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A melting pot of cultures. corinthians. Paul’s letters to the. Corinth- unique in Greek history.
A melting pot of cultures corinthians Paul’s letters to the www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Corinth- unique in Greek history • The Greek mainland is divided in to two parts by a very narrow strip of land (1 km)and flanked by Adriatic sea in the west and the sea on the west. A narrow canal dug in the modern times allows ships to go from east to west saving a shipping distance of hundreds of miles. In the Bible times Corinth was a port and on the east was the other port Chencrea. The cities were full of seamen and sailors and labourers who carried and transported the wares. Naturally as in any port city were wine women and gambling and all kinds of vices. www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Map of Greece- Macedonia in the North and Acaia in the South Corinth www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
A man made canal linked two distinct parts. There are train and road tracks • In the days of St Paul the ships had to go round hundreds of miles. So the unladed the goods and rolled the ship on rollers and brought it to the other port where it was again loaded to continue sailing. • So the majority of the population was work force and traders and not scholars. While Athens a corresponding port city on the northern part was renowned for sculpture and scholars. See Map www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Agora and the Acropolis- • The Greek cities were built more or less on a same pattern close to the sea and the mountains. City built on the mountain for the rich is called the Acropolis. Down town was called the Agora and the business center was called Forum. Ancient road connecting the baths and shops. On top of the mountain was the temple of Aphrodite goddess of fertility and lust. www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ruins of shops which flourished with trade. A high platform called the Bema or judgment seat which Paul used for preaching is seen even today www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Crystal from the coal mines • What could a scholar like Paul do with an audience of this sort given tio fun and sin of all kinds. Hardly a hundred miles up north there was Athens the most cultured city known for its scholars and sculptures. How did Paul change his teaching techniques and topics? www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
WORKING BETWEEN EXTREMES • People could drag the ships on rollers from the west Lechaion port to Chencrea in the east. • And recently people dug a canal to link the two seas. • But it was much harder for Paul to drag the people from old cultures and traditions and social practices www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Two years of hard work in Corinth showed • The people were • Loving • Generous • Easy going • Confused between teachings • Over ruled by culture • But church with lot of Spiritual Gifts • And a church with lot of social problems www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
The problems • Divisions about leadership • Adultery and loose morals • Court cases-divorce and mixed marriages • Easy going in worship • Following the traditional rituals which are nothing but devil worship • Participating in pagan festivals www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Social issues • Roman authority • Greek philosophy • Jewish self pride • Pagan ignorance • Christian discipline www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
How did Paul handle the situation? • Paul had gone away for a period of two years to stabilize the Church in Ephesus ( Turkey) By this time two friends of Paul recommended Apollo another scholar in Jewish scriptures to come to Corinth. Hs was good at arguing and discussing with the Jews but could not handle cultural issues which bogged the church. The Jews praised Apollo but others exalted Paul. But Paul was more concerned about backsliding church; even some of the leaders were involved in adultery and court cases. Paul was a scholar in Greek Hebrew and Latin and could understand cultural issues. So he begins graciously addressing them as • Ch 1 Vs 2 Saints • Called to be saints • Fervent and faithful • Vs 5 rich in knowledge • But lost in vain glory and issues which are not important www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 3. Paul’s Two illustrations- church growth is not easy and a day’s job. It is like A gardener Builder who work hard and wait for results. It involves more than one person www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Problems faced by Paul- culture influenced by religion and -mystery • The Greek religion had three phases Before 500B.C. During 500 B.C After 500 B.C. Belief of the Poor people Rich people lower middle class Subterranean celestial dead gods No priest people mystery of the dead god Demeter www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Law suits Ch 6 • Having disputes with one another before ungodly not knowing saints will judge even the angels • What were the disputes about? • The law courts are full of people having disputes relating to • Dud cheques • Cheating and fraud, unPaid loans • Adultery and sex issues • Divorce cases • Drunkenness theft. Traffic offences, swindling swearing and fights and assaults • Things remain the same for ages. • Finally every wicked act is conducted only to serve the stomach • And when the food is thrown out as refuse again the person has to find ways for another meal and the process goes on • The stomach does not enjoy it but destroys it by digesting it • So also any wicked act is not resulting in enjoyment but totally destroys the person • The nobody including the stomach goes to the worms at the end.God shall condemn such person at the day of judgment www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 6. law Suits • What do people do thse days when they have something against the brother? • In Corinth they went to law suit • What was it about? • May be cheating and fraud • May be sex matters • May be stealing. How did Paul handle it? www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch. 7. Love and marriage • Paul continues on immorality for three