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Latest Developments in the MYP: From Principles into Practice

This PowerPoint presentation outlines the most recent developments in the MYP program, including global views, curriculum reviews, interdisciplinary teaching, transitions, and more. It highlights the responsibilities of the MYP office in Cardiff and the role of regional offices in curriculum development and assessment. The presentation also emphasizes the importance of continuous planning and reflection in implementing the MYP curriculum effectively. Additionally, it touches on the preparation of MYP students for the Diploma program and the language revival pilot project.

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Latest Developments in the MYP: From Principles into Practice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Latest developments in the MYP 2008-9

  2. Background to the presentation This PowerPoint presentation was given during IB regional conferences in 2008 and details are relevant until May 2009, when it will be updated. This presentation outlines the latest developments in the MYP and, in response to participants’ requests. It is now made available for MYP coordinators and schools to use in supporting their programmes.

  3. Latest developments in the MYP • Global view • Review of MYP: From principles into practice • Curriculum review developments • MYP commercial publications • Guide to interdisciplinary teaching and learning • MYP-DP transition project • Renewing languages pilot • Online events

  4. IB Curriculum and assessment office, Cardiff, Wales Responsibilities of the MYP office in Cardiff : Curriculum & Assessment Workshop resource development

  5. IB Regional offices MYP regional manager MYP associate regional manager Responsibilities of the regional offices: • Application • Authorization • Evaluation • Professional Development

  6. Global network of MYP schools The MYP community globally is growing, see: http://www.ibo.org/facts/schoolstats/growth.cfm

  7. MYP: From principles into practice Review of: • Implementation and development of the programme • Areas of interaction Areas of interaction MYP: From principles into practice MYP: Implementation and Development of the Programme

  8. New publication MYP: From principles into practice • Published in August 2008 • Aimed at all administrators and teachers in MYP schools • First point of contact with the programme • Contains requirements and guidance

  9. Relationship of principles to curriculum IB mission statement IB learner profile MYP fundamental concepts curriculum written assessed taught

  10. MYP Requirements: planning • plan individual MYP units of work using the practices described in the guide • ensure continuity and progression of learning in each subject group, using the recommended interim objectives for years 1 and 3 • the areas of interaction are central to unit planning; the student learning expectations and key questions will assist in refining the focus

  11. The MYP unit planner • To bring together the written, assessed and taught curriculums with the principles of the programme for teachers to use when designing MYP units of work. • The MYP unit planner leads teachers to integrate their significant subject concepts with the contexts for learning and assessment. • Following this initial integration of written and assessed curriculum components, teachers are then guided to consider the teaching strategies they will use and the learning experiences they will enable during the unit.

  12. Using the unit planner Stage 1 This stage can be summed up as the integration of key elements of units of work: • the significant concept(s) for the unit • the area of interaction focus • the MYP unit question • the summative assessment.

  13. Using the unit planner Stage 2 Involves the supporting details and can be summed up as: • information on prior learning • content • teaching strategies • learning experiences • approaches to learning

  14. Using the unit planner Ongoing reflections and evaluation • Reflection on the planner and the unit should be an ongoing process; teachers should reflect on how effective their planning was.

  15. Current curriculum review • Personal project guide and TSM review • Language B guide and TSM review • Sciences guide and TSM review • Humanities guide review • Technology TSM review • PE TSM review • MYP: A basis for practice (published in January 2009) • All MYP guides will be republished in February 2010 and will include interim objectives and example unit planners.

  16. MYP commercial publications MYP Interact - July 2008 AOI posters - February 2009 50 Excellent Personal Projects - March 2009 MYP Assess - March 2010 Science Taskbank - February 2010 MYP Inquire - March 2011 OUP interdisciplinary texts - no.1 in May 2009; - no.2 in September 2009; - nos. 3, 4, 5 in January 2010

  17. Harvard Project Zero The IB has been in collaboration with Harvard Project Zero (under the School of Education at Harvard University) to produce a document that will explain the process of interdisciplinary teaching and learning. This should be published in May 2010.

  18. Does the MYP prepare students for the Diploma? MYP: Avoiding the gap project • Survey schools – September 2008 • Investigate practices • Determine needs • Recommended actions - 2009

  19. Language B - the revival pilot • Many languages in the world have become extinct and many other languages are today heading towards extinction. • Although schools cannot stop or reverse language loss by themselves, they are key players in a community that is trying to revive a language. • MYP students also have a key role to play in the language revival process.

  20. Where are revival languages on the continuum of languages? • Language B foundation • Language B standard • Language B advanced • Language A When the language is sufficiently revived, it can feed into any level

  21. Language under revival • There is a pilot in South Australia with Ngarrindjeri • In the pilot, revival languages have their own objectives and assessment criteria • Revival languages will be moderated as a non-sampled language (eg. Ngarrindjeri has been registered for the December 2008 session).

  22. Online events • MYP: From publication to practice – September 2008 What next? • Collaborative unit planning – see May 2009 Coordinator’s notes for details.

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