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Full time MBA. Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg State University. Discussion document November 1, 2009. Executive summary. Launch of GSOM full-time MBA program will fill the empty niche on the market as well as gap in GSOM current product portfolio
Full time MBA Graduate School of Management St. Petersburg State University Discussion document November 1, 2009
Executive summary • Launch of GSOM full-time MBA program will fill the empty niche on the market as well as gap in GSOM current product portfolio • GSOM full time MBA should target young Russian entry and mid-level managers oriented at building corporate careers in Russia or other emerging markets • GSOM can develop a successful full time MBA program by modeling it after the top-tier programs in the world and customising it to the Russian reality • We recommend a short and focused 16 month program with strong foundation of core courses and some flexibility in elective offering to create individually customised options • GSOM should position the program as globally oriented MBA program with classic design from the leading Russian University • At the same time, GSOM should stress its connections to the Russian business community and knowledge of the Russian/emerging markets specifics • The program should be positioned as premium at an all inclusive price of about USD 40000 • In execution GSOM should concentrate on creating a world class product (top MBA curriculum, signature courses, exchange program, financial accessibility), offering high quality experience and services (career support, student/alumni life) and offering unrivaled learning environment (outstanding student mix, faculty, facilities)
Contents Project description and goals Marketing strategy Execution recommendations Implementation plan 2
Launching full time MBA is a long awaited milestone in GSOM development 2011 2008 2007 2006 Launch of full time MBA 2002 Full member of CEMS and PIM; AMBA and EPAS accreditations Launch of Dual Degree Executive MBA with HEC Paris Member of EFMD and CEMS; GSOM Campus is founded First EMBA Graduation Key milestones GSOM mission and goals • GSOM mission is to create a world-class Russian business school aimed at educating and advancing the national managerial elite able to meet the challenges of gaining Russia’s international competitiveness in the “knowledge economy” of the 21st century • GSOM strategic goals are to develop GSOM’s educational, research and organizational capabilities up to the level adequate for gaining leading positions in the global ranking of the top international business schools and to build a strong brand of GSOM in the global business education market • GSOM aims to increase its international visibility and achieve a position among top 50 world business schools in key rankings (FT, WSJ, US World Report, Business Week) by 2015
Contents Project description and goals Marketing strategy Execution recommendations Implementation plan
Clear strategy and execution for the full time MBA is critical for GSOM long term success The segment of entry and mid-level managers oriented at building corporate career in emerging markets is the most actionable and differentiable for GSOM MBA program There are 4 potential segments to target with full time MBA program Segmentation Target group Adding a full-time MBA will fill an important gap in GSOM portfolio Program portfolio GSOM MBA needs to be positioned as classic world class MBA focused on emerging markets Positio-ning Commu-nications Product GSOM MBA needs to be promoted via online and traditional marketing tools GSOM MBA is 16 month long general management program with top curriculum and outstanding learning environment
Launching full time MBA fills the existing gap in the market and GSOM portfolio Key takeaways • Full time MBA is the flagship program for each business school generating school’s image • Full time MBA has not yet been launched in Russia • GSOM and Skolkovo will be the first business schools to offer full time MBA to Russian applicants • Launching full time MBA will fill an important gap in GSOM portfolio of programs • Launching full time MBA will allow GSOM to qualify for potential inclusion in the key rankings Bachelor MIB CEMS MIM Future full-time MBA Executive MBA Dual Degree EMBA Broad Curriculum focus PhD MITIM Future MIF Executive education Executive education Narrow None Moderate Significant Professional experience of target audience
Research identified 4 customer segments for full-time MBA program based on future career orientation Segment 1 Entry and mid-level managers oriented at building corporate career in Europe/USA Segment 2 Entrepreneurs, free lance consultants and project managers oriented at starting their own business/project in Europe/USA Segment 3 Entry and mid-level managers oriented at building corporate career in Russia/emerging markets Segment 4 Entrepreneurs, free lance consultants and project managers oriented at starting their own business/project in Russia/emerging markets
