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Nissan Oman Case Study

Explore how Marmalade Digital executed a successful campaign to target potential car buyers in Oman, leveraging Google Search, Display, Facebook, and retargeting to drive intentional traffic and generate quality leads for all Nissan brands.

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Nissan Oman Case Study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Nissan Oman Case Study www.marmaladedigital.in

  2. Objective • Branding • Target Potential Car Buyers • Generate Quality Leads for all Nissan Brands

  3. Proposed Plan Channel To Drive Intentional Traffic Reach and Branding Branding and Lead Generation Top Of Mind Recall Objective • Google Search • Display • Facebook • Retargeting

  4. Execution • Started with general automobile Keywords . Buy Cars , Sedan Cars, Offers on sedan Cars, Car quotations to analyze the search trend in Oman • Optimized the campaign for top performing keywords , added relative keywords with phrase , exact and broad combinations which helped in improving quality score and ranking of search ad. • Worked on relative competitor keyword list to target potential car buyers Search

  5. Execution • Targeted Automobile, Business, Sports , News ,Real Estate , Luxury Product category to reach potential audience • Filtered the categories and budget as per performance of the category • Started contextual targeting with relative keywords • Replaced static creatives with flash creatives in wherever required Display

  6. Execution • Targeted all major Automobile , Real estate , Luxury brands • Targeted audience according to Job designation , Hobbies and activities • Targeted parental status for family oriented cars Facebook

  7. Execution • Created Separate Retargeting list for each brand who have visited the landing page but not filled the lead form • Targeted similar audience in Display • Targeted Look alike audience in Facebook Retargeting

  8. Results

  9. Results Leads

  10. Results

  11. Thank You ! www.marmaladedigital.in

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