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Visiting and Emeritus Titles; RTAD Appointments. SOM Academic Affairs August, 2008. Visiting Titles. The Visiting title is used to designate one who: (1) is appointed temporarily to perform duties (i.e research and teaching) at the University
Visiting and Emeritus Titles;RTAD Appointments SOM Academic Affairs August, 2008
Visiting Titles The Visiting title is used to designate one who: • (1) is appointed temporarily to perform duties (i.e research and teaching) at the University • (2) either has held, or is on leave from an academic or research position at another educational institution
Visiting Appointments • Visiting appointments may be proposed for one year • Total service is limited to two consecutive years
When do we use the Visiting title? • At SOM, the Visiting title is used in the Professor and Research series • Appointments are normally made at the same rank and salary as the home institution • i.e. Associate Professor at Stanford University = Visiting Associate Professor at UCSD
File Preparation for Visiting Appointments • Associate Dean for Academic Affairs has authority for Visiting appointments Departments will need to submit the following to the Dean’s office: • Temporary Appointment Summary Form • UC History (if applicable) • Departmental Chair Letter • Letter from the Home Institution • CV or UCSD Bio/Bib
How do you determine the salary? • Steps are not assigned to Visiting appointees • The salary shall be determined according to the special circumstances of the case, with consideration given to the individual’s professional income at their home institution
Salary info. continued… • An appointee with a Visiting title at SOM is not eligible for HS Compensation Plan • Since salaries of Visiting appointees are negotiated on an individual basis, visiting salaries are not subject to range adjustments • May be non-salaried
What’s included in the Chair’s letter? • The Departmental Chair letter should describe the special expertise that the visitor brings to the campus and should clearly state that the individual will be returning to the home institution upon completion of the appointment • The proposed salary must be justified
What criteria is used when appointing a Visiting Academic? • The criteria for appointment in the Visiting title are the same as for the corresponding regular title • Since the appointment is temporary, reasonable flexibility may be employed in the application of these criteria
Need more information? • For more detailed information regarding Visiting Titles, refer to PPM 230-28 and APM 230
Emeritus Titles • The title Professor Emeritus is an honorary title conferred, upon retirement, for certain faculty and academic appointees who meet the following criteria: • at least ten years of University service • attainment of the highest rank in the individual’s title series • evidence of noteworthy and meritorious contributions to the educational mission and programs of the University
Emeritus Titles for Senate Members • If all criteria are met, Emeritus status shall be granted automatically. • Upon retirement, the action should be entered into PPS using title code 1132
Emeritus Titles for Non-Senate Members Academic appointees who are not members of the Academic Senate may be proposed for Emeritus status based upon the same criteria: • at least ten years of University service • attainment of the highest rank in the individual’s title series • evidence of noteworthy and meritorious contributions to the educational mission and programs of the University
How do you propose Non-Senate Emeritus titles?(exlcuding HS Clinicals) Department proposes candidate for Emeritus title with justification – addressed to the Senior Vice Chancellor (SVCAA) • Proposal forwarded to SOM Dean’s Office for review. Dean’s Office sends to APO for CAP review. CAP makes recommendation to SVCAA • Senior Vice Chancellor notifies candidate and department via memo • Upon notification, Department will enter Emeritus Title in PPS using title code 3800
How do you propose Emeritus titles for (HS) Clinical Professors? • Department proposes candidate for Emeritus title with justification. Request addressed to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs • Proposal forwarded to SOMCAP for review. SOMCAP makes recommendation to Associate Dean • Associate Dean for Academic Affairs notifies candidate and department via memo • Upon notification, Department will enter Emeritus Title in PPS using title code 3800
Recall RTAD (Return to Active Duty) Appointments • A Ladder rank Professor who has retired and is recalled to serve in a research capacity may be appointed to the Research Professor recall title (title code 1707) • A Ladder rank Professor who is recalled to teach and to do research may be recalled to either the Research Professor or Professorial recall title (1707 or 1701) • All others usually come back in their title at retirement, i.e., Health Sciences Clinical Professor – Recalled; Researcher - Recalled, etc. (3802- Non Senate) (1701-Senate)
Can the RTAD come back on a Management & Senior Professional (MSP) contract? • Yes, an RTAD may come back on a MSP contract, but the contract should not exceed 43% time. If the RTAD will see patients, then clinical privileges must be obtained along with a Non-Salaried (HS) Clinical appointment
How do you determine the salary for RTADs? • The RTAD salary may be based on the total salary of the faculty member at the time of retirement • RTAD faculty do not receive range adjustments • The “retirement salary” figure does not include any payments for vacation pay owed. The department needs to be able to fund the salary.
How do you appoint RTADs? • Recall professorial and research reappointments of retirees may be proposed by submitting: • Departmental Chair Letter • Certs A and B • Teaching Evaluations (if applicable)
What do you include in the Departmental Chair Letter? The departmental recommendation letter should explain: • proposed compensation • availability of funding and space • services to be performed • statement attesting to the qualifications and teaching abilities (if applicable) of the candidate
What are the title codes? • A Ladder Rank Professor who has retired from UC and is recalled to serve in a research capacity may be appointed to the Research Professor recall title (title code 1707)
Senate Title codes • Senate faculty members who have retired from the UC and are recalled to serve in a combination of research, teaching or service may be appointed to the Recall X (title code 1701) • i.e. Recall Professor of Clinical X or Recall Professor In Residence
Non-Senate Title codes • All other academic retirees returning to perform clinical duties or if expertise and skills are required for certain research grants may be appointed to X Recall (title code 3802) • i.e. HS Clinical Professor Recall or Adjunct Recall
How do you reappoint? • Reappointment RTADs files require the same documents as RTAD appointment files: • Departmental Chair letter • Certs A and B • Teaching Evaluations (if applicable)
How long is the appointment? • Appointments are usually made for one year, but may be proposed for up to three years if funding is secure
What DOS codes are used in Payroll to pay an RTAD? • The RTAD is paidon REG and BYA DOS codes. Sponsored project funds must go on an REG DOS code • These dollars require a percent be attached to the pay line to track effort. If the researcher’s monthly salary is over the NIH Cap then BYA is used to pay the cap gap
Is a break in service required before an RTAD returns to the University? • The University cannot rehire the employee until the retiree receives his/her first retirement payment or 90 days after the retirement date, whichever occurs sooner • Faculty members should never indicate in writing (resignation letter) that they wish to return to service
When do you enter in PPS? • Like all academic appointments, the Department will receive a copy of the offer letter for appointments/reappointments. • Enter into PPS, once your department receives notification (usually via email) that the candidate has accepted the offer
Need more information? • Please see SOM website: http://som.ucsd.edu/academic/separation • Also refer to APM 200-22, web URL: http://www.ucop.edu/acadadv/acadpers/apm/sec2-pdf.html