Accessible Actionable Differentiable globally Differentiable in Russia Substantial Total attractiveness GSOM should target young people oriented at building corporate career in emerging markets for its full-time MBA program Recommended target segment Segment 4 Business/projects in emerging markets Segment 1 Corporate career in developed markets Segment 2 Business/projects in developed markets Segment 3 Corporate career in emerging markets 4 Small but growing 3 The smallest 10 Largest 7 2nd largest and more profitable 8 Brand awareness required 5 Project-oriented curriculum required 8 Brand awareness required 5 Project-oriented curriculum required 9 International partnerships, accreditations, career placement 6 International partnerships 8 Leading University degree, career Placement 4 Leading University degree 6 Financial accessibility 6 Financial accessibility 10 Integration into Russian business community 10 Integration into Russian business community 5 Will face competition from top international schools 4 Will face competition with top entrepreneurship -oriented schools 10 Will face competition with regional second tier schools 6 Will face competition from Skolkovo 32 Secondary target segment 24 Least priority 46 Primary target segment 32 Can be partly covered by other GSOM programs
GSOM full time MBA is a unique product for the Russian market and it closely matches the needs of target segment Target group profile Key product features • Men and women aged 25-35 with undergraduate degree and work experience of 3-10 years • Entry and mid-level managers oriented at building corporate career in Russia/emerging markets • Mobile, well-informed, global minded, fluent in English • From Russia, CIS, Baltic States, Eastern Europe, Nordic States, China, India • 16 month long format • General management orientation • 13 core courses in various fields of management • Possibility to study for one semester in one of the leading business schools in USA, Europe and Asia and receive a full time job offer in one of the leading businesses in Russia immediately upon graduation • Innovative learning technologies • Variety of elective courses, global by nature and with regional focus • High standards learning environment Target group needs • High-quality systematic education • Career development • New professional network • Regional focus • MBA closer to homes and more affordable than of top western schools
The key differentiators for GSOM full time MBA are focus on Russian/emerging markets, University affiliation and global focus Global market Russian market Russian focus Global focus Affordable Expensive Academic Classic design Business Hands-on design No Russian focus Local focus
GSOM needs to create distinctive brand experience for its full time MBA 3 levers to create unique brand experience • Marketing communications • Logos and symbols • School and program advertising • Promotion materials • Alumni network • Program features • Sales • Interaction with admissions team • In-school atmosphere • Web-site interface • Pricing • Customer service • Admission policies • Customer care • Quality of services
GSOM should use online and offline marketing tools to promote its full time MBA program Offline marketing Online marketing • PR campaign of GSOM, program launch • Advertising in major business editions • Profiles and information in national and international directories on business education • Participation in semi-annual educational fairs with program brochures and materials • Information sessions in Europe and Asia • Discovery Days in the school • Identifying and approaching best applicants through the special services and databases • Cooperation with Russian consulting companies offering application consulting services to students • Joint business contests with business editions with full tuition scholarship as the prize • High standards GSOM web-site: • Active use of multimedia • Social Media (ex: students blogs) • Open forums, online conferences • Customized personal accounts • Podcasts • Possibility to apply for MBA on-line • RSS-technologies using • Constantly changing content • GSOM professors’ latest articles and findings’ results in pdf-files • Demo MBA video lectures • Admissions manager’s blog • Cooperation with major national and international educational websites (banner advertising, articles, profiles building etc.) • GSOM accounts and groups in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc) • MBA TV (YouTube-based video clips about GSOM MBA experience)
Contents Project description and goals Marketing strategy Execution recommendations Implementation plan 13
