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A Model for Research by Community College Students

A Model for Research by Community College Students. Christine Case, Ed.D. SACNAS Skyline College October 29, 2011. Skyline College. Skyline College. Skyline College. 1969 10,408 students California community college Two-year liberal arts. Skyline College. 52% Female 53% 18-22 years

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A Model for Research by Community College Students

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  1. A Model for Research by Community College Students Christine Case, Ed.D. SACNAS Skyline College October 29, 2011

  2. Skyline College

  3. Skyline College

  4. Skyline College • 1969 • 10,408 students • California community college • Two-year liberal arts

  5. Skyline College • 52% Female • 53% 18-22 years • 45% plan to transfer

  6. Skyline College • Asian 26% • Filipino 18% • Hispanic 18% • White 20% • African American 4%

  7. Mission Skyline College is a comprehensive, open access community college that provides student-centered education leading to transfer, career advancement, basic skills development, and personal enrichment.

  8. Mission Skyline College is a comprehensive, open access community college that provides student-centered education leading to transfer, career advancement, basic skills development, and personal enrichment.

  9. Skyline College Biology • General, nonmajors • Allied health • Biotechnology • Majors

  10. Biology Majors

  11. Biology Majors Organismal Biology Cell Biology

  12. Biology Majors • Organismal Biology • Cell Biology • 3 lecture hr/wk • 6 lab hr/wk

  13. Capstone • Cell Biology term project • Literature search • Do original research

  14. Skyline Students' Say “ I will admit, in the beginning of BIO 230 when you told us we had to do our own research/project, I was BUMMED! I didn't want to do it and I didn’t plan on actually trying to do a good job.… ”

  15. …However, as the semester went on, I got more and more into the research and I even became excited when we got results! UCD ”

  16. Capstone • Cell Biology term project • Literature search • Do original research • One topic/semester • Applied research • Students design and do their project

  17. Skyline Students' Say “ I was very impressed to have full creative direction in my project. Students at UCs help run experiments that are in the interest of another individual. This was a rare opportunity. UCSD ”

  18. BIOL 690 Individual Study in Biology (1-3) Individual study of a particular area or problem beyond the scope of regularly offered courses. Courses numbered 680 or 690 are generally transferable. Courses numbered 880 are not transferable. See a counselor for specifics.

  19. Goals • To create an opportunity to experience how science is conducted and communicated.

  20. Skyline Students' Say “ Doing research was a lot different from just sitting in a classroom and being fed information. UCD ”

  21. Goals • To create an opportunity to experience how science is conducted and communicated. • To foster meeting and forming a personal relationship with a mentor.

  22. Skyline Students' Say “ The experience was helpful when getting a lab position and even in getting a research mentor. UCLA ”

  23. On what? • Your grad school research • Your interests • Local environmental problem • Local environmental baseline data

  24. Microbiology • Disseration research • Favorite projects in classes • ARS/USDA research • Environmental problems

  25. Water quality

  26. Antibiotic Resistance

  27. Indoor air quality

  28. Antimicrobics

  29. Algae & biofuels

  30. Presentations • Bay Area Research Symposium

  31. Presentations • Bay Area Research Symposium • S. California Community College Research Symposium • N. California • Honors

  32. Presentations • Bay Area Research Symposium • Community College Research Symposium • NCASM • NCSIM

  33. Presentations • Bay Area Research Symposium • Community College Research Symposium • NCASM • NCSIM • ABRCMS • SACNAS

  34. Win… •  Freeman Science • NCASM • ABRCMS

  35. Win… •  Freeman Science • NCASM • ABRCMS • SACNAS

  36. Publications

  37. Publications

  38. Find the sweet spot

  39. Skyline Students Say “ The ability to tell other students that you did research at a community college is a huge confidence builder. Transferring to a University can be a scary experience, but knowing that you were able to accomplish something is great. UCLA ”

  40. Skyline Students Say “ …well needed heaping spoonful of confidence and I found a love for doing work that I enjoy–science. UCSC ”

  41. Outcomes • Increased self-confidence

  42. Skyline Students Say “ …opened my eyes to becoming a scientist. UCB ”

  43. Outcomes • Increased self-confidence • Becoming a scientist

  44. Skyline Students Say “ Meeting other people in my field opened my eyes to a variety of careers and schools. SFSU ”

  45. Skyline Students Say “ I was on the fence about pursuing science because I thought I wasn't smart enough to apply the concepts. Community College research gave me a foundation that increased my confidence as anaspiring scientist. … you realize, "wow, I'm actually doing this, ME! Stanford ”

  46. Outcomes • Increased self-confidence • Becoming a scientist • Confirmation of career plans

  47. Skyline Students Say “ I was offered a few PAID summer research positions here at Stanford mostly as a result of having a good resume. Being able to come into a competitive academic setting with some prior experience under my belt has served me well. Stanford ”

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