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$99 Service Level offers 5 hours of work per month

$99 Service Level offers 5 hours of work per month. Do you have a small project that needs to be done? How about a need to create some fliers for your open house?.

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$99 Service Level offers 5 hours of work per month

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  1. $99Service Level offers 5 hours of work per month Do you have a small project that needs to be done? How about a need to create some fliers for your open house? But wait!!!! Why stop there? We have some additional services that will help you budget your hours & create an action plan for managing your listings. All for a low price of $495 a month.This gives you 25 hours per month. What a DEAL that is!!!

  2. At $495/month, we offer the best part-time assistant services. This level offers you 25hours/month (about 5-7 hours/week). At this level you may select all or a combination of the following: • Key Assistant - 1 hour/week • Database Management - 1 hour/week • Listing Management - 1-2 hours/week • Online Marketing - 2 hours/week • Seller/Mailed Marketing - 1 hour/week • Client Services - 1 hour/week If you are interested, here are the 2 simple steps you need to complete: Visit our sign up page: http://bestagentbusiness.com/signup.html and read, print, sign, and fax our agreement to our offices at 240-751-4247 OR Sign up for our services with a credit card via PayPal http://tinyurl.com/3cu3d7

  3. Best Agent Business Assistance and Calling Services $995/Month for 10 – 15 Hours per week Make the most of every client, preventing any future interference. Leadmanagement Get more business for your company by sending out emails, letters and through social media. Marketing Keep contact with existing and past leads, as well as reach out to prospective clients. calling Improve lead management by cleaning up and organizing your database. $995/Month for 10 – 15 Hours per week Producing a monthly financial statement will assist in increasing profit. Accounting Place listings online, brochures on various websites taking it a step further for better marketing. Listing management Service level provides for the needs of your business by focusing on three goals at a time using a combination of different services. Help handle closings step by step while giving quality service and satisfaction. DatabaseManagement Closingmanagement Grow your business faster and be more while not wasting leads. We will help create a plan to focus your time, get you organized, and expand your company for greater profit.

  4. Best Agent Business Double - $1990 How much more could you get done with 25 more hours a week? Possible services offered: Key Assistant – Budgets your hours each week and keeps you on track. Lead Management –Make the most of every client and keep your business running smoothly. Marketing – Online, email, and mailers. Get your name out to more people. Calling – Follows up with leads, keeps in touch with past clients, and much more! Database Management – Organize and clean up your databases in order to improve lead management and marketing efforts. Listing Management – Creates a blueprint and action plan for managing and marketing listings.

  5. Billion Dollar Agent Service - $2,990/monthThis service level is for agents over $250,000 GCI. Services Explained Billion Dollar Agent Profit Model Agent Management Showing Agent Model Marketing Growth Coaching System Expertise We suggest changes that can increase your net profit towards our target goal of 50% net profit on $1,000,000 GCI. We can implement systems to manage your Buyer’s Agents and hold them accountable with Daily Log tracking. Our Talent Team can help with recruiting of In-House Assistants, Showing Agents, and Buyer’s Agents. We can help implement our Showing Agent system of having part-time hourly Showing Agents at $20/hour to show property more profitably than a Buyer’s Agent model. We can expand and implement new marketing efforts for market segments. Our deep expertise across all coaching systems helps you grow faster and more profitably. If you have a coach, we help you implement what the coach tells you to get done.

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