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First spectroscopy of the r-process nucleus 135 Sn

This study delves into the spectroscopy of the r-process nucleus 135Sn, focusing on its nuclear structure and the impact of astrophysical conditions. The research investigates the region around the doubly-magic shell closure in 132Sn and its implications for understanding the abundance pattern in the universe. Through particle spectroscopy and reactions like neutron capture, the study sheds light on the behavior of r-process nuclei following astrophysical events like neutron star mergers. The experimental setup involves using MINIBALL and T-REX detectors to identify excited states, determine angular momentum transfer, and extract spectroscopic factors. The research also involves simulations to predict outcomes at varying beam energies and estimate particle detection rates. The study aims to enhance our understanding of nuclear structure in the region and provide insights into the production of heavy elements via the r-process.

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First spectroscopy of the r-process nucleus 135 Sn

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  1. First spectroscopy of the r-process nucleus 135Sn Thorsten Kröll1 / Kathrin Wimmer2 CERN-INTC-2018-008, INTC-P-539  Work supported by BMBF (Nr. 05P15RDCIA), LOEWE / HIC for FAIR, and the MINIBALL-, T-REX- and HIE-ISOLDE collaborations

  2. Region of Interest Nuclei around doubly-magic shell closure in 132Sn - Letter of Intent: CERN-INTC-2010-045; INTC-I-111 - Approved Proposals: IS548, IS549, IS551 ... all Coulex (beam time 2016) Higher energies from HIE-ISOLDE: first nucleon transfer 134Sn(d,p)135Sn N=82 Z=54 Xe Z=52 Te 135Sn Z=50 Sn 132Sn 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 2

  3. 135Sn – r-process nucleus • r-process passes region around 132Sn • abundance pattern depends on both nuclear structure (m, b-T1/2, s(n), etc.) • and astrophysical conditions • ... August 2017: neutron star merger identified as (one) astrophysical site • (d,p) is surrogate reaction for (n,g) • Neutron capture rates can • change average abundances • by up to 43% • 134Sn(n,g) has no impact • (134Sb(n,g) has!!!) • ... but transfer to an • even-even nucleus • is theoretically easier • ... contributes to the • overall understanding • of (d,p) in this region R. Surman et al., Phys. Rev. C 79, 045809 (2009) 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 3

  4. 133Sn … what has been done? ≈ 100-250 counts per peak 132Sn(d,p) @ 4.77 MeV/u - particle spectroscopy only - transferred Dℓ determined (angular distributions are quite similar) - SFs extracted K. Jones et al., Nature 465, 454 (2010) 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 4

  5. 133Sn … what has been done? 132Sn(9Be,8Be) @ 3 MeV/u ≈ 4-2500 counts per peak J.M. Allmond et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 172701 (2014) - particle(2a)-g coincidences - gg-coincidences, g-branchings Our approach: combine the best of both light-particle and g-ray spectroscopy!!! 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 5

  6. Set-up: MINIBALL and T-REX • MINIBALL • 24 HPGe • e ≈ 3% @ 1.3 MeV • T-REX • large solid angle • 8°- 78° and 102° - 172° • position sensitive • PID (DE-E) beam V. Bildstein et al., Eur. Phys. J A 48, 85 (2012) N. Warr et al., Eur. Phys. J A 49, 40 (2013) 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 6

  7. 135Sn Shell model predictions Sn experimental knowledge ? 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 7

  8. Comparison 7.5 MeV/u and 10 MeV/u 10 MeV/u • 7.5 MeV/u • mostly • larger cross section • less pronounced • angular distributions • smaller energies of • protons to be • detected 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 8

  9. Simulation (backward direction) Simulations by Christian Berner (doct. student,TUM) 134Sn(d,p) @ 7.5 MeV/u, 1 mg/cm2 CD2 target Q0 = 45.2 keV, first 4 levels in 135Sn • Energies are well above experimental trigger threshold (≈500 keV @ 3 MeV/u • and A=80 ... we have to see at 7.5 or 10 MeV/u and A=140) • Levels are not sufficiently separated .... most likely we need g-rays!!! 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 9

  10. Physics aims • Particle spectroscopy, particle-g(g) coincidences • èidentify excited states in 135Sn for the first time • (g-gated) particle angular distributions • èdetermine orbital angular momentum transfer • g-decay branching (and guidance by theory) • èassign (tentatively) total angular momentum • cross sections • èextract spectroscopic factors • è Comparison with shell model • Note: shell model needs interaction matrix elements AND single-particle • energies around 132Sn, i.e. 133Sn and 133Sb • ... predictive power can be evaluated only by studying nuclei beyond!! 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 10

  11. Beam / rate estimate • MINIBALL + T-REX (maybe modified configuration in backward direction) • Beam • - molecular beam 134Sn34S+ from ISOLDE • - beam energy from HIE-ISOLDE: 7.8 MeV/u (or whatever is reachable) • - intensity on target 104/s • - highly contaminated by 134Sb (A=168 contaminations?) • Rate (1 mg/cm2 CD2 target) • - 650 protons/day (per 1 mb) • - 2-8 mb per state, 6-10 angular bins è ≈ 300 counts / bin / day • è2% statistical error • - g-gated: factor 10-30 less è ≈ 150 counts / bin / week • è10% statistical error • - particle-integrated g-rate per state è ≈ 350 / mb / week • è the excitation energy can be determined even for very low cross sections We request 24 shifts (8 days) of beam time 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 11

  12. Simulation (forward direction) DE ERest Because of high energies many p and d punch through both DE and E detectors E=DE+ERest 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 12

  13. Simulation 134Sb(d,p) @ 7.5 MeV/u Q0 = 1516.5 keV 134Sn(d,p) @ 7.5 MeV/u Q0 = 45.2 keV • States at high excitation energy in 135Sb* partially overlap with states • at low excitation energy in 135Sn • States at higher excitation energy are likely to emit g-rays in coincidence • (which are, of course, not detected with 100% efficiency)! • * For simplicity, the same excitation energies as in Sn have been assumed 7 February 2018 | INTC Meeting | Thorsten Kröll | 13

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