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E108 Backup and Disaster Recovery With Sybase ASIQ

E108 Backup and Disaster Recovery With Sybase ASIQ. Sid Sipes Principal System Consultant Business Intelligence Division sipes@sybase.com. For This Presentation. Let’s Keep It Interactive I will entertain questions on a subject Would be happy to speak to you offline, if desired

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E108 Backup and Disaster Recovery With Sybase ASIQ

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  1. E108Backup and Disaster RecoveryWith Sybase ASIQ • Sid Sipes • Principal System Consultant • Business Intelligence Division • sipes@sybase.com

  2. For This Presentation • Let’s Keep It Interactive • I will entertain questions on a subject • Would be happy to speak to you offline, if desired • No Question is too Basic • Chances are others may have the same question • Open Question Forum at the end • Time Permitting

  3. Target Audience • Data Warehouse Management • Database Administrators • All Levels • System Administrators • All Levels

  4. Disaster Recovery Agenda • We will be discussing: • Why Do I Need to Backup A Data Warehouse? • How do you Backup Terabytes of data? • Are there any 3rd party tools? • Alternative Backup/Restore Techniques • We will also be discussing Disaster Recovery Planning and Implementation

  5. Disaster Recovery Why do I need to Backup My Database? Why do I need a Disaster Recovery Plan? • There seems to be an attitude that Data Warehouses do not need the same type of safeguards that OLTP systems require!!!!

  6. Disaster Recovery Why Bother with Backups? • A Data Warehouse is Not Mission Critical • Who cares if it goes down for a while? • Only a few analysts will miss it!!! • Very few on-line users • I can always rebuild it • A Data Warehouse only contains historical data. • The source data is around, somewhere in the OLTP systems

  7. Disaster Recovery Here’s Why: • A Data Warehouse is Not Mission Critical • Not True Anymore!!!! • Many Data Warehouse systems are 24x7 • Decisions made on very recent data • Many users are demanding historical data combined with “Near-RealTime” data. • Potential for many thousands of on-line users via web interface

  8. Disaster Recovery I can always rebuild it ! • How? • Where is the Data? • Do you have access to source systems? • What impact will massive extracts have on source systems? • How efficient is your ETL process? • Do you have the network bandwidth to move that much data?

  9. Disaster Recovery I can always rebuild it ! • Chances are great that you can not rebuild your Data Warehouse. • Not Enough Time • Data doesn’t exist anymore (purged from OLTP systems) • Many, Many, Many, Many More reasons why!!! • Things only get worse with users breathing down your neck.

  10. Disaster Recovery It will Happen to YOU!!!!!!! • Backup / Recovery and Disaster Planning are Critical Components of any Data Warehouse Operational Plan. • Sooner or later, you will loose your database • Hardware Problem • Data Corruption • Gremlins • Plan for It

  11. Disaster Recovery Ok, How do I backup Terabytes of Data? • Just How Do I perform Backups Given: • Huge Amounts of Data!! • Slow Backup Devices!! • Not Enough Time • What are the Alternatives?

  12. Disaster Recovery Ok, How do I backup Terabytes of Data? • How Much Time Does a Backup Take? • How Do I handle Terabytes of Data? • Question Recently Asked on IQUG! • Case Size Disk/ File Time Time Rate • (MB) Tape Size (Secs) (HHMM) (MB/Sec)

  13. Disaster Recovery Backup Rates • Best Rate Reported • 55.6 MByte/Sec • ~ 5 Hours / TeraByte!!! • Slowest Rate Reported: • 3.7 MByte/Sec • ~ 75 Hours / TeraByte!!!!

  14. Disaster Recovery Another Interesting Case Sybase ASIQ Client Recently Ran Tests on VLDB • Anticipating 10+TB IQ Database • Tested Backup to Conventional Tape Arrays • 27 Tape Array (20/30 Gig Tapes) • Requires 400+ Tapes to Backup Database • High Probability of Tape Failure • Requires 27 Hours to Backup Database

  15. Disaster Recovery Too Slow!!!! What are the Backup Alternatives? • Sybase ASIQ Built-In Backup • ASIQ Backup Alternatives • Fast Extract • System Level Backup • Third Party Backup Utilities • “Instant” Disk Level Imaging

  16. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • Backup Utility Built Into Server • Adaptive Server IQ provides three types of backups: • FULL • INCREMENTAL • INCREMENTAL SINCE FULL

  17. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • FULL Backup • Causes a full backup of both the Catalog Store and the IQ Store. • FULL is the default action.

