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More about Shipping Containers and Ways to Select a Right One for Ocean Freight

Whether you want to export something to another country or want to import something to your country, you will always have to work with a shipping...<br>

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More about Shipping Containers and Ways to Select a Right One for Ocean Freight

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  1. MoreaboutShippingContainersandWays toSelectaRightOneforOceanFreight Whetheryou want toexport somethingtoanother countryorwanttoimport somethingto your country, you willalwayshave toworkwitha shippingcompany.Thequalityof serviceofferedbythese companies willhaveahugeimpactonthe successof yourbusiness.This is the reasonwhyit isimportant toensure thatyouhave selectedareputablecompany,especiallyif you needhelp withoceanfreight. If you havejust started outand goingtosend your firstshipment,itisa goodidea toeducateyourself more aboutthe whole shippingprocess. Youwillhave tolearnaboutdifferent so manythings,including shippinglines,freight forwarders,bookingagents,andevencustomhousebrokers. Whileyoucertainlyneedto payattentiontoso manythings,it is alwaysquiteimportantto determine what typeof shippingcontaineryou need. Alsocalledfreight container, ISOcontainer,intermodal container, hi- cubecontainer, orsea can,a shippingcontainer isusuallya steelboxusedto movegoods fromoneplace toanotherinasafe andsecureway.Shippingcontainershavebeenaroundformore than 50 years andare nowanimportantpartof moderncontainershippingbusiness. Inabout fiveshortdecades,theyhave becomesopopular thatmost container shipsnowcarrymorethan50%offthe cargoshippedbyocean freight.There wereboxesused before the introductionofcontainers, butthenKeithTantlingerandP. McLeandevelopedthese modernintermodal containers,thinkingthatit would bemuch easiertoliftonly container fromthevehicle and placeontoaship.Today,thepictureof shippingindustryis incomplete without containers. Container shipping has manybenefits actually.Increasedefficiencyis thebiggestadvantagebecause itis possible fora largecontainer tocarrywellover200,000sea containers ina single year–a single voyage couldtake around 8000containers.To movethe same amountof freight,itwouldtakehundredsof aircraft andtrucks.Moreover,manypeopleopt foroceancontainer shippingbecauseit isconsideredthe most environmentallyfriendlymodeof transportation becauseit isnot associated with highexhaustgas emission,whichisusuallytrueincaseof roadfreight,rail freight,andevenair freight.Since many companiesnowtake advantageofhighrate ships,theycanfurther reduce the riskofCO2emissions. However,whenitcomes tosending yourfirst shipment, you haveto decide which oneofthosewill work finefor you.Toanswer thisquestion, youwillhave toconsider your shippingneedfirst. Incaseyou usually needtoshipcargothat can gointoa standardshippingcontainer, youdo notneed tothinkmuch aboutwhichwayto go.But, you maywant tooptfora‘less thanacontainer’ loads solutionincase your cargofailstofill the container.Thissolution usuallyworksfine ifyourcargoisnotthaturgent. So, know yourneedsfirstandthencompareyouroptions to makearightchoice. Source:http://www.abseconbusiness.com/more-about-shipping-containers-and-ways-to-select-a-right-one-for-ocean-freight.html

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