ~extend and develop children’s language and communication in their play. *An outline of our planning is put on the classroom doors and website each week to indicate the broad topics that the children will be learning about. The aim of this is to enhance and support learning through discussions at home.

  5. 5th – 18th September Morning sessions: 8.45am – 11.45am OR Afternoon sessions: 12.30 – 3.30pm The school day Part-time sessions for 2 weeks *During the first two weeks, children will attend either morning or afternoon sessions. *Children who currently attend our school-based Nursery in the morning will attend morning sessions for the first two weeks. *Children who currently attend our school-based Nursery in the afternoon will attend afternoon sessions for the first two weeks. *Children who currently attend our school-based Nursery all day will be slotted into either a morning or an afternoon session for the first two weeks. Please notify staff if there are any specific problems with attending a particular session and we will try to accommodate a particular session, although this is not always possible. *Children who do not currently attend our school-based Nursery will be slotted into a morning / afternoon session. Please indicate preferences at the School Office and we will try to accommodate requests for a particular session where possible.

  6. as from Thursday, 19th September: 8.45am – 3.15pm The school day Full time sessions *Doors open at 8.45am. Children must be in school by 9am. *Minutes late result in lost learning. *When arriving before 9am, parents can bring the children to the classroom doors via the Reception playground. The gates to the Reception playground are locked at 9am and anyone arriving after this time must report to the School Office. *Arriving at school between 8.45am & 9am allows children to settle in before the activities for the day start. *Please be prompt when collecting children at the end of the school day (3.15pm). *Collect Reception children before collecting older siblings to avoid children becoming distressed if they see their friends leaving and nobody has arrived to fetch them. *Children will not be dismissed to anyone under the age of 16. *If anyone other than the parent is to collect the child, Staff should be informed when the child is dropped in the morning / School Office to be contacted before home time. *If anyone other than the parent collects the child, a password will be requested. Please set up a password and make the staff in the class / School Office aware of this password. The person collecting the child will need to provide staff with the correct password before the child will be dismissed.

  7. The school day Full time sessions Snack: *Children will have a snack at approximately 10.30am. Fruit is provided. Parents do not send a mid-morning snack to school. *Children may have milk or water with their snack (no squash/flavoured/sparkling water). *Children are encouraged to have a water bottle in school that can be kept in class. (Name to be clearly visible). *Children under the age of 5 are eligible for free milk. The School Office will register Reception children for free milk. Please inform the School Office if your child is allergic to milk and they will not be registered to receive milk. *Once children turn 5, milk must be paid for (see details in Information pack). Parents have to register the child if they are to continue receiving milk once the child is 5 years old. School lunches: *Children in Reception & KS1 are eligible for free school meals. Menus will be sent home. Parents have to order meals in advance (details to follow). *Please discuss menu options with your child and select an option that they are likely to eat. *Children may have a healthy packed lunch if they prefer.

  8. Uniform *Uniform is to be worn every day. *Although the rest of the school will wear summer uniform in September, Reception children will wear winter uniform to avoid having to purchase a new uniform in October. *Children who are inclined to have accidents must have a spare set of uniform in a bag which will be left at school. Please ensure that spare underwear and socks are included in this bag. *If a child has an accident but doesn’t have spare clothing in school, they will be changed into spare uniform from the Office which must be returned to school as soon as possible after being washed. A note about a change of clothing will be sent home in the child’s school bag. *Only boys wear trousers in winter. Girls wear grey pinafore – not skirts / culottes / trousers. *Please send a coat to school as the weather is changeable. *Ensure that all items of clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name. Check name tags regularly as they do wash out. *Should any items of clothing belonging to another child be brought home, please return these to school. *No jewellery is to be worn. *Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied back. *School shoes should not have laces. *Boots may not be worn in school. On snowy / wet days, boots may be worn to the door of the classroom but children will have to change into their school shoes once at school. *Boys should not wear belts (as this hinders them when going to the toilet). * Write the child’s first name on the outside of the flap on the bag (name and surname to be written on the card under the flap).

  9. Uniform(Winter)

  10. Uniform(Summer)

  11. PE kits *Children will need to bring their PE kits to school after the October break. *All items must be clearly marked with the child’s name. *Write the child’s name on the outside of the PE bag. *Children may wear the red shorts (worn for Nursery) during PE but once these have been outgrown, black shorts should be purchased. *All children from reception to Year 6 are divided into sports houses. Each sports team has their own colour. Children must wear a PE shirt in the colour of their house. Parents will be notified in September about the house that their child is in. Please do not purchase a coloured PE shirt until the sports houses have been confirmed. *Siblings will be allocated to the same house. The children remain in this sporting house until they leave in Year 6. *Plimsolls must be worn for PE (slip-on / Velcro – no laces).

  12. PE kit

  13. Preparing for Reception – how can you help at home ? *Useful skills to practice over the summer holidays: *Making the sign of the cross, saying short prayers, attending Mass; *Dressing & undressing (including putting on coats/ jumpers/ cardigans/ shoes / socks); *Pulling sleeves through when a coat / jumper has been turned inside our; *Hanging jumpers / cardigans/ coats up; *Using the toilet independently; *Washing & drying hands; *Blowing and wiping noses; *Feeding themselves with a spoon & fork; *Looking at books, listening to stories; *Cultivate an awareness of numbers / shapes / colours in the world around us; *Play turn-taking games (e.g.: Snap / snakes & ladders); *Encourage independent drawing, painting, cutting out; *Tidying up toys; *Reducing screen time (ipads / mobile phones / TV)

  14. Working together Special Educational Needs: *Working together results in the best outcomes for children. Speak to a member of staff or arrange to see our SENCO – Mrs Butler – if you have any specific concerns about an additional need your child might have. Medication: *If your child is on medication for Asthma a form must be completed at the School Office to indicate the dosages. A inhaler must be sent to school. *Staff may only administer prescribed medication. *If a child is on prescribed medication (e.g.: antibiotics), the medication must be taken to the Office and the relevant paperwork must be completed for the medication to be administered. *Medication can only be accepted/ administered if the label indicating the child’s name and dosage is on the medication. *Medication is not to be left in child’s bag. *Check children’s hair regularly for head lice and treat following the prescribed procedure. Progress: *We will keep parents informed about progress through Parents Consultation sessions, informal discussions, 2 Simple observations (sent home at Christmas and Easter) and formal reports at the end of year; *‘Come & Play’ sessions will be held to give parents a clearer understanding of how Early Years operates (details will follow). Birthdays: No cakes to be sent to school – a small bag of sweets (e.g.: Haribos) for each child is sufficient. (Please be mindful of allergies)

  15. Visiting the Reception classesThursday 11th of July *Children will visit the Reception classes on Thursday, 11th of July. *Children who are currently in our school Nursery will visit Reception classes during the course of their school day (either morning / afternoon session). *Children who are not in our school Nursery should sign up to visit on either the morning or afternoon session (sign-up sheet with Mrs Holmes). Morning visit: 10am – 11am Afternoon visit: 1.30pm – 2.30pm. *Children who currently attend our Nursery will be supported by a member of the Nursery staff. *Children who do not attend our Nursery: - Parents will be asked to come into the class with child for the start of the session. Once settled, parents will be asked to leave the children and wait in designated area within school, however, we will base the length of time parents are required to support their child on the needs of the child.

  16. Forms to be completed *All paperwork is to be submitted to the School Office by Friday, 12th of July.

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