Comparative analysis of GSOM vs Skolkovo reveals competitive advantages and areas for improvement Competitive advantages Areas for improvement Strength in general management University degree Local knowledge International scope Research strength Customer service Specialisation Innovative Teaching quality Brand awareness Alumni network Added services Corporate relations Academic resources Cross-disciplinary Practical
GSOM needs to emphasize more corporate relations, marketing and innovation Advantages Areas for improvement • University degree • Alumni network • International scope • Academic resources • Research strength • Cross-disciplinarity • Added services • Brand awareness • Corporate relations • Practicality • Innovation
In order to succeed GSOM needs to model its program after the top tierMBA programs on many dimensions Core product Additional service Enabler 9. Facilities 1. Top MBA curriculum 8. Faculty 2. Signature courses Elements of successful MBA program 7. Outstanding student mix 3. Exchange program 6. Student and alumni life 4. Financial accessibility 5. Career support
GSOM can adapt the top MBA curriculum to the convenient 16 month format 1 Observations from top MBA program duration and structure Suggestions for GSOM full time MBA program duration and structure • Duration varies between 12 and 21 months. Most non-US schools have shorter programs • Most programs have 4 terms of classes and 1 shorter term/break used for internships, projects and summer schools • Tendency to offer flexibility for students to complete the program in 15/18/21 months • Students prefer shorter MBA programs minimizing their time out of labor market, opportunity costs and MBA expenses • Short program duration of 16 months • 5 terms starting in September and finishing in December the following year • Core courses in terms 1-3; group consulting project and Global immersion week in term 4; electives in the final term • In each of the fall semesters the students will be required to complete 5 courses • Winter and spring term will consist of 2.5 months and only 4 courses will be offered during each shorter term 17
Leading business schools require MBA students to complete 19-21 full semester courses split between core and electives Key takeaways • It is possible to say that there is a ‘typical’ top MBA curriculum that GSOM needs to adapt to its 16 month format • Top MBA curriculum tends to be flexible with extensive portfolio of electives Introductory courses Core courses Elective courses Flexibility 1 Key features of top business schools MBA curriculums • Most schools offer pre-term (held in August) courses in introductory Finance, Accounting, Microeconomics and Statistics • In some schools such courses are mandatory • Most schools require students in their first year to complete between 10 and 15 core courses • Some schools offer a lot of core courses in minimum half-course format • Elective portfolio is very large and includes around 100 courses • All electives are usually shared between all postgraduate English-based programs • Trend towards higher flexibility in curriculum. Some schools allow students to choose core courses from menus according to their level of knowledge • Trend to increase the share of electives 18
Most schools require students to complete between 10 and 15 core courses covering broad management curriculum 1 Schools tend to include same subjects into their core curriculum 1-HBS, 2-Stanford GSB, 3-Wharton, 4-Columbia GSB, 5-Chicago GSB, 6-Tuck, 7-Duke, 8-Sloan, 9-Stern, 10-LBS, 11-Insead, 12-IESE, 13-IE, 14-IMD, 15-Judge, 16-CEIBS, 17-ISB. SOURCE: School websites 19
Schools typically offer elective courses to students from all programs thus creating large portfolio and required participation levels 1 Key features of elective portfolio of top business schools Schools tend to include same subjects into their core curriculum • Elective courses are typically the courses from 10-12 areas including Finance, Accounting, Economics, Marketing, Strategy, OB, Leadership development, Management science, Operations and technology and Entrepreneurship • Elective portfolio is very large and includes around 100 courses • All electives are usually shared between all postgraduate English-based programs • Some schools provide students with a possibility to qualify for concentration or major which means taking 3-5 electives in the same functional area • Almost all top schools offer students an opportunity to do consulting projects for global companies-partners as part of elective portfolio • US business schools additionally offer students an opportunity to take graduate level classes at other University schools (law, journalism etc.) • Most schools have designed one or more unique projects SOURCE: School websites 20
