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Title. Group Members. City Location. What is the population of your city? What are the best things about your city? What environmental issues are the citizens most concerned about?. Constraints and Considerations. Constraints 1. 2. 3. Considerations 1. 2. 3.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Title Group Members

  2. City Location • What is the population of your city? • What are the best things about your city? • What environmental issues are the citizens most concerned about?

  3. Constraints and Considerations Constraints 1. 2. 3. Considerations 1. 2. 3.

  4. Option 1: Stakeholders Chart

  5. Three Best Options 1. Best + explain 2. 2nd best + explain 3. 3rd best + explain

  6. Elimination: How did you eliminate three of the choices? • Use the images provided at the end of this template to explain.

  7. Land Use Map

  8. Decision Statement • What were your constraints • What were your considerations • Which considerations did you meet? • Which considerations did you not meet? • Which of your stakeholders were most important?

  9. Decision Statement • What were the three choices you had? • What choices did you eliminate? • What is your final choice? • Why did you select this choice over the other two?

  10. Decision Statement • How does this power source work? • What natural resources in your area will be used to generate this energy? • What are the steps involved

  11. Albuquerque/Websites & Images • http://www.cabq.gov/ • http://www.itsatrip.org/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albuquerque,_New_Mexico

  12. Burlington Websites & Images • http://www.ci.burlington.vt.us/ • http://www.vermont.org/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burlington,_Vermont

  13. Laramie Websites & Images • http://www.ci.laramie.wy.us/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laramie,_Wyoming • http://www.laramie.org/

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