  18. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • INCREMENTAL Backup • Makes a full backup of the Catalog Store, • Then backs up all changes to the IQ Store since the last IQ backup of any type.

  19. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • INCREMENTAL SINCE FULL • Makes a full backup of the Catalog Store, • Then backs up all changes to the IQ store since the last full IQ backup.

  20. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • All three backup types fully back up the Catalog Store. • In most cases, the Catalog Store is much smaller than the IQ Store. • Should be very fast • Temporary Store data is not backed up. • However, the meta data and any other information needed to recreate the Temporary Store structure is backed up.

  21. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • BACKUP backs up committed data only. • Adaptive Server IQ backs up only those database blocks actually in use at the time of backup. • Free blocks are not backed up • It does not back up the transaction log file. • It does not use the transaction log to restore the database.

  22. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • Backups begin with an automatic checkpoint. • At this point, the backup program determines what data will be backed up. • It backs up the current snapshot version of your database as of the time of this checkpoint. • Any data that is not yet committed when this checkpoint occurs is not included in the backup

  23. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • BACKUP always makes a full backup of the Catalog Store on the first archive device, and then backs up the data from the IQ Store in parallel across all of the devices you specify. • Blocks are not distributed evenly across archive media. • You may have more on one device than others, depending on the processing speed of individual threads

  24. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • You can back up any IQ database onto either disk or magnetic tape. • AS IQ supports backup and restore using multiple tape drives at near device speeds, or to multiple disks.

  25. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • When Backing Up / Restoring from Multiple Devices: • Beware of Exceeding I/O Bandwidth to SAN/Disks with Too Many Tape Drives • Each Drive operates at about 20MB / Sec • Typical I/O Bandwidth is 1 GigaBit (~200 MB/Sec) • 27 Drives * 20 MB/Sec = 540 MB/Sec I/O Requests • You’ve just blown your bandwidth for a single Fiber Channel

  26. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • Adaptive Server IQ allows Stacker drives with multiple tapes • Adaptive Server IQ BACKUP does not support • jukeboxes • robotic loaders. • Quarter Inch Cartridge (QIC) drives.

  27. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • Is ASIQ Backup Fast Enough? • Probably not for Terabytes of Data • Should Consider Other methods • Tuning for Faster ASIQ Backups is Possible • May provide enough performance • We’ll explore other options in a few slides

  28. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup Increasing Performance • Increasing the number of archive devices • BACKUP and RESTORE write your IQ data in parallel to or from all of the archive devices you specify. • The Catalog Store is written serially to the first device. • Faster backups and restores result from greater parallelism. • To achieve greater performance when backing up or restoring a large database, specify more archive devices.

  29. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup Increasing Performance • Eliminating data verification • You can also improve the speed of backup and restore operations by setting • CRC OFF in the BACKUP command. This setting deactivates cyclical redundancy checking. • Default is CRC ON • WARNING – Introduces some Risk

  30. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup Increasing Performance • Spooling backup data • You may find that it is faster and more efficient to create backups on disk, and then spool them onto tape for archival storage. • If you choose this approach, you need to unspool the data onto disk before restoring it.

  31. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup Increasing Performance • Increasing memory used during backup • The amount of memory used for buffers during backup directly affects backup speed, primarily for tape backups. • The BLOCK FACTOR parameter of the BACKUP command controls the amount of memory used. • If your backups are slow, you may want to increase the value of BLOCK FACTOR for faster backups.

  32. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup Increasing Performance • Balancing system load • Adaptive Server IQ allows you to perform backups concurrently with all other read/write operations, except those that affect the structure of the database. • It is still a good idea to schedule backups during times of low system use, however, to make the best possible use of system resources—disk, memory, and CPU cycles.

  33. Disaster Recovery Sybase ASIQ Built-in Backup • OK, ASIQ Backup/Restore May Not Be Fast Enough. • What do I do? • Alternatives • Fast Extract • System Level Backups • Array Vendor “Instant” Backup • Shadow-Image / BCV • True-Copy • SRDF

  34. Disaster Recovery ASIQ Fast Extract. • Use ASIQ Built-In Fast-Extract option • SQL Query specifies what to Backup • Data extracted to ASCII or BINARY files • Single or Multiple Tables • Useful for Backing Up/Restoring Huge Tables • Data Restored using IQ SQL Load Syntax • Very Fast Operation

  35. Disaster Recovery ASIQ Fast Extract. • Downside – Does not save/restore any metadata or system information. • Little or no error checking

  36. Disaster Recovery System Level (OS) Backups • You can use system-level backups for an IQ database. • For Example, DD raw devices. • Must be done carefully, and with certain safe-guards in place • If you attempt to restore your IQ database files from a system-level backup without these safeguards in place, • You will cause data loss or corruption, either from activity in the database while the system-level backup occurred, or from missing files.

  37. Disaster Recovery System Level (OS) Backups • Shutting down the database (non-multiplex) • Your IQ database MUST NOT be running during a system-level backup. • You must shut down your IQ database before starting the system-level backup. • You must also ensure that no one starts the IQ database until the system-level backup is complete

  38. Disaster Recovery System Level (OS) Backups • Shutting down the database (multiplex) • Your multiplex WRITE SERVER MUST NOT be running during a system-level backup. • You must shut down your write server before starting the system-level backup. • You must also ensure that no one starts the write server until the system-level backup is complete.

  39. Disaster Recovery System Level (OS) Backups • You must Backup the following Files • SYSTEM dbspace file, • typically named dbname.db • The transaction log file, which is required for system recovery, • typically named dbname.log • The IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN dbspace file, • typically named dbname.iq • Or the corresponding raw device(s). • Files for any additional dbspaces that have been added to IQ_SYSTEM_MAIN

  40. Disaster Recovery System Level (OS) Backups • You only need to save the lengths of the following files: • The IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP dbspace file, • typically named dbname.iqtmp • Or, the corresponding raw device(s) size. • Files / Devices for any additional dbspaces that have been added to IQ_SYSTEM_TEMP

  41. Disaster Recovery System Level (OS) Backups • System Level Backup • It is not required that you back up the temporary dbspaces. • IQ can reconstruct any temporary dbspace provided that it sees a file of the correct length at the time the database starts. • Therefore, you may simply keep records of the sizes of the files or raw devices used to hold the temporary dbspaces.

  42. Disaster Recovery System Level (OS) Backups • Optional Files • The ASCII message files such as dbname.iqmsg • The $ASLOGDIR/*.svrlog • The $ASLOGDIR/*.stderr files. • Not Required, but contain useful information • ASIQ Engineering may need these files, should something go catastrophically wrong during the restore.

  43. Disaster Recovery Third Party Backup Utilities • Veritas Net Backup • Now GA • Certified (by Veritas and Sybase) for Sybase ASIQ • Requires ASIQ 12.4.3 EBF 4 (or Newer) • Similar in Implementation to Net Backup Agent for Sybase ASE • Will Fit within Existing Veritas Installations

  44. Disaster Recovery Third Party Backup Utilities • Veritas Net Backup • Fits within Veritas Enterprise Architecture • Works with • Veritas Master Node (Scheduler) • Veritas Media Server • Veritas Client (Net Backup Agent

  45. Disaster Recovery Third Party Backup Utilities • Veritas Net Backup • Currently Single-Threaded. • Can only write to a single archive device at a time. • Sybase and Veritas working to add parallelism

  46. Disaster Recovery Third Party Backup Utilities • Sun Solaris HA Suite • Provides ability to take Snap-Shot of Disk Devices • Full Snap-Shot • Incremental Snap-Shots • Might be able to provide Point-In-Time recovery. • MUST OBSERVE Same SAFEGARDS as OS/System Level Backups • Simplex – Server must be shutdown • Multiplex – Write Server must be shutdown

  47. Disaster Recovery What About Disk Array Replication? • Array Vendors (EMC, Hitachi, Sun) offer the ability to remotely replicate all of your IQ data base devices • EMC – SRDF • Hitachi – True Copy? • Replication is Transparent to IQ • Entire Database is Replicated • Catalog • IQ Store • Transaction Log

  48. Disaster Recovery Disk Array Replication • ASIQ Is Certified with the Vendors • EMCC • Hitachi • Hitachi

  49. Disaster Recovery Disk Array Replication • Instant Recoverability • Little Down Time • Both Local and Remote copies of data • True Disaster Prevention • Some of you are already backing up to disk • This will automate the process • You can still perform tape backups on remote copy of database

  50. Disaster Recovery Disk Array Replication • How Does it Work? • As changes are made to disk blocks, the disk array controller • captures the changes • Replicates in near-real-time the changed block to a mirroring set of disks. • Similar to Disk Mirroring • Can replicate to other Array Frames across LAN • Can replicate to remote frames, across WAN.

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