We recommend GSOM to have longer core curriculum including all business fundamentals and include variety of projects and workshops Pre-term courses Core courses Elective courses Workshops and trainings Immersion program and projects 1 Suggestions for GSOM full time MBA program • GSOM will organize compulsory 2 week long pre-term courses in Pre-MBA Math and Finance (introductory level concepts of Financial accounting, Microeconomics and Statistics) in August • We recommend concentrating on delivery of substantial number (13) high quality core courses covering all business fundamentals and contemporary MBA essentials • GSOM MBA will be in general management only, without any major or concentration option • The school should offer at least 40 different elective courses each fall starting from 2011. These should be simultaneously offered to students of all post-graduate programs • Electives should include lab-courses, business games and courses focused on Russia and emerging markets • We recommend GSOM to include Consulting Project and Global Immersion course (held in Brazil, India or China) in core curriculum of the program. • We recommend to include skills trainings in core curriculum • Suggested compulsory trainings include: Decision and analysis tools, Presentation skills, Negotiation skills, Consulting skills, Conflict and persuasion skills • Career Management Centre will organize plenty of workshops oriented at preparation of MBA students for recruitment challenges 21
The GSOM full time MBA program will be delivered in 5 short and intensive terms and will include one optional semester abroad 1 Schools tend to include same subjects into their core curriculum The program will last just over a year and will allow quick return to the workforce SOURCE: School websites 22
GSOM should add ‘signature’ Russia-specific, soft skills and lab courses to its MBA curriculum 2 Bringing practical focus and innovation to MBA program Focus Local market Development of soft skills Real-business related (lab) Examples China HR – compulsory course in CEIBS focused on the most difficult and specific aspect of managing in the Chinese marketplace Indian Financial System – elective course in ISB devoted to the peculiarities of Indian financial system and markets PSI – soft skills program in Columbia covering the whole period of MBA experience from orientation to alumni events including core and elective classes and extracurricular activities LEAD – 125 hours long compulsory leadership training in Chicago starting from orientation week and including teambuilding and negotiation New Venture and Small Enterprise Lab – lab course in Chicago where students work closely with companies senior management at early-stage companies on strategic and operational projects The Experiential Learning Program – ISB program where students consult emerging markets companies Ideas for GSOM Doing Business in Russia Negotiation in Russia Government relations in Russia Intellectual Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Organization (based on existent trainings) Retuning organizational communication (Consulting project in a particular area of organizational communications) 23
GSOM can leverage and expand its network of academic partners to create an unrivalled exchange program 3 Existing academic partners who can participate in full-time MBA exchange Other top schools actively participating in exchange programs with emerging markets 24
GSOM needs to make its full time MBA financially more attractive to the target segment compared to international business schools School School Tuition per Tuition per Years Years Total Total Incl. Incl. Living Living Total costs Total costs Total costs Total costs year year tuition (ca) tuition (ca) materials materials costs per costs per per year per year (ca) (ca) year (ca) year (ca) (ca) (ca) HBS HBS 46150 43800 2 2 88000 92300 - - 33000 33000 79000 77000 154000 158000 Stanford Stanford 48900 51321 2 2 98000 102642 - - 29356 27000 76300 80677 161354 153000 Wharton Wharton 50400 50400 2 2 101000 101000 - - 30000 30000 80000 80000 160000 160000 Columbia Columbia 46500 46500 1.5 1.5 - - 2 2 93000 93000 - - 28000 28000 75500 75500 150000 150000 74600 74600 Chicago Chicago 47200 47200 2 2 94000 94000 - - 26000 26000 75000 75000 146000 146000 71000 71000 Tuck Tuck 45600 45600 2 2 91000 91000 - - 28000 28000 74000 74000 148000 148000 Sloan Sloan 46800 46800 2 2 93000 93000 - - 29000 29000 76000 76000 152000 152000 Stern Stern 45200 45200 2 2 90000 90000 - - 30000 30000 75600 75600 151000 151000 LBS LBS n/a n/a 1.5 1.5 45500 45500 GBP GBP + + n/m n/m n/m n/m 45500 45500 GBP GBP 68000* 68000* + living + living costs costs Insead Insead 50000 50000 EUR EUR 1 1 50000 50000 EUR EUR - - 13500 13500 EUR EUR n/m n/m 63500 63500 EUR EUR 70000* 70000* 19000* 19000* 89000* 89000* IESE IESE n/a n/a 2 2 67900 67900 EUR EUR + + n/m n/m n/m n/m 67900 67900 EUR EUR 95000* 95000* + living + living costs costs IE IE 49000 49000 EUR EUR 1 1 49000 