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Barclays Cycle Hire customer satisfaction and usage survey: Wave 5 Members Only Results FINAL February 2013 Debbie Shuttlewood Trevor Taylor Claire Davies. Today's presentation. Survey methodology Key findings Key measures Drivers of satisfaction
Barclays Cycle Hire customer satisfaction and usage survey:Wave 5 Members Only ResultsFINAL February 2013Debbie ShuttlewoodTrevor TaylorClaire Davies
Today's presentation... Survey methodology Key findings Key measures Drivers of satisfaction Pricing, value for money and likelihood to renew Customer journey Last trip Attitudes and behaviours This work was carried out to the international quality standard for market research, ISO 20252
Methodology and approach • 2,686 interviews completed online • 6-19 December 2013 • 35,000 invites sent - response rate of 7.7% • Active only members invited to take part i.e. those who have hired a bicycle in the last 3 months • Sample was taken from TfL’s database of registered users • Data is unweighted
Overall satisfaction has dropped at wave 5 - mix of decreases and increases in ratings across touchpoints July 2010 July 2011 October 2011 June 2012 December 2012 Wave 1 Satisfaction 70 Wave 4 Satisfaction 70 Wave 5 Satisfaction 69 Wave 3 Satisfaction 68 Wave 2 Satisfaction 63
The cycle hire customer journey has generally improved since the scheme’s inception but performs below wave 4 in certain aspects Information and registration Website Contact Centre Key Availability and docking stations Cycles Terminals mean Base: All members: W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686, except Registering: all who registered in the four months before the survey: W3: 233, W4: 300, W5:376; Contact Centre: all who contacted the contact centre in the two months before the survey: W2: 1,314, W3: 525, W4: 932, W5: 916. (NB: wave 1 results not shown as some touchpoints not measured at wave 1)
Key headlines • Overall satisfaction has decreased below levels seen at wave 4 • Recommendation of BCH has also decreased, to levels not seen since wave 2 • There has been a significant increase in those saying they will not renew their membership when it runs out, mainly due to cost reasons and availability of bicycles and docking points • Prior awareness of the January price increase is high • Ratings of value for money of BCH have decreased • Satisfaction with the membership key has increased significantly and is again the highest rated measure • Although satisfaction with some touchpoints is higher than at wave 4, most are lower. Crucially satisfaction with docking stations, bicycles and terminals has decreased • Satisfaction with availability of bicycles and spaces on the most recent trip is higher for those who started or ended their trip in the Eastern Extension Zone than the Central Zone, however, ratings of overall trip experience are comparable between the two zones
Where to focus improvements • The ease of using the membership key, information on how BCH works and the bicycles have the biggest impact on overall satisfaction • These are strong performing measures to maintain • The availability of bicycles at docking stations is a priority improvement area • Availability of free docking points is also important Overall satisfaction • Ease of use of membership key • Information • Bicycles • Availability of bicycles • Availability of docking points Maintain Improve
Overall satisfaction is down from wave 4, driven by a decrease in top box score Q Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with your overall experience of Barclays Cycle Hire? Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Mean score 70 Mean score 63 Mean score 68 Mean score 70 Mean score 69 Base: All members: W1: 3,754; W2: 2,652; W3: 947; W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686
Those travelling regularly, and problem free, are more satisfied. Awareness of price increase has a negative impact on satisfaction Q Taking everything into account, how satisfied are you with your overall experience of Barclays Cycle Hire? Wave 5 Most likely to be satisfied: (mean) Not had a problem preventing them from completing a journey in the last 6 months: (73) Annual access type: (71) Commuters1: (71) Those not previously aware of price increase: (71) Mean score 69 Least likely to be satisfied: (mean) Problem prevented completion of a journey in the last 6 months: (66) 24 hour / 7 day access type: (67) Non-commuters2: (67) Aware of price increase: (69) Base: All members: W5: 2,686. 1. Commuters are defined as those using Barclays Cycle Hire for commuting at least once a week, 2. Non commuters are defined as those using Barclays Cycle Hire for commuting less than once a week or never.