chapters consecutively because that was plaguing the church • Among Greeks it was not a matter of issue. • But among the Jewish community that was looked upon with fear and caution • Why does adultery take place? because the wife and husband do not understand each others needs and emotions. • Paul says even under the context of prayer and worship partners should not starve each other lest the other person falls into snares of the devil due to lack of self control • Widows are recommended to marry if they cannot continue alone • Divorce was not allowed even if one partner is a non Christian and continues in fornication. The unbeliever is sanctified or separated unto God • ( Paul uses this word sanctified in Ch 1; 6:11 and 7 :13) • Even if one partner is circumcised and the other not it should not be reason for separation • We should continue in what situation God called us • Virgins can marry even if they be unbelievers though at a later situation Paul recommends not to do so. Then why does he talk about virgins in Vs 25 • It is about those who are engaged to marriage 36 • Paul dictates rules for the married also how they should strive to serve the Lord more than each other as the time is short www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 7.LOVE and MARRIAGE • This is an extension of the previous two chapters. • There seemed to be more problem among the believer families • Husband wife of different faith and culture • Divorces • Of marriage of young girls • Of widows www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 9. Leaders’ rights • Even apostles are to be restrained in their eating and drinking • Paul and Barnabas were working for their own living and not having more liberty as Peter Why? • Like the farmer and his assistants enjoy the benefits the Apostle Paul or any minister has rights to enjoy like the priest of the olden days. • But Paul refused to take advantage of all these in his ministries • He considers that preaching the gospel is his duty and not a benefit or way of living • Woe unto me if I don’t preach the gospel he says. • He adjusted his life pattern to accommodate both the Jews and the gentiles. • Just like one who trains himself for the Olympic races Paul decided to hold himself in restrain www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 10. Things offered to idol • Things offered to idols • Participating in festivals of the pagan • Buying things in the market knowing it is Kosar or hallal • Should a Christian and a believer do all these or not? • What does :Paul say about it? • Yes and No www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 11.Love feast and Lord’s supper • Love feast and the Lord’ supper • This is also a topic that continues thru the next chapter • The Greeks had national festivals and the social get to gather and therefore they had to participate in all that even if they had become Christians, • But most of the food has been dedicated to the idols and gods which the scripture calls idolatry or even demonic. • Participating in such dinner could mean one has participated in such worship also • However Paul gives divided opinion on this issue • If people should shun such things then they have live like Nazarenes far way from the community and that would create many social problems • But if a new believer has a pricking conscience that he is going back to such worship by joining hand with yester friend, then it is dangerous for his faith • And if he should seed any senior believer participating in such festivals he may get offended Therefore for so conscience sake Paul says that it should be avoided • Paul says that for the sake of another person we should be able to give up many things which may good for us we may feel entitle door • Besides this would cause a confusion between the Lord’s supper and the misery worship suppers • Whether acting and drinking it should be it should be for the glory of God • Note gain Paul talks of belly and foods www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Love feast and Lord’s supper • Love feast and the Lord’ supper • This is also a topic that continues thru the next chapter • The Greeks had national festivals and the social get to gather and therefore they had to participate in all that even if they had become Christians, • But most of the food has been dedicated to the idols and gods which the scripture calls idolatry or even demonic. • Participating bin such dinner could neab one has participated in such worship also • However Paul gives divided opinion on this issuer • If people should shun such things then the y have live like Nazarenes far way from the community and that would create many social problems • But if a new believer hands a pricking conscience that he is going back to such worship by joining hands with yester friend then it is dangerous for his faith • And if he should seed any senior believer participating in such festivals he may get offended Therefore for so conscience sake Paul says that it should be avoided • Paul says that for the sake of another person we should be able to give up many things which may good for us or we may feel entitled to do • Besides this would cause a confusion between the Lord’s supper and the mixed group suppers • Whether eating or drinking it should be for the glory of God • Note again Paul talks of belly and foods www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Lord’s supper • It appeas that at the end of such love feast they closed it up with participating in the Lord’s supper perhaps not willing to go home with hurtful feelings but of solemnity and thankfulness • But again the people divided themselves according to their social order or according to their Jewish or Greek traditions and as friend s and individual groups instead of mixing as church and one new body. • That is what we see even these days • Singles stand alone not invited or mixing with families and families mingling only with their friend s or associates • Some one ate before every one came and was drunk before any one even started to eat. • Some go starving and some wasted their food. • Why was then it called a love feast • Perhaps they wanted make a levy instead of the Greek festivals a Christian equivalent for rejoicing • But that caused more problems and divisions that mingling and unmerging