49000 EUR EUR - - n/m n/m n/m n/m 49000 49000 EUR EUR 69000* 69000* + living + living costs costs IMD IMD 36500 36500 EUR EUR 1 1 36500 36500 EUR EUR - - 18000 18000 69000* 69000* 36500 36500 EUR EUR 51000* 51000* + living + living costs costs Judge Judge 30500 30500 GBP GBP 1 1 30500 30500 GBP GBP - - 10000 10000 GBP GBP 40500 40500 GBP GBP 40500 40500 GBP GBP 46000* 46000* 15000* 15000* 61000* 61000* Ceibs Ceibs n/a n/a 1.5 1.5 35000 - - n/m 4400 n/m n/m 35000 + 45000 EUR 51600 EUR living costs ISB ISB 41250 41250 1 1 41250 41250 - - 6500 6500 48000 48000 48000 48000 Beijing Beijing 20000 20000 1 1 20000 20000 + + n/m n/m n/m n/m 20000 + 20000 + living costs living costs 4 Tuition costs for MBA program vary from 20000 USD in China and over 90000 USD in USA Exchange rate used: 1EUR=1.4 USD, 1GBP=1.5USD SOURCE: School websites 25
Analysis of MBA costs at top schools as well as GSOM pricing architecture suggest the all-inclusive price for full time MBA program of about 40000 USD 4 GSOM tuition pricing architecture (‘000 USD) Takeaways from top MBA pricing analysis • Dual Degree EMBA • Executive MBA • … • … • Bachelor program (per year) • US: Tuition fees for the first year of 2 year long MBA are in the range of 43000-50000 USD. Typical living costs in the US for one year are about 30000. Total costs are in the neighbourhood of 145000-160000 USD • Europe: tuition fees for 1 year programs vary between 36500 and 50000 EUR (50000-70000 USD). Tuition fees for 1.5-2 year programs vary between 80000 and 95000 USD. Annual living costs are about 18000-20000 USD. The total expenses of doing 1 year MBA program about 70000-90000 USD and 1.5-2 year long program 90000-120000 USD. • Asia: significantly lower total expenses. Tuition fees vary between 20000 USD for MBA programs in less advanced schools (Beijing) and about 40000-45000 for the best regional programs (ISB and Ceibs) 50 40 30 20 10 Suggested price range for full time MBA • Tuition for 16 months – USD 25000 (including teaching materials) • Full program cost including accommodation on campus – USD 40000 26
GSOM can use scholarships and loans to strengthen its financial accessibility Scholarships Loans 4 • Significant number of merit-based scholarships (up to 30) should be publicly offered to the best applicants covering considerable part of the tuition • In addition, diversity-based scholarships should be offered to international applicants to increase the internationalization of the student body • Corporate partners can serve as co-founders of the personal company scholarships for talented applicants. Selecting talented applicants should be done via GMAT database, e-xecutive.ru and e-perspektiva.ru and various business competitions • GSOM should set up an individual MBA loan scheme with a major partner bank offering low interest rates along with a relatively easy approval process • Loans should have preferential terms, no up-front commissions and no early-payment redemption charges • The admissions letter from the GSOM full time MBA program should be sufficient for the bank to provide such loan. • Loan should cover tuition and living expenses Target payback period of full-time MBA – 3 years 27
Successful career support for full time students will ensure great reputation for GSOM MBA in the future Services to employers Resources and tools Services to students and alumni 5 Elements of successful career support Description • Corporate partnerships • Establishing and maintaining relationship with potential employers of full time MBA students • Marketing of students • Collecting and providing employers with information about MBA students (e.g. resume books) • Marketing of employers • Organizing Career Days, Meet the Company presentations, Career Fair, Dean’s speaker series etc.; providing information about vacancies and off campus recruitment schedules • On campus recruitment • Organizing recruitment process (resume review, on campus interviews) • Career coaching • Individual coaching of students regarding career planning and job search strategies • Recruitment preparation • Organizing workshops to develop students skills (writing resumes and cover letters, interviewing, networking, negotiations etc.) • Lifelong alumni support • Resources, databases and workshops to support alumni in their career development • Career services team • Dedicated team of professionals including general career counsellors and industry specialists • Career support resources • Online and offline career planning tools, industry specific information, databases, recruitment support tools etc. 28
Career centre should focus on building relationships with 3-4 leading companies in each traditional MBA-recruiting industry 5 Existing corporate partners who can participate in MBA recruitment Other top employers ideal for partnerships and MBA recruitment • Retail banking • Investment banking • Financial consulting / audit • Management consulting • Industry 29