Advocacy of Barclays Cycle Hire has dropped below levels seen at waves 3 and 4 Q How likely would you be to recommend Barclays Cycle Hire to friends or family Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Mean score 80 Mean score 75 Mean score 80 Mean score 81 Mean score 77 Base: All members: W1: 3,754; W2: 2,652; W3: 947; W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686
Overall satisfaction: membership key, information on BCH and bicycles have the largest impact Total impact on overall satisfaction “Barriers” indicate where a touchpoint is a hygiene factor (getting it wrong will dissatisfy users; getting it right will not delight users); “drivers” indicate where it will delight users. The impact on overall satisfaction refers to the % increase in the mean overall satisfaction score based on a simulated 10% increase in the mean score of a particular driver
Overall satisfaction: availability of bicycles followed by availability of free docking points are the main priorities for improvement Impact versus performance quadrants: a guide to interpretation Average performance (all touchpoints combined) Top improvement priority: Poor performance in an area of high impact on customer opinion Priority maintenance area: Strong performance in an area of high impact on customer opinion Secondary maintenance area: Strong performance in an area of low impact on customer opinion Second improvement priority: Poor performance in an area of low impact on customer opinion Average impact (all touchpoints combined) Performance Performance Impact Impact
Over 8 in 10 are aware of the price increase, half found out from email communication or the media Q Are you aware that from January 2013 the access fees for using Barclays Cycle Hire will increase for daily, weekly and annual usage? No Yes (Asked of 2,240 who are aware) Q How did you find out about these upcoming access fee increases? (top mentions) Base: All members: W5: 2,686; all who are aware of price rise: W5: 2,240
Ratings of value for money have dropped – perceptions of expense is the main reason Q How satisfied are you with the value for money of the amount you pay at the moment to use Barclays Cycle Hire?* (Asked of 515 who rated 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the value for money of Barclays Cycle Hire? (Mentions above 6%) W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 Mean scores 81 80 82 83 79 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686; all who are not satisfied with the value for money of BCH: W4: 288, W5: 515, * Question wording to wave 4: How satisfied are you with the value for money to you of using Barclays Cycle Hire?
A fifth are not intending to renew their membership and a further fifth don’t know – cost is a major factor in this change (Asked of 549 not renewing) Q Why are you not intending to renew your membership when it runs out? (Mentions above 2%) Q Thinking about your membership, are you intending to renew it when it runs out? Wave 3 Wave 5 Wave 4 Wave 4 Base: All members: W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686; those who are not renewing: 549
Annual members are more satisfied across most measures, however, those with the 24 hour access period are more satisfied with availability
Health benefits, cost, convenience and speed are the main reasons for becoming a member Q What triggered you to start using Barclays Cycle Hire? (Mentions above 5%) Lived and worked close to docking station. Cheap and quick form of transport that is generally excellent value for money if you live in the right place. Congested tubes and trains. Why be crammed in underground when I can cycle about and see more of London? My bike was stolen and it seemed like value for money at the time. When the cost goes up I may as well buy a new bike and take my chances of that one getting stolen. Base: All who joined scheme in last 6 months; W5: 679
Members continue to use BCH due to health benefits, speed, convenience and cost Wave 4 Q Why did you switch from travelling by...to using a Cycle Hire bicycle for this trip/the part of the journey you made using BCH? And which of these was the main reason? Wave 5 Q What triggered you to start using Barclays Cycle Hire? (Mentions above 5%) Base: Wave 4: All members who registered since the start of 2012 and sometimes use a different mode of transport: 256, wave 5: All who joined scheme in last 6 months; W5: 679
Members are increasingly getting information by word of mouth, though the website is still the main source Q From where did you get information on how Barclays Cycle Hire works? Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686 *TfL helpline / helpdesk / call centre not in precode list w1-w4
Satisfaction with information provision has dropped slightly but remains high Q How satisfied are you with the information on how Barclays Cycle Hire works? (Asked of 718 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the information you have obtained or received on BCH? (Mentions above 10%) W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 Mean scores 74 71 72 73 72 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947; W4: 2,526, W5:2,686, all who are not satisfied with information on how BCH works: W5: 718
Satisfaction with the registration process remains high Q How satisfied are you with the process of registering as a member overall, on a scale from 0 to 10 where 10 is extremely satisfied and 0 is extremely dissatisfied? (Asked of 82 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the registration process? (Mentions above 5%) W1 W2 W4 W5 Mean scores 71 67 74 75 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 233, W4: all who registered since Jan 2012: 300, W5: all who registered since Aug 2012: 376; all who are not satisfied with the process: 82 (NB: question not asked at W3)
