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GIIPSY Meeting Agenda. Tuesday December 12 6:00PM-8:30PM AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco PERSPECTIVES (~45-60min) 10 min GIIPSY Overview and Meeting Objectives (K. Jezek) ~5 min discussion on how GIIPSY fits into IPY (D. Carlson) ~5 min IGOS and GIIPSY (V. Ryabinin)
GIIPSY Meeting Agenda Tuesday December 12 6:00PM-8:30PM AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco PERSPECTIVES (~45-60min) • 10 min GIIPSY Overview and Meeting Objectives (K. Jezek) • ~5 min discussion on how GIIPSY fits into IPY (D. Carlson) • ~5 min IGOS and GIIPSY (V. Ryabinin) • ~5 min ESA presentation on ESA IPY AO proposals (Einar-Arne Herland, ESA) • ~5 min CSA perspective on GIIPSY and Radarsat-1 Archive (P. Briand) • ~5 min Japanese perspective on GIIPSY (J. Ukita) • ~5 min NASA perspective on GIIPSY (S. Martin) • ~5 min Ground Station perspective on processing large volumes of data (N. La Belle-Hamer) • ~5 min DLR perspective on GIIPSY (K. Jezek for I. Hajnsek)
Agenda Cont. • TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION (K. Farness) (1-1.5 hour) • 1) Community input to flight agencies on archival data processing and new data acquisitions • 2) Identify key IPY legacy data set(s) • What? • Where? • When? (for example: during windows of seasonal melt or alternatively during cycles of ICESAT data acquisitions?) • 3) Related issues and potential additional resources • Sensors and Spacecraft • Acquisition Planning • Receiving Ground Stations • Processing Facilities • Calibration and Validation • Distribution • 4) Data management issues • Processing and product distribution • Product format • Metadata tagging for data explicitly collected for IPY including: • Insitu data • GIIPSY pull from the CSA archive
Spaceborne Observations of the Polar Regions during IPY • The IPY provides an international framework for understanding high-latitude climate change and predicting world wide impacts. • Spaceborne technology offers unique capabilities for obtaining essential data for predictive models. • IPY era spaceborne instrumentation represents a technological leap beyond the capabilities of the IGY
Global Inter-agency IPY Polar Snapshot Year (GIIPSY) GIIPSY aims to facilitate: • Use of current and soon to be launched earth observing satellites to develop broad spectral, medium and high resolution snapshots of the polar regions. • Use of the snapshots as gauges for assessing the impacts of past and future high latitude environmental changes. • Establishment of technical and programmatic infrastructure for sustaining international observations beyond IPY.
GIIPSYScience Goals • Understand the polar ice sheets sufficiently to predict their contribution to global sea level rise • Understand sea ice sufficiently to predict its response to and influence on global climate change and biological processes • Measure how much water is stored as seasonal snow and its variability. • Understand glaciers and ice caps in the context of hydrologic and biologic systems and their contributions to global sea level rise. • Understand the interactions between the changing polar atmosphere and the changes in sea ice, glacial ice, snow extent, and surface melting. • Understand the spatial distribution of permafrost, its interactions with other systems or processes, and predict its response to climate change. • Improve understanding, observing and modeling capabilities of lake and river ice and its influence on energy, water and biochemical cycling, and aquatic ecosystems.
GIIPSY Vision • Accomplishments will depend on funded projects. Example objectives include: • Pole to coast measurement of Antarctic Ice Sheet surface velocity field; • Annual, basin-scale measurements of Arctic sea ice motion; • Circumpolar measurements of Antarctic sea ice motion; • High spatial resolution measurements of polar glacier elevation; • Pan-Arctic view of lake and river ice break-up dynamics; • Infrastructure and programs for continuing observations in to the future.
GIIPSY Strategy • Specify data requirements (IGOS, IPY-SCOBS) • Identify requirements satisfied through the routine operations (eg MODIS, MERIS) • For routine observations, work with flight agencies to assure that data are available/archived in standardized fashion • Identify requirements that can only be satisfied by non-routine tasking, processing and distribution (eg SAR, InSAR, high resolution optical). • Work with the flight agencies to acquire non-routine data so as to distribute the operational load. • Following selection of projects through the national A.O.’s, identify whether any legacy data sets are absent from the acquisition plans.
Meeting Objectives • Encourage community involvement in GIIPSY planning activities • Prepare for WMO sponsored meeting of international flight agencies in ‘07 (STG Meeting) • Identify gaps in STG membership
Space Task Group • The Space Task Group (STG) is established for the purpose of Space Agency planning, processing and archiving of the IPY Earth Observation legacy dataset. The STG shall report to the IPY Sub-Committee on Observations whose responsibility is to coordinate all observations and data acquisition during IPY (space and in-situ). SCOBS shall provide the guidelines for a scientific framework and consolidated science and data requirements to the STG, through coordinating scientific groups such as the GIIPSY IPY project, WCRP Climate and Cryosphere Project and IGOS-P Cryosphere Theme team.
STG Terms of Reference 1. Translate endorsed IPY Project objectives into observational requirements including Agency-specific IPY Announcement of Opportunity projects and global IPY legacy dataset objectives; 2. Establish of commitments on behalf of Agency; 3. Development and coordination of mission acquisition plans, shared Agency space-segment, and ground-segment assets considering time-space distribution of planned in-situ activities; 4. Develop plans for satellite data product distribution and archiving; 5. Prepare and execute appropriate calibration/validation activities; 6. Initiation of relevant accompanying scientific studies. Nominated membership shall cover the term 2007 – 2010.