Career services should have an extensive choice of skill development workshops and resources available for MBA students and alumni 5 Skill development events Resources: portal • CMS website in the intranet providing: • Career resources • Information about career events with possibility to register for them • Job postings with possibility to apply for them • Booking individual sessions with career counselors • Writing resumes • Writing cover letters • Interviewing • Networking • Negotiations • Working with executive search firms • Preparing for and conducting job search • Self-assessment • On-campus recruiting briefings Resources: library • Career related and industry specific books and periodicals • Company directories • Job postings • Networking resources • Company literature • Resume books from previous MBA classes 30
Active student and alumni life will be a unique feature of GSOM full time MBA on the Russian market 6 Model Clubs Activities and events • GSOM sponsored • Allocation of total club budget based on school’s interest • Minimum number of members required for funding • Students participate free • Alumni participate for an annual fee • Finance • Consulting • Entrepreneurship • Marketing • Industry • Annual conference • Visits to leading industry companies • Panels with top executives and industry speaker events • Club member resume books • Industry related resources and recruitment preparation guides • Meet the company presentations Professional clubs Social clubs • Students, faculty, employees, alumni participate for free • Members pay individually for each event they plan to attend • No minimum number of members required • Social (e.g. Acting, Movie, Dancing) • Sports (e.g. football, Winter Sports) • Geographic (e.g. Asian, European) • Sports matches • Practice sessions • Cinema visits • Movie discussions • Dancing annual performances • Country-style dinners • Country-days School-wide events • Sponsored fy GSOM • Organized by Student Association • Students participate free • International Fair • Pre-term orientation events • Winter and Sumer Ball • Graduation Gala 31
7 Creation of outstanding student mix is possible through a combination of marketing and admission tools Rationale Targeted marketing campaigns • The key objective of the school’s marketing campaigns should be attracting attention and interest of the ambitious students of the highest intellectual caliber (e.g. by approaching the best applicants through special MBA databases) Admissions process and team • Rigorous admissions process and skilled admissions team able to choose the best applicants are crucial factors of creating outstanding student mix High admissions requirements • To achieve high quality and diversity of student pool it is critical to set up the admissions requirements as high as possible and keep as objective as possible throughout the whole admissions process Small enrollment targets • In the initial years of program existence high requirements for quality assurance together with limited market size, high admissions requirements and schools capacity constraints (facilities) dictate the necessity of relatively small annual intake of 50 students Individual recruitment of talents • Individual recruitment of talented individuals (e.g. by organizing contests and game projects with full tuition scholarships as prizes) is an important tool of proactive creating of outstanding student mix Scholarships • A significant number of publicly offered merit-based scholarships (for academic excellence and special achievements) will improve the quality of student pool and lure talented individuals
7 High selection criteria and rigorous admissions process help leading business schools create outstanding student mix Average GMAT score for top 10 business schools is 702 SOURCE: School websites
7 GSOM should leverage best practices in designing its admissions criteria Takeaways from leading business schools admission processes GSOM MBA admissions criteria • Admissions process is similar across world leading business schools • There are two basic types of admissions processes used in top schools: round and rolling • Admission by rounds consists of 2-3 admissions cycles during the year. Applications are collected during several months (in each round) and after each round’s deadline shortlisted candidates for personal interviews are notified simultaneously • Rolling admissions process lasts for about 8 months. Examination of applications is carried out on first-come first-served basis throughout the year • Admissions process in the first years of the program existence will be on the rolling basis • All applications will be reviewed as received • Rolling admissions process will start in September with final deadline in early April • Three admissions rounds should be announced with deadlines spread throughout the year roughly matching the schedule for most international programs: November 1, February 1, April 1 SOURCE: School websites