Satisfaction with the terminals has dropped back slightly, though a third remain in the top box Q How satisfied are you with the information panels, print outs, screens and ease of using the terminals? (Asked of 839 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the terminals? (Mentions over 6%) Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Mean scores 67 66 69 65 Base: W2: 2,652; W3: 947, W4: 2,526; W5 2,686 all users who are not satisfied with the terminals: 839
Almost half are satisfied with the maps at the terminals Q How satisfied are you with maps at the terminals? (Asked of 631 rating 0-6) Q And why do you say you are not satisfied with the maps at the terminals? (Mentions above 3%) Wave 5 Mean score 72 Base: All members: W5: 2,686, all who are not satisfied with the maps at the terminals: 631
The majority check for availability of bicycles and docking points before their journey, mainly by mobile app Q Do you check the availability of bicycles and/or spaces at docking stations before making a Barclays Cycle Hire journey? Q How do you check this availability before making a Barclays Cycle Hire journey? Check availability: Cycles 70% Spaces 65% Bicycles Spaces Base: All members: W5: 2,686; all who check availability of bicycles: 1,877, all who check availability of spaces: 1,756
Older members are less likely to check for availability prior to making a cycle hire journey Q Do you check the availability of bicycles and/or spaces at docking stations before making a BCH journey? Bicycles Spaces Base: aged 16-34: 966, aged 35-54: 1438, aged 55+: 278
Satisfaction with availability of cycles and spaces are the lowest performing measures Q How satisfied are you with the availability of bicycles at docking stations? Q How satisfied are you with the availability of free docking points to return bicycles at docking stations? * Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 5 Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 4 Mean scores Mean scores 54 53 52 56 55 50 50 52 49 49 Significantly higher satisfaction with number of bicycles available rather than number of spaces Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2526, W5: 2686 *Asked as “Availability of empty docking points to return bicycles” in wave 1
The proportion who say that availability of spaces and docking points has stayed the same has increased Q Thinking specifically about the following areas, generally would you say things have improved, stayed the same or got worse The availability of bicycles at docking stations The availability of free docking points Improved Improved Got worse Got worse (20%) (27%) (22%) (24%) (52%) (49%) Stayed the same Stayed the same Base: All members: W4: 2,526 (in brackets), W5: 2,686
Three in five have failed to find a bicycle at their first choice of docking station in the last month... Q In the last month have you tried to hire a bicycle but failed to find an available bicycle at your first choice of docking station? No Q The last time you failed to find an available bicycle at your first choice of docking station, what did you do next? Yes Base: All members: W5: 2,686; all who failed to find a bicycle at first choice of DS: 1,557
...and a similar proportion failed to find a space to return the bicycle Q In the last month have you failed to find an available space to return a bicycle to at your first choice of docking station? No Q The last time you failed to find an available bicycle at your first choice of docking station, what did you do next? Yes Base: All members: W5: 2,686; all who failed to find an available space at first choice of DS: 1,629
Satisfaction with docking stations has declined but remains higher than wave 3 results Q How satisfied are you with the working condition and general maintenance of the docking stations overall? (Asked of 695 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the working conditions and general maintenance of the docking stations? (Mentions above 1%) Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 3 Wave 2 Mean scores 67 70 74 72 Base: All members: W2: 2,652 W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686 all who are not satisfied with the working condition and general maintenance: 695
The ease of using the membership key has significantly increased for three consecutive waves Q And how satisfied are you with the ease of using the membership key to access a bicycle? (Asked of 437 rating 0-6) Q Why do you say you are not satisfied with the ease of using the membership key to access a bicycle? (Mentions above 1%) Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Mean scores 64 79 73 78 81 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652 W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686 :all who are not satisfied with the ease of using the membership key: W5: 437
Satisfaction with bicycles has decreased Q In general how satisfied are you with the bicycles you have hired through Barclays Cycle Hire? Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Mean scores 75 72 72 72 71 Base: All members: W1: 3,754, W2: 2,652, W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686
Dissatisfaction with the functionality of cycles centres around gears, dissatisfaction with maintenance relates to faults, gears and brakes Q Why do you say you not satisfied with the bicycles? (mentions above 2%) Base: All who are not satisfied with the bicycles: W5: 786
Satisfaction with the contact centre is increasing, though over half of those not satisfied cite lack of resolution of issue Q And still thinking about the last time you contacted the centre how satisfied were you with the service that you received? Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 2 Wave 3 (Asked of 191 rating 0-6) Q And why do you say you are not satisfied with the contact centre? (Mentions above 4%) Mean scores 66 74 76 55 Base: All members who have contacted the contact centre: W2: 1,314, W3: 525; W4: 932, W5: 916, all who are not satisfied with the service received: 191
