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LING 388: Language and Computers. Sandiway Fong Lecture 26 11/22. Administrivia. Homework 7 out today a simple exercise, due next Monday No class this Wednesday day before Thanksgiving. Last Time. Modified g23.pl to produce predicate-argument structure output. English Grammar g25.pl.
LING 388: Language and Computers Sandiway Fong Lecture 26 11/22
Administrivia • Homework 7 out today • a simple exercise, due next Monday • No class this Wednesday • day before Thanksgiving
Last Time • Modified g23.pl to produce predicate-argument structure output
English Grammar g25.pl • Declarative sentence (transitive) • John bought a book • John buy-ed a book • Y=SubjectNP Z=[VP P-VFormObjectNP ] • TNS(P(S,O))
English Grammar g25.pl • Passive sentence • a book was bought • a book be-ed bought NP-trace • Y=SubjectNP Z=[VP [Aux _-VForm ] [VP P-_ [NP trace]]] • TNS(P(_,O))
English Grammar g25.pl • Reminder: headof/2 for VP drills down (past the auxiliary verb) to the main verb to pick out the predicate P
English Grammar g25.pl • Passive sentence with subject in by-phrase • a book was bought by John • a book be-ed bought NP-trace by John • Y=SubjectNP Z=[VP [VP [Aux _-VForm ] [VP P-_ [NP trace]]] [PP [P ] ObliqueNP ]]] • TNS(P(S,O))
English Grammar g25.pl • Subject wh-questions • Who bought a book? Who wh-trace buy-ed a book NP _ [VP P-VFormObjectNP] TNS(P(S,O)) same predarg/3 as before
English Grammar g25.pl • Object wh-questions • What did John buy? What do-ed John buy-root wh-trace NP aux(_-VForm) SubjectNP [VP P-_ ] TNS(P(S,O))
English Grammar g25.pl • Some limitations remain, g25.pl cannot handle: • By whom was a book bought? • (*)Whom was a book bought by? • … would involve writing rules for PP-Wh-phrase fronting and verb movement (aux)
Grammar j24.pl • Already outputs predicate-argument structure but needs to be modified to output tense From g25.pl
Grammar j24.pl • Also, predarg/3 and headof/2 clash with the English equivalents English word order assumed
Translator • Need to change maptree/2 into mapPA/2 (PA = predicate-argument)
Homework 7 [Courtesy of Rosse Ann Gonzales] • Japanese passives • kau(buy) --> kawareru(passive form of kau, present tense) • katta (kau-ed) • kawareta(passive form of kau-ed) • Modify j24.pl (j26.pl) to handle the Japanese equivalents of • The book was bought • Input: hon-gakawareta • Output: past(kau(_,hon)) • The book was bought by John • Input: hon-gataroo-nikawareta • Output: past(kau(taroo,hon)) Submit your modified grammar and runs. • [It is first conjugated to the negative form stem, "kawa" (otherwise the negative present form is "kawanai"), then "reru" is added. However, this is an u-verb, so only u-verbs get conjugated this way. The other verbs which are ru-verbs, would be conjugated differently.] • [Also, if you wanted to say "the book was bought by john," the preposition phrase would be marked by the particle "ni.”]