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Omnichannel CX Priorities for 2023

Omnichannel CX refers to a customer-centric approach that provides an integrated experience across multiple channels and touchpoints, such as a website, mobile app, social media, physical store, or call center. For example, a customer might browse products on Instagram, request a catalog on WhatsApp, complete the purchase through the mobile app, and seek after-sales support through email.<br><br><br>#Omnichannel, #CXPriorities, #OmnichannelCXPriorities, #OmnichannelCX, #Exotel

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Omnichannel CX Priorities for 2023

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  1. Omnichannel CX Priorities for 2023 Omnichannel CX refers to a customer-centric approach that provides an integrated experience across multiple channels and touchpoints, such as a website, mobile app, social media, physical store, or call center. For example, a customer might browse products on Instagram, request a catalog on WhatsApp, complete the purchase through the mobile app, and seek after-sales support through email. By integrating channels and sharing data, the customer’s journey becomes seamless, removing the friction points that often occur when customers switch between channels. The concept of omnichannel CX has rapidly gained traction, empowering customers to engage with brands whenever and wherever they choose. This aligns with customer expectations. In fact, a recent survey has found that 60% of millennial consumers expect companies to provide consistent experiences across engagement channels. As we step into 2023, the opportunities for enhancing omnichannel CX are immense. This guide will explore the key predictions for omnichannel CX in 2023, shedding light on the advancements in technology, shifting consumer behaviors, and heightened customer expectations. Key Takeaways The use of emerging technologies like AI and predictive analytics to deliver personalized experiences is gaining prominence. This not only leads to better targeting but also makes customers feel valued and understood. The metaverse presents an immersive environment for customer interactions. It strengthens brand engagement through features like gamification, virtual try-on, and digital community experiences. Empowering customers with the ability to find solutions independently through resources like FAQs, AI chatbots, and community forums has become pivotal. Moreover, backend AI is finding applications in omnichannel contact center operations. Phygital experiences combine the trust-building aspects of in-person encounters with the efficiency of digital channels. They are being prioritized along with conversational experiences. Exotel offers a customer engagement platform that includes a voice platform, contact center, messaging, and conversational AI solutions. These solutions empower businesses to optimize customer service, thus staying ahead in the omnichannel CX landscape. Key Priorities of Omnichannel for 2023 This year, the intersection of technology and customer-centricity takes center stage, presenting an array of opportunities for businesses to create meaningful interactions that resonate deeply with their audiences. From hyper- personalization and the metaverse to self-service solutions and backend AI, these trends are poised to shape the way brands design omnichannel experiences. Let’s discuss them in detail: 1. Hyper-personalized Interactions Studies reveal that 71% of buyers expect brands to provide personalized interactions, and 66% are disappointed when brands fail to meet this expectation. While adopting omnichannel strategies, businesses are thus investing in emerging technologies like AI, Machine Learning (ML), predictive analytics, etc. This approach helps them to consolidate data from the different channels and gain insights into customer preferences. Data related to past online searches, purchase history, spending amounts, time spent searching, etc., is studied to deliver customized support across all channels. Advantages of Hyper-personalization Leads to effective market segmentation and targeting Helps understand customer needs better Makes customers feel valued Helps deliver individualized experiences Applications of Hyper-personalization Send personalized promos and updates based on what matters to customers Recommend new products based on browsing or purchase history Share content that aligns with their interests, such as through personalized webpages Use the preferred mode of communication based on demographic data 2. Metaverse Experiences Metaverse is a virtual environment built on technologies like blockchain, AI, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality

  2. (VR), spatial computing, and more. It is being considered by CX experts as the future of customer interactions, as 25%(VR), spatial computing, and more. It is being considered by CX experts as the future of customer interactions, as 25% of people are expected to spend a minimum of one hour per day in the metaverse by 2026. Before adopting a new channel as part of the customer engagement strategy, businesses must therefore analyze if the channel can be optimized for the metaverse. Advantages of Metaverse in CX Helps deliver an immersive experience Strengthens customer engagement and brand loyalty Boosts customer confidence Increases the time spent by customers on the brand’s website/app Applications of Metaverse in CX Use features such as gamification, virtual try-on, and avatars to engage customers Allow customers to experience new products before launch and seek their feedback Provide a better view of the product to assure product quality to the customers Create a digital community experience Develop loyalty programs, with rewards including digital assets such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) or virtual events 3. Self-service Options Businesses can foster more robust customer relationships by offering avenues for independent problem-solving. Integrating ai chatbot and other automation technologies in multiple engagement channels can empower customers to find solutions on their own. In this way, providing self-service opportunities on different CX platforms reduces reliance on agents, nurturing a favorable brand perception. This sentiment aligns with findings from the recent ‘The New Rules of Customer Engagement’ report, which reveals that 76% of global consumers prioritize seeking self-guided solutions over reaching out to customer service. Advantages of Self-service Facility Provides faster results Saves costs Provides autonomy to customers Offers easy scalability Applications of Self-service Facility Provide resources like FAQs on the website, along with AI chatbots and help widgets Create community forums Allow customers to track order delivery Provide AI search functions 4. Backend Artificial Intelligence Amid the swift strides in CX technology, the age-old debate of technology versus human involvement has lost its relevance. Instead, a fresh perspective has emerged, underscoring the symbiotic relationship between the two, especially in omnichannel contact centers. Businesses that integrate technology into their existing operations stand to gain the most. They can substantially improve efficiency while maintaining a human touch. For instance, backend AI in omnichannel contact centers can assist agents in responding promptly to customer queries without feeling burdened. Other advantages and use cases of backend AI are listed below. Advantages of Backend AI Automates manual tasks Helps to offer real-time support Supports scalability of operations Ensures consistent experiences across channels Improves employee as well as customer satisfaction

  3. Applications of Backend AI Receive insights into customer history and interactions on other platforms Get suggestions regarding the next course of action Offer multilingual support Facilitate sentiment analysis Receive in-call reminders, like when to offer a discount to an unhappy customer 5. Phygital Fusion The omnichannel CX approach is not just limited to providing and integrating the several digital channels of customer conversation, such as social media, email, SMS, etc. It also extends to the integration of physical and digital touchpoints. Customers now seek the best of both worlds- trust-building aspects of physical interactions combined with the convenience and speed of digital channels. This inclination has led businesses to channel their efforts into crafting “phygital” experiences—a fusion of physical and digital channels that craft a holistic customer journey. Advantages of Phygital Experience Ensures alignment with the overall brand image Helps provide customers with more information on the products Gives customers the autonomy to choose their preferred mode Applications of Phygital Experience Scan items to get information on prices, inventory levels, reviews, and stores Connect with a contact center bot before talking to a human Insert QR codes in advertisements to direct customers to the online application or website In-store robots help customers find the right product speeding the shopping Location-based push notifications to inform customers about ongoing discounts when they are around the store 6. Conversational Engagement The growing importance of conversational experiences in the CX realm stems from their remarkable ability to foster genuine engagement. Conversational interactions, spanning omnichannel platforms like SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook, and in-app chats, offer a dynamic two-way channel for real-time communication. Unlike traditional modes, such as email, where customers might wait for responses, conversational experiences provide immediate resolutions, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Advantages of a Conversational Engagement Builds a long-term relationship with customers Creates connection Improves brand image Achieves quick problem solving Offers convenience to customers Applications of a Conversational Engagement Make onboarding smoother by providing tutorials and answering FAQs Instantly resolve customer queries Follow-up with customers in case of abandoned carts Send delivery status updates on both the chat app and SMS Ask customers for reviews, testimonials, or referrals without being intrusive By embracing the above trends, organizations can unlock new avenues for customer engagement, loyalty, and business growth. Exotel’s Omnichannel Contact Center Solution Exotel is a leading CX solutions provider that is trusted by over 7,000 businesses worldwide. Its contact center has been

  4. designed to help organizations be at the forefront of the omnichannel CX revolution. Exotel’s omnichannel contactdesigned to help organizations be at the forefront of the omnichannel CX revolution. Exotel’s omnichannel contact center helps businesses stay ahead of the curve and interact with their customers #LikeAFriend while offering the following benefits: A. Consistent CX across multiple communication channels without losing context B. Data-driven decisions in real-time with the help of a centralized dashboard C. Increased agent productivity facilitated by workflow automation D. Personalized interactions enabled by CRM integration E. Faster issue resolution with a comprehensive view of the customer journey In a nutshell, Exotel’s omnichannel contact center allows agents to manage customer interactions across channels from a single platform. The availability of data in one place not only improves agent productivity but also facilitates personalized engagement. With intelligent routing and sentiment analysis, Exotel ensures that customers’ needs are met in the best possible manner. This lays the foundation for an enduring business-customer relationship that feels more #LikeAFriend.

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