7 We recommend 4 step admissions process and small student intake starting from 50 students Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Online application Pre-selection of applicants Interview with selected applicants Announcement of results Process description • Filling in personal information, work experience, exam scores • Assessment of applicants by recommenders • Attachment of documents (resume, transcripts, essays) • Analysis and pre-selection of applicants for personal interviews by a team of 3-4 professionals who will routinely examine applications throughout the year • Interviews with selected applicants by Admissions director • Interviews should be personal or in case of international applicants telephone • Announcement by email of individual admissions results on rolling basis throughout the year Enrollment targets 2013 2011 2010 140-150 students, 2 streams of 75 students (stream size in line with leading business schools) 100 students, 2 streams of 50 students 50 students, one stream
7 To match the high caliber of program experience GSOM should create a professional MBA office team Responsibilities Requirements Program director • Overall program management • Program strategy • Academics and curriculum • Internal relations with school stakeholder groups • External relations and promotion • Interviews with applicants and final admissions decisions • 5+ years of management experience in large internationalized organization, ideally in a business school or academic institution • Fluent English • MBA or advanced degree preferred Admissions and marketing manager • Participation in marketing events • Production of marketing materials • Management of the admissions process • Screening of applications • Organisation of interviews • Communication with applicants • 3+ marketing or project management experience with leading internationalized organization • Fluent English • Advanced degree preferred Program manager (later stream manager) • Program administration • Internal relations with students • Internal communications with faculty • Preparation of program schedule • Preparation of teaching materials • Collection of fees • Other administrative issues • 3+ years of management experience with leading internationalized organization • Fluent English • Advanced degree preferred Administrative assistant • Assisting program manager in all day-to-day operations of the MBA office • Fluent English • Undergraduate degree
8 Attracting international faculty will allow to bring new expertise to the school and improve ranking potential GSOM targets for international faculty • … around 70% • All international faculty should have outstanding reputation in their field, PhD from and experience of teaching in MBA program of the leading business schools Actions required • …
8 Developing core faculty is necessary to meet high world class standards of teaching quality on full time MBA programs Development plans for core faculty Requirements for core faculty to teach at the world class full time MBA program • Attending top business schools courses • …. • Successful previous experience of teaching at other GSOM programs (grade of 8.0+) • Outstanding reputation and practical experience in their field • Experience of attending a similar course in one of the leading world business schools • Fluent English (TOEFL score of 100+)
9 GSOM needs to create physical environment comparable to leading business schools Best practice in facilities design – Harper centre, Chicago GSB Desirable GSOM MBA facilities • 12 classrooms with state-of-the-art technology • 31 group study rooms with plasma screens which students can connect to their computers • A student lounge with pool tables and large-screen television • Four outdoor terraces for relaxing • One gourmet cafe with everything from sushi to sandwiches • Over 50 workstations, five printers, a scanner and two Bloomberg terminals in the computer lab • 80 carrels in a quiet study room • A business center with services for copying and print, FedEx and other overnight delivery, mail as well as poster and banner production • A five-story atrium • 2 auditoriums seating 80-100 people with state-of-the-art technology • 10 classrooms seating 30-40 people in the fall term for elective classes • 10-20 study group rooms equipped with PCs, screens, flipcharts and printers • 2 computer labs with 20 workstations • Library section and working spaces • Business center with services for copying and print at dormitory or school • 1 student lounge • 2 program offices • 3 student club offices • Café • Recreational area • Sports facilities (shared) • Student dormitory • Designated parking spaces SOURCE: School websites