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Proudly serving the communities of Belview, Morton & Redwood Falls

Reede Gray Elementary. Reede Gray Elementary is a four section, K-4 school located in Redwood Falls, a rural southwest Minnesota town. Reede Gray Elementary provides all-day everyday Kindergarten and an emphasis on individual growth in reading and mathematics. 426 students in grades K-4

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Proudly serving the communities of Belview, Morton & Redwood Falls

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  1. Reede Gray Elementary • Reede Gray Elementary is a four section, K-4 school located in Redwood Falls, a rural southwest Minnesota town. Reede Gray Elementary provides all-day everyday Kindergarten and an emphasis on individual growth in reading and mathematics. • 426 students in grades K-4 • 40% free and reduced lunch • 27% American Indian • 1% English Language Learners • (based on 2008 MDE demographics) Redwood Area Schools Proudly serving the communities of Belview, Morton & Redwood Falls

  2. Before Joining the MN RtI Center Cohort Assessment • NWEA fall and spring • Direct Instruction reading programs student data • mastery tests every 5 or 10 lessons • checkouts every 5 lessons • placement assessments Reede Gray Reading Data Team • Formed beginning with the 2004-2005 school year • Collect and analyze individual student data monthly • Assess student progress and placement • Move students among reading groups as needed • Analyze overall reading program progression Reede Gray Student Support Team • Prereferral team • Suggest interventions

  3. Evidence-Based Interventions Lindamood Bell • Phonemic Awareness Therapy • Visualizing and Verbalizing comprehension therapy Tier 2 interventions added in 2007-2008 • Great Leaps (reading fluency) • FUNNIX ( computer-based Direct Instruction program) • Double dipping (two *Reading Mastery lessons a day) • Lesson review (review the *Reading Mastery lesson) * direct evidence • promising evidence

  4. Success with RtI Implementation Universal Screening: AIMSweb • Implemented reading measures in Fall 2008 • All K-4 students benchmarked three times per year (fall, winter, spring) • Benchmark identifies students that need tier 2 & 3 interventions. • Students below target progress monitored weekly in tier 2 & 3 interventions. Tier 2 Interventions • Minnesota Reading Corps member (grades K-3) • 30 minute interventions for small groups

  5. RtI Action Plan Schedule • “Power hour”- 30 minute school-wide intervention time • More teaching staff available to provide interventions • Students do not miss other subjects to receive interventions Evidence-based interventions • Analyze research for evidence base support our tier 2 & 3 interventions • Analyze student data to determine which interventions are most successful • Increase the progress monitoring used in our Lindamood Bell program Problem-Solving Team • Form a problem-solving team to • Identify and prioritize student concerns • Develop and monitor tier 3 interventions • Make decisions are based on data

  6. Walk & Read: A Tier I Reading Schedule • Grades K-2 share the same 90 minute reading block. • Grades 3-4 share the same 90 minute reading block. • Reading classrooms each have 2 reading groups. The teacher with the assistance of a trained reading paraprofessional deliver the reading lessons. • Students are grouped by reading level, not grade and movement between groups is fluid throughout the school year.

  7. Minnesota Reading Corps • Reede Gray Elementary was granted a MN Reading Corps members for the 2008-2009 school year. • 40 hours per week • Individual student interventions • Assessment using AIMSWeb • Community involvement • Strong professional development support

  8. Tier 2 AIMSweb Student Graph 10/13- baseline score 10/20- first progress monitoring assessment, done weekly throughout the intervention 12/15- exited with 4 data points above the aimline 1/5 & 1/19- check for progress without intervention

  9. Resources Books Batsche, G., Elliott, J., Graden, J. L., Grimes, J., Kovaleski, J. F., Prasse, D., Reschly, D. J., Schrag, J., & Tilly, W. D. (2006). Response to intervention: Policy considerations and implementation. Alexandria, VA: National Association of State Directors of Special Education, Inc. Bender, W. N., & Shores, C. (2007). Response to intervention: A practical guide for every teacher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Burns, M. K., Gibbons, K. A. (2008). Implementing response-to-intervention in elementary and secondary schools. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis Group. Websites AIMSweb: www.aimsweb.com Florida Center for Reading Research website: www.fcrr.org MN Response to Intervention Center website: www.scred.k12.mn.us/RTI/RTIcontact.htm MN Reading Corps website: http://www.themlc.org/ReadingCorps National Association of State Directors of Special Education website: www.nasdse.org RtI Action Network website: http://www.rtinetwork.org/ Renee Estebo, Reading Coordinator Redwood Area Schoolsrestebo@redwood.mntm.org

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