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Health Tip 43-Nancy Meither

NIOSH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ... There is a great link on msn.com that has an interactive tool people can access by going ...

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Health Tip 43-Nancy Meither

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    Whats Your Stress Level Try a Simple Interactive Tool To Find Out Nancy Meither Health Sciences Instructor Boone Co. ATC E-mail: NancyL.Meither@ky.gov KY Tech Health Tip Health Tip #43 September 26, 2005 Stress has been around for a long time and there are a multitude of reasons that cause this age-old problem. In todays society, job stress is the leading cause of stress for adults; however, stress levels have risen across all age levels. According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. Job stress can lead to poor health and even injury. NIOSH is the Federal agency responsible for conducting research and making recommendations for the prevention of work-related illness and injury. NIOSH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. So, Whats your stress level? There is a great link on msn.com that has an interactive tool people can access by going to http://articles.health.msn.com/id/100105578 This site will help you determine your current stress level. There is also a section to determine what your score means and further links for advice on how to make changes to help you adapt to stress level changes. The more educated you are concerning health issues, the more successful you will be in maintaining healthy life practices.
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