www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 11. Significance of Lord’s supper • Lord’s supper was instituted for two purposes • To commemorate the freedom from Egypt and bondage of old life • To commemorate that they were all one body serving the Lord under his leadership without any difference and simulate the days of wilderness and the tabernacle • In the same way Jesus paid the price to make us free and united • In heaven there would be no classification and head or tail • All would be equal • The church had to rehearse that here on earth • It also would give opportunity for every one to use the God given gifts for the benefit of the church • But even in the matter of participating in the first Lord’s supper there was contention and confusion among the disciples • What do the Jews do today • How they faithfully believe that Messiah would restore things even if 2000 years have passed by in patient waiting www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
THE PASSOVER- LORD’S SUPPER • Why did Jesus institute this new ordnance on the Passover night? • Was it a replacement to the Jewish festival of liberation? • Or was it to make them think of Jesus every Passover? • Why should they think of his death until His coming again? • Do the churches place importance on the rituals or the purpose of it?. www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 11.LORD’S SUPPER • The Greeks had a similar ritual connected with their mystery festivals. The Holy meal was eaten in memory of the Goddess who suffered to bring forth a son who represented prosperity and fertility to the worshippers. • In addition to that they had the social dinners also in which they were drunken and callous and perhaps had all vices • Was Lord’s supper something equivalent to it or a replacement in Christian doctrine? • Do people mistake part of our worship and doctrine? www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch.12 Lord’s supper • It appears that at the end of fellowship dinners they closed it up with participating in the Lord’s supper perhaps not willing to go home with hurtful feelings but of solemnity and thankfulness • But the people did not mix up but were divided according to their social order or according to their Jewish or Greek traditions . The cultural gaps did not allow them to come together as a homogenous body as church. • It is the same problem as whites and blacks in US or as caste system in India. • I have seen singles standing alone not invited or mixing with families and families mingling only with their friend s or associates. • Also some people would not wait for others but ate before every one came, and was drunk before any one even started to eat. • Some went starving and some wasted their food. • Why was then it called a love feast/ • Perhaps they wanted to make a levy in the church so that people don’t go to the Greek festivals. It was a Christian parallel for Greek celebration and rejoicing • But that caused more problems and divisions rather than help mingling and merging www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch. 11 Gifts and giving • Gifts are given to some one loved • Gifts are given without anything in return • Gifts are given in Faith • Giving is a divine nature • Giver is always above the receiver • There will be no giving and taking in Eternity • There is blessing in giving www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Passover nowadays www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 12.Gifts of the Spirit • Why were they made to church? • Why are not all able to get any gifts? • Why gifts cannot be operated for self benefit? • What should I do to receive gifts? • The basic of gifts is love • se • See ppt on holy spirit www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
THE GIFTS • The purpose of the gifts- for the common good • But does it lead to pride and puff up? • What about people who don’t have any gifts? • What is the meaning of Gift? • Are miracles and healing more important than teaching and prophecy www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
TONGUES • Why was there so much of advice on tongues and prophecy? • There were people who could talk in Hebrew, Greek and perhaps Italian • Such people were considered learned • Did people hypocritically talk in tongues or they really had such gifts? • What are the merits of tongues and prophecy? www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 14.DICIPLINE IN WORSHIP • There is a decorum in everything – worship or dress or doing ministry • The dress code and the hair style. That shows reverence to God and the angels are on lookers • To shave the head or cut the hair would imply that the woman is a prostitute • Can men pierce ears or have long hairs and the women in revealing clothes? www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 13. THE CHAPTER ON LOVE • One of the seven golden chapters in the bible • Disputes in the church stem from lack of love and concern for the other. • One who in operating the gifts and one who is sitting idle or listening are the same • The Jew and the gentile Slave or free are the same. • That was the cause of all the problems mentioned in the earlier chapters • Paul’s example of the members of the body that all are important and the body cannot exist if one is ailing www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
CHRISTIAN CHARITY • The churches normally sponsor the missionary. • But Paul is supporting the parent church at Jerusalem- strange! • Paul himself worked with his own hand s and supported himself- a lesson for modern ministers • Just keep a portion every week and not in a rush when called for. • Look at Paul’s accountability in funds received • Believers and ministers are still to learn it www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com
Ch 15.LOSS OF A DEAR ONE • People judge us how we react to life situations. • At weddings, at festivals, in worship, when someone dear has died. • The Greeks and the Hebrews had their mourners and lamenting customs. • But Paul urged that Christians must exhibit their faith at such times • When we cry we deny our faith or we question God’s decision to take away our dear ones. • How did great men of God depart- Moses. Elijah, John the baptist www.drnjpaul.com drnjpaul@gmail.com