Availability of cycles and spaces would encourage increased use of BCH. Price increase is also mentioned Q What would encourage you to use Barclays Cycle Hire more? (Mentions above 5%) Safer roads - designated cycle lanes in the areas I am not familiar with - currently I mainly use them for one route which I know is relatively safe Knowing that there would be a space to park at my destination. I know that I can get a 15 minute extension, but I might as well have walked (i.e. journey time not guaranteed) Keeping the cost down to less than a bus journey. It's ridiculous to charge more. Base: All members: W5: 2,686
Satisfaction with the last trip has decreased. Availability of cycles and docking points cited as particularly good Q How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using Barclays Cycle Hire for this particular trip? Q Thinking about this last time using Barclays Cycle Hire what was particularly good about your experience? (Mentions above 5%) Wave 4 Wave 5 Mean scores 76 73 Base: All members: W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686
However, availability is also mentioned by those dissatisfied with their last trip Q How satisfied are you with the overall experience of using Barclays Cycle Hire for this particular trip? Wave 4 Wave 5 Q And what was particularly bad about your experience? (Mentions above 2%) Mean scores 76 73 Base: All members: W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686
Members’ comments: good experiences “Nice early morning ride. Easy to take bike out, put bike back in the 2nd space I pushed it in to (1st showed red light)” “Everything worked, and at the end point I snagged the very last available free docking point.” “Ease of use, having a key fob as opposed to paying using a credit/debit card (which is very temperamental/ difficult!)” “Convenience - both docking stations were within 50m of where I was and wanted to go.” “Bike was available at docking station, and use of bike meant that journey was significantly reduced in midday traffic of central London” “It means I don't have to spend time changing tube lines to make a relatively simple journey. I can see London life passing by as I go. I feel more connected to the city.” “There was a bike to use at a very busy time of the day. The bike worked (the bell worked too - very important for the journey I made!) and there was a space at my destination docking station.” “Cycle superhighway made for a pleasant journey which seemed safer than cycling on roads.” “It was a relaxing way to get around sightseeing on a day off work”
Members’ comments: poor experiences “No availability of spaces for docking and lack of accurate information on the Mobile APP about availability of spaces for docking.” “On that occasion I had to wait a few minutes for a space to become available at my destination docking station.” “Bike wouldn't come out of dock. Key then disabled. £150 fine. Now resolved and refunded but took 10 days.” “No proper lanes to cycle. Other cyclists were in a hurry and you could feel the pressure to speed up even though there was no place and far too many buses.” “The bell didn't work on the bike - this is very important when you ride a bike I find, prevents pedestrians walking out in front of you” “The first 3 docking stations at my destination were all full.” “2 docking stations I first went to were inside a park and therefore not accessible at night, the third docking station was empty, only found a bike on the 4th docking station.” “The cost and having to rush to a docking stock without incurring extra costs.” “Bikes were not available. Several stations in the area were not working. I went to another docking station, where the bikes tyres were punctured.”
Satisfaction with availability of bicycles and spaces on last trip is relatively stable Q Still thinking specifically about this most recent trip using Barclays Cycle Hire, how satisfied are you with the following on a scale of 0 to 10 where 10 is extremely satisfied and 0 is extremely dissatisfied? The number of bicycles available to hire at docking stations The number of available spaces to return bicycles at docking stations Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 3 Wave 4 Wave 5 Wave 3 Mean score Mean score 63 65 63 66 68 68 Significantly higher satisfaction with number of bicycles available rather than number of spaces Base: All members: W3: 947, W4: 2,526, W5: 2,686
Mean satisfaction with availability of bicycles on last trip is higher in the Eastern Extension than the Central Zone... Q Thinking specifically about this most recent trip using Barclays Cycle Hire, how satisfied are you with the number of bicycles available to hire at docking stations Eastern: 73 Central Zone: 68 Mean score Base: All whose start station was in zone: Central: 2,020, Eastern: 371
... And is highest in East London and lowest in North West London Q Thinking specifically about this most recent trip using Barclays Cycle Hire, how satisfied are you with the number of bicycles available to hire at docking stations N: 65 NW: 61 E: 74 EC: 73 W: 63 WC: 71 SE: 68 S: 72 Postcode area Mean score Base: All whose start station was in postcode: E: 352, EC: 375, N: 161, NW: 200, SE: 355, S: 335, W: 394, WC: 219
Mean satisfaction with availability of spaces to return cycles is slightly higher in the EEZ than in the Central zone... Q Thinking specifically about this most recent trip using Barclays Cycle Hire, how satisfied are you with the number of available spaces to return bicycles at docking stations Central Zone: 64 Eastern: 67 Mean score Base: All whose end station was in zone: Central: 2,179, Eastern: 187