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Enforcement: User Account Management for Administrative Enforcement Users

FMCSA Portal. Enforcement: User Account Management for Administrative Enforcement Users. Prioritization Phase I Release, December 2010 v1.5. Training Objectives. Overview of Portal Roles and Available FMCSA System Roles Accessing and Reviewing Account Requests

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Enforcement: User Account Management for Administrative Enforcement Users

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  1. FMCSA Portal Enforcement: User Account Management for Administrative Enforcement Users Prioritization Phase I Release, December 2010 v1.5

  2. Training Objectives • Overview of Portal Roles and Available FMCSA System Roles • Accessing and Reviewing Account Requests • Approving/Denying Account Requests • Accessing and Reviewing Existing Enforcement User Account Details • Updating Existing Enforcement User Profiles

  3. Introduction to Account Administration • The Administrative Enforcement users (Chief Accounts Officer, Organization Coordinators and Points of Contact) manage account requests for their own organization • Organization Coordinators in Division organizations manage the Assign Review and Assign Safety Audit role requests for their own division • Account requests and all role requests other than Assign Review and Assign Safety Audit for a specific organization will be managed by the Organization Coordinator in the requestor’s organization

  4. Viewing Pending Account Requests • The Pending Account Requests portlet on the home page displays all Enforcement users who are awaiting approval for account requests • Only Administrative Enforcement users (Chief Account Officer, Organization Coordinators, Points of Contact and their Alternate, including Technical Support) have the Pending Account Requests portlet on their home page • Enforcement Technical Support users manage access to L&I

  5. Viewing Pending Account Requests (cont’d) • The Pending Account Requests portlet also displays the Company USDOT# Challenge account request • Only the Chief Accounts Officer and their Alternate may view this type of account request • The Company Official USDOT# Challenge account request is indicated with a red flag and red bolded text

  6. Viewing Pending Account Requests (cont’d) • To view the details of a single Enforcement user’s account request from the Pending Account Requests portlet • Click the magnifying glass next the Enforcement user’s name

  7. Viewing Pending Account Requests (cont’d) • Use the Account Management / Pending Account Requests menu item to review and process the pending requests • The Pending Account Requests screen displays Enforcement users with pending account requests • The Request Type may be New first time Enforcement users requesting access to the FMCSA Portal or Update in which the Enforcement user has an existing FMCSA Portal account and is requesting additional access which requires approval

  8. Viewing Pending Account Request Details • To review the details of a single Enforcement user account request • Select an Enforcement user in the Pending Account Requests list • Enforcement user account request details include the User Details and System Role/ Assignment details

  9. Viewing Account Request Details –Portal Roles • The System Role/Assignment table allows Administrative Enforcement users to review the roles requested by Enforcement users within their Organization

  10. Viewing Account Request Details – FMCSA System Roles • The Available Systems tab allows Administrative Enforcement users to review the role requests for access to other FMCSA systems

  11. Updating Pending Account Requests • Administrative Enforcement users have the capability of updating an Enforcement user’s account request by adding roles to the request or removing roles from the request • Administrative Enforcement users can update the roles requested for both the Portal and Available FMCSA Systems

  12. Updating Pending Account Requests (cont’d) • To add Portal or other FMCSA system roles to an Enforcement user’s account request • Select a role from the Available Roles list and its affiliated Organization or State (if applicable) • Click the Add Role button to move the selected role to the Requested Role list

  13. Updating Pending Account Requests (cont’d) • To remove Portal or other FMCSA system roles to an Enforcement user’s account request • Select a role from the Requested Roles list • Click the Remove Role button to move the selected role to the Available Role list

  14. Approving / Denying Pending Account Requests • Use the Comment field prior to approving or denying an account request to convey additional information to the Enforcement user • Click the Approve Request or Deny Request button to finalize the account request process • Enforcement users with the role of Point of Contact will have a Recommend Request button

