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Presentation On Inclusive Development: Mainstreaming Challenged People Presented by Md. Arifur Rahman Chief Executive Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) www.ypsa.org. Intro:.
Presentation On Inclusive Development: Mainstreaming Challenged People Presented by Md. ArifurRahman Chief Executive Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) www.ypsa.org
Intro: • Inclusive Development includes disability dimension and participation of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in development processes and policies • PWDs are those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments that create barrier to enjoy the equal rights of the society…..
Measuring disabilities • One billion are PWDs which is 15% of total population (World Bank, 2010) • Two hundred million are having severe disabilities (WB) • World Health Survey (2004) says around 785 million (15.6%) persons 15 years and older live with a disability, while the Global Burden of Disease estimates a figure of around 975 million (19.4%) persons. • World Health Survey estimates that 110 million people (2.2%) have very significant difficulties in functioning, while the Global Burden of Disease estimates that 190 million (3.8%) have “severe disability” – the equivalent of disability inferred for conditions such as quadriplegia, severe depression, or blindness.
Measuring disabilities • Bangladesh Status • 5th Population and Housing Census 2011 showed the number of people with disability is only 1.4 percent of Bangladesh’s total population. • Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics’ (BBS) Household Income Expenditure Survey that had found people with disability at 9.07 percent of the population. • In general, it is estimated that, 10% of the total population in Bangladesh are having different kinds of disabilities
Context of the Challenged People • Lack of Policy planning support • Beliefs and Prejudice creating social barriers • Lack of Resources • Lack of accessibility in the built structures • Lack of access to public transportation and road • Low rate of using ICTs • Exposed to violence
Context-2 • Unemployment and low economic participation • Extra cost for personal supports • Lack of support by MFI • Higher rates of poverty • Absence of equal rights
Legal Framework on the rights of PWDs • The UNCRPD (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities) outlines the civil, cultural, political, social, and economic rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006 • Disability Welfare Act 2001, and the Rules Form in 2006 • Rights and Protection of the Person with disability Act 2013
About YPSA and its initiatives • Established in 1985 • YPSA envisions a society without poverty where everyone’s basic needs and rights are ensured • YPSA works on Economic Development, Health, Education, Human Rights, Disaster Management, Environment, Knowledge and Capacity Development
YPSA innovation for PWDs • long term activities to protect the rights of the Persons with Disabilities • Professional development training • Establishment of a IRCD ( ICT and Resource Center on Disability) to increase access to digital technologies for the visually challenged and enhance their ICT skills • YPSA established a Federation of DPOs in Sitakund, Chittagong District, Bangladesh • YPSA operates Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) friendly community radio station in Sitakund (Radio SagorGiri FM99.2) • YPSA already started to inclusion and providing micro finance services to the Persons with Disabilities • YPSA conducted a disability survey in ShahrastiUpazila and created an online database. www.survey.ypsa.org
Proposed model “three integrated approach model” • Firstly developing human resources, • Secondly utilizing local resources, • Finally developing framework for mainstreaming • or social inclusion Social Inclusion Challenged People Human Resources Local Resources
Proposed Idea • Selection of working area and Baseline survey • Interventions for CWDs like as; inclusive education, inclusive learning environment, advocacy, structural accessibility etc. • Intervention for the YWDs as; technical and non-technical skill and knowledge development, job/business fair, advocacy for inclusive employment, accessibility in the social and financial resources, social security, rehabilitation, etc • Intervention for aged persons with disabilities like as; counseling with family members, inclusion with social safety net program, inclusive therapy and recreational activities etc. • Removing barriers in public places, accommodations, transport, information, and communication • Facilitating appropriate information and communications technologies ICT and Internet facilities for PWDs • Promoting Community Based Rehabilitation CBR
Inclusive Health Inclusive Development Inclusive Society Society for ALL Inclusive Education Inclusive Livelihood Inclusion is the Conclusion All development scheme and programmes should be inclusive, and the end result is that creation of a society that is inclusive of all:
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