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Drug & Alcohol Testing Jeanne T. Mills, RN, COHN-S, WCCM Occupational Health Nursing Supervisor Perdue AgriBusiness , Inc. and Perdue Transportation, Inc. General philosophy regarding drug/alcohol-free work environment Regulations governing DOT testing Who and When to test?
Drug & Alcohol TestingJeanne T. Mills, RN, COHN-S, WCCMOccupational Health Nursing Supervisor Perdue AgriBusiness, Inc.andPerdue Transportation, Inc.
General philosophy regarding drug/alcohol-free work environment • Regulations governing DOT testing • Who and When to test? • Pointers to collecting a “good” urine specimen • Alcohol testing • What happens with positive test results • Q & A
DRUG/ALCOHOL TESTING A drug and alcohol testing program is strictly enforced in an effort to meet the mandated requirements for providing a drug/alcohol free work environment for our associates, as set forth by the Perdue Drug/Alcohol Policy which is in place at all Perdue locations, and used as a guide to the company’s intentions regarding alcohol and illegal drug use. Additionally, all individuals to be tested must be advised of the purpose and possible consequences of the particular test performed.
Company Policy Testing • Instant (post-offer only in MD and NC) • Confirmation (non-negative on instant cup) • Single (5-panel)
Department of Transportation (DOT) Testing • Instructs and assists employees at a collection site • Receives and makes an initial inspection of the urine specimen provided by those employees, and • Initiates and completes the Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Form.
The DOT Split Drug Testing Custody and Control Form National Center for Forensic Science is always used NO EXCEPTIONS…ever
Who and When to test Post-offer employment * Urine only * Breath testing not required
Who and When to test (cont) Post-accident * Company Policy: urine w/in 5 days, breath w/in 2 hours * DOT: urine w/in 72 hours, breath w/in 2 hours, but may be done up to 8 hours after accident
Who and When to test (cont) Random * Company Policy: 2.1% urine monthly, no requirement for breath * DOT Requirements: urine monthly (8/12 times), breath quarterly (4/12)
Who and When to test (cont) Reasonable Suspicion/Probably Cause
Who and When to test (cont) Follow-up * Baseline drug and alcohol testing, then 5 day detox * Re-test must be negative AND doctor’s release must be received in order for associate to return to work * If re-test POSITIVE, associate is placed on 30 day MLOA and assistance is provided to find rehab facility * If still POSITIVE after 30 day MLOA, associates employment is terminated
Who and When to test (cont) Post Accident
How to collect a foolproof urine specimen * Do not get distracted. Interaction must remain 1:1 * Have provider empty pockets and remove hats, coats, etc. * Turn off water source * Sample must be of sufficient quantity, and temperature must be in range * Provider must keep their eye on their specimen at all times until package is sealed and collection process complete
Alcohol testing * Acceptable Test Results = <0.02% * Unacceptable Test Results = 0.02% – 0.039%
What happens with a positive test result? * Termination * Re-test @ SAMSHA-certified lab
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