  15. Managing User Access • The Chief Accounts Officer, Organization Coordinators, Points of Contact and their Alternates have access to manage existing Enforcement user accounts within the FMCSA Portal • Select Manage User Access under the Account Management menu on the home page to access the user management functions

  16. Managing User Access (cont’d) • Administrative Enforcement users may manage an Enforcement user’s access within their Organization: • Assigning new or removing existing roles • Administrative Enforcement users can add or remove roles for Enforcements users with access to their Organization • Assigning the Alternate role to one Enforcement user • An Alternate has the same rights as the Administrative Enforcement user and serves as support administrator • Disable Account to the FMCSA Portal • Disable Account will prohibit the Enforcement user from accessing the FMCSA Portal • Enable Account to the FMCSA Portal • Enable Account will reinstate the Enforcement user’s access to the FMCSA Portal, including all roles previously assigned • Transferring the Administrative Enforcement role currently assigned to yourself to another Enforcement user • Enforcement users with an Administrative Enforcement role can transfer the Administrative Enforcement role assigned to themselves to another Enforcement user within their Organization • Downloading and Printing the Enforcement user, User List • Provides Administrative Enforcement users with the capability of either printing or downloading a list of Enforcement users who currently have roles assigned within your Organization

  17. Search for Enforcement Users • To search for an individual Enforcement user or a list of Enforcement users, by utilizing the Search for Users functionality • Administrative Enforcement users can search for Enforcements users by entering a First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, User ID, Organization Status and/or Role

  18. Managing User Access (cont’d) • Select an Enforcement user from the Results List to display his/her account information for viewing and updating • Enforcement users access rights can be updated, data in the User Search Results fields cannot be modified by an Administrative Enforcement user

  19. Viewing User Profile (cont’d) • The User Profile view displays general Enforcement user information in a read-only format • To view the Enforcement user’s User Profile • Click the magnifying glass located next to the Enforcement user’s name

  20. Viewing/Modifying (cont’d) • To Disable an Enforcement user’s account to the FMCSA Portal • Select an Enforcement user from the User List • Click the Disable Account button • To Enable an Enforcement user’s account to the FMCSA Portal • Select an Enforcement user from the User List whose account is disabled • Click the Enable Account button

  21. Viewing/Modifying User Profile • To add Portal roles or other FMCSA system roles to an Enforcement user’s profile • Select a role to add from the Available Roles list and its affiliated Organization or State • Click the Add Role button to move the selected to the Requested Roles list

  22. Viewing/Modifying User Profile • To remove Portal roles or other FMCSA system roles to an Enforcement user’s profile • Select a role to add from the Request Roles list • Click the Remove Role button to move the selected to the Available Roles list

  23. Viewing/Modifying User Profile (cont’d) • To transfer the Administrative Enforcement role to an Enforcement user within the same Organization • Select an Enforcement user from the User List • Click the Transfer Role button • On the Transfer User Confirmation screen, click the Transfer Role button

  24. Viewing/Modifying User Profile (cont’d) • To Download the Enforcement user, User List into an Excel spreadsheet • Click the Download List button • To Print the Enforcement user, User List • Click the Print List button

  25. Update Modified User Profiles • Use the Comment field to enter any pertinent comments regarding actions taken in modifying a profile • The Comment History field displays all comments previously sent to the Enforcement user • To save the modifications made to an Enforcement user’s User Profile • Click the Update Profile button

  26. Review • Administrative Enforcement users receive email alerts and have their Pending Accounts Request portlet populated when Enforcement users are awaiting approval for an update request or a new account request • Administrative Enforcement users can review and modify an Enforcement user’s requested Portal Roles and the Existing Systems Roles prior to approving or denying an account request • Administrative Enforcement users have access to view the profiles of all Enforcement users within their Organization • The Chief Accounts Officer, Organization Coordinators and Points of Contact have the option of assigning the Alternate role to one user who serves as their alternate administrative user • Administrative Enforcement users can modify an existing Enforcement user’s profile by assigning or removing Portal Roles and Existing System Roles

  27. END End of Training Module Please